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Catalyst::Plugin::Assets - Manage and minify .css and .js assets in a Catalyst application


Version 0.036


# In your Catalyst application... 

use Catalyst qw/-Debug Assets Static::Simple/;
# Static::Simple is not *required*, but C::P::Assets does not serve files by itself!

# This is all you need. Now your $catalyst object will now have an ->assets method.

# Sometime during the request ...

sub some_action : Local {
    my ($self, $catalyst) = @_;



# Then, in your .tt (or whatever you're using for view processing):

<head><title>[% title %]</title>

[% catalyst.assets.export %]




Catalyst::Plugin::Assets integrates File::Assets into your Catalyst application. Essentially, it provides a unified way to include .css and .js assets from different parts of your program. When you're done processing a request, you can use $catalyst->assets->export() to generate HTML or $catalyst->assets->exports() to get a list of assets.

C::P::Assets will also handle .css files of different media types properly.

In addition, C::P::Assets includes support for minification via YUI compressor, JavaScript::Minifier, CSS::Minifier, JavaScript::Minifier::XS, and CSS::Minifier::XS

Note that Catalyst::Plugin::Assets does not serve files directly, it will work with Static::Simple or whatever static-file-serving mechanism you're using.

A brief description of File::Assets

File::Assets is a tool for managing JavaScript and CSS assets in a (web) application. It allows you to "publish" assests in one place after having specified them in different parts of the application (e.g. throughout request and template processing phases).


For usage hints and tips, see File::Assets


You can configure C::P::Assets by manipulating the $catalyst->config->{'Plugin::Assets'} hash.

Note, in previous versions, the configuration location was $catalyst->config->{assets}

The following settings are available:

path        # A path to automatically look for assets under (e.g. "/static" or "/assets")

            # This path will be automatically prepended to includes, so that instead of
            # doing ->include("/static/stylesheet.css") you can just do ->include("stylesheet.css")

output_path # The path to output the results of minification under (if any).
            # For example, if output is "built/" (the trailing slash is important), then minified assets will be
            # written to "root/<assets-path>/built/..."

minify      # '1' to use JavaScript::Minifier and CSS::Minifier for minification
            # 'yuicompressor:<path-to-yuicompressor-jar>' to use YUI Compressor

stash_var   # The name of the key in the stash that provides the assets object (accessible via $catalyst->stash->{<stash_var}.
            # By default, the <stash_var> is "assets".
            # To disable the setting of the stash variable, set <stash_var> to undef

Example configuration

Here is an example configuration:

# Under the configuration below, the assets object will automatically
# look for assets (.css and .js files) under <home>/root/static/*
# If it needs to generate a minified asset, it will deposit the generated asset under <home>/root/static/built/*

# To turn off minification, set minify to 0

# Finally, the assets object is also available via $catalyst->stash->{assets} (This is actually the default setting)

    name => 'Example',

    'Plugin::Assets' => {

        path => "/static",
        output_path => "built/",
        minify => 1,

        stash_var => "assets", # This is the default setting


# Later, to include "http://localhost/static/example.css", do:


# To include "http://localhost/static/example.js", do:




Return the File::Assets object that exists throughout the lifetime of the request


Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalyst-plugin-assets at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::Assets

You can also look for information at:










Copyright 2008 Robert Krimen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.