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Apache::CPAN::Query - mod_perl interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query


This module provides a mod_perl (2) interface to CPAN::Search::Lite::Query. The modules Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie of the libapreq2 distribution are required. A directive

    PerlLoadModule Apache::CPAN::Query

should appear before any of the Location directives using the module. As well, the following directives should be defined in the Apache configuration file.

CSL_db database

the name of the database [required]

CSL_user user

the user to connect to the database as [required]

CSL_passwd password

the password to use for this user [required]

CSL_tt2 /path/to/tt2

the path to the tt2 pages [required]. If a subdirectory lang exists under /path/to/tt2 (eg, en or fr), where lang is the first available language specified in the Accept-Language header sent by the browser (if sent), then this subdirectory will be used for the path to the tt2 pages. See the %langs hash in CPAN::Search::Lite::Util for a list of available languages. If the language specified by the browser isn't available, en (English) will be used.


the default download location [optional - will be used if not specified]

CSL_max_results 200

the maximum number of results to obtain [optional - 200 will be used if not specified]

CSL_html_root /usr/local/httpd/CPAN

the path to the local html docs [required for the perldoc handler]


the uri to use for the html docs [required for the perldoc handler]

Available response handlers are as follows.

  • search

     <Location "/search">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->search

    This handles search queries such as for http://localhost/search?mode=dist;query=libnet. mode can be one of dist, module, or author. A search using the specified query will be done on, respectively, distribution names and abstracts, module names and abstracts, and CPAN ids and full names.

  • cpanid

     <LocationMatch "/~[A-Za-z-]+">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->cpanid

    There are two levels:

    • http://localhost/~cpanid

      This will bring up a page of information on the author whose cpanid is CPANID.

    • http://localhost/~cpanid/Dist-Name

      This will bring up a page of information on the distribution Dist-Name of cpanid CPANID.

  • author

     <Location "/author">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->author

    There are 3 levels:

    • http://localhost/author

      This brings up a menu of letters of the alphabet to link to authors whose ids begin with that letter.

    • http://localhost/author/CPANID

      This brings up an information page for the author with cpanid CPANID.

    • http://localhost/author/A/

      This brings up a list of all authors whose cpanids begin with A.

  • dist

     <Location "/dist">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->dist

    There are 4 levels:

    • http://localhost/dist

      This brings up a menu of letters of the alphabet to link to distributions whose names begin with that letter.

    • http://localhost/dist/Dist-Name

      This brings up an information page for the distribution with name Dist-Name.

    • http://localhost/dist/A/

      This brings up a list of all distributions whose names begin with A.

    • http://localhost/dist/ABC/

      This brings up a list of all distributions whose names match ABC-*.

  • module

     <Location "/module">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->module

    There are 4 levels:

    • http://localhost/module

      This brings up a menu of letters of the alphabet to link to mocules whose names begin with that letter.

    • http://localhost/module/Mod::Name

      This brings up an information page for the module with name Mod::Name.

    • http://localhost/module/A/

      This brings up a list of all modules whose names begin with A.

    • http://localhost/module/ABC/

      This brings up a list of all modules whose names match ABC::*.

  • chapter

     <Location "/chapter">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->chapter

    There are 3 levels:

    • http://localhost/chapter

      This brings up a menu of all available chapter headings (as appears in %chaps of CPAN::Search::Lite::Util).

    • http://localhost/chapter/Data_Type_Utilities

      This brings up a list all subchapters of the Data Type Utilities chapter.

    • http://localhost/chapter/Data_Type_Utilities/Tie

      This brings up a list of all distributions in the Tie subchapter of the Data Type Utilities chapter.

  • recent

     <Location "/recent">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->recent

    With this, a request for http://localhost/recent will list all distributions uploaded in the last 7 days.

  • mirror

     <Location "/mirror">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->mirror

    With this, a request for http://localhost/mirror will bring up a page whereby the user can change the location of where downloads will be redirected to. This requires cookies to be enabled.

  • perldoc

     <Location "/perldoc">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler Apache::CPAN::Query->perldoc

    With this, a request for, eg, http://localhost/perldoc/perlfaq will be redirected to the perfaq documentation, and a request for, eg, http://localhost/perldoc/Net::FTP, will be redirected to the documentation for Net::FTP.


Apache::CPAN::Search, CPAN::Search::Lite::Query, and mod_perl.