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EAI::DateUtil - Date and Time helper functions for EAI::Wrap


 %months = ("Jan" => "01","Feb" => "02","Mar" => "03","Apr" => "04","May" => "05","Jun" => "06","Jul" => "07","Aug" => "08","Sep" => "09","Oct" => "10","Nov" => "11","Dec" => "12");
 %monate = ("Jan" => "01","Feb" => "02","Mär" => "03","Apr" => "04","Mai" => "05","Jun" => "06","Jul" => "07","Aug" => "08","Sep" => "09","Okt" => "10","Nov" => "11","Dez" => "12");

 get_curdate ()
 get_curdatetime ()
 get_curdate_dot ()
 formatDate ($d, $m, $y, [$template])
 formatDateFromYYYYMMDD($date, [$template])
 get_curdate_gen ([$template])
 get_curdate_dash ()
 get_curdate_dash_plus_X_years ($years)
 get_curtime ()
 get_curtime_HHMM ()
 get_lastdateYYYYMMDD ()
 get_lastdateDDMMYYYY ()
 is_first_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD)
 is_last_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD, [$cal])
 get_last_day_of_month ($date YYYYMMDD)
 weekday ($date YYYYMMDD)
 is_weekend ($date YYYYMMDD)
 is_holiday ($cal, $date YYYYMMDD)
 first_week ($d,$m,$y,$day,[$month])
 first_weekYYYYMMDD ($date,$day,[$month])
 last_week ($d,$m,$y,$day,[$month])
 last_weekYYYYMMDD ($date,$day,[$month])
 convertDate ($date YYYY.MM.DD or YYYY/MM/DD)
 convertDateFromMMM ($inDate dd-mmm-yyyy, out $day, out $mon, out $year)
 convertDateToMMM ($day, $mon, $year)
 convertToDDMMYYYY ($date YYYYMMDD)
 addDays ($day, $mon, $year, $dayDiff)
 addDaysHol ($date, $days, [$template, $cal])
 addDatePart ($date, $count, $datepart, [$template])
 subtractDays ($date, $days)
 subtractDaysHol ($date, $days, [$template, $cal])
 convertcomma ($number, $divideBy)
 convertToThousendDecimal($value, $ignoreDecimal)
 parseFromDDMMYYYY ($dateStr)
 parseFromYYYYMMDD ($dateStr)
 convertEpochToYYYYMMDD ($epoch)


EAI::DateUtil contains all date/time related API-calls.



conversion hash english months -> numbers, usage: $months{"Oct"} equals 10


conversion hash german months -> numbers, usage: $monate{"Okt"} equals 10


gets current date in format YYYYMMDD


gets current datetime in format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS


gets current date in format DD.MM.YYYY


formats passed date (given in arguments $y,$m,$d) into format as defined in $template

 $d .. day part
 $m .. month part
 $y .. year part
 $template .. optional, date template with D for day, M for month and Y for year (e.g. D.M.Y for 01.02.2016),
              D and M is always 2 digit, Y always 4 digit; if empty/nonexistent defaults to "YMD"
              special formats are MMM und mmm als monthpart, here three letter month abbreviations in english (MMM) or german (mmm) are returned as month

formats passed date (given in argument $date) in format as defined in $template

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $template .. same as in formatDate

returns current date in format as defined in $template

 $template .. same as in formatDate

returns current date in format DD-MM-YYYY

get_curdate_dash_plus_X_years: date + X years in format DD-MM-YYYY
 $y .. years to be added to the current or given date
 $year,$mon,$day .. optional date to which X years should be added (if not given current date is taken instead).
 $daysToSubtract .. days that should be subtracted from the result

returns current time in format HH:MM:SS (or as given in formatstring $format, however ordering of format is always hour, minute and second)

 $format .. optional sprintf format string (e.g. %02d:%02d:%02d) for hour, minute and second

returns current time in format HHMM


returns 1 if first day of months, 0 else

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

returns 1 if last day of month, 0 else

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $cal .. optional, calendar for holidays used to get the last of month

returns last day of month of passed date

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

returns 1..sunday to 7..saturday

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

returns 1 if saturday or sunday

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

returns 1 if weekend or holiday

 $cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: AT (Austria), TG (Target), UK (see is_holiday) and WE (for only weekends).
         throws warning if calendar not supported (fixed lookups or additionally added). To add a calendar use addCalendar.
 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

= is_easter

returns 1 if date is an easter holiday for that calendar

 $cal .. holiday calendar;
 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

= addCalendar

add an additional calendar for calendar holiday dependent calculations

 $cal .. name of holiday calendar to be added, warns if already existing (builtin)
 $fixedHol .. hash of fixed holiday dates for that calendar (e.g. {"0105"=>1,"2512"=>1} for may day and christmas day)
 $easterHol .. hash of easter holidays for that calendar (possible: {"GF"=>1,"EM"=>1,"ES"=>1,"AS"=>1,"WM"=>1,"CC"=>1}) = good friday,easter monday, easter sunday, ascension day, whitmonday, corpus christi day
 $specialFunction .. pass ref to sub used for additional calculations; this sub should receive a date (YYYYMMDD) and return 1 for holiday, 0 otherwise.

Example: sub testCalSpecial { my ($y,$m,$d) = $_[0] =~ /(.{4})(..)(..)/; return 1 if $y eq "2002" and $m eq "09" and $d eq "08"; return 0; } addCalendar("TC",{"0101"=>1,"0105"=>1,"2512"=>1,"2612"=>1},{"EM"=>1,"GF"=>1},\&testCalSpecial)


returns 1 if given date ($d,$m,$y) is the last given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.

 $d .. day part
 $m .. month part
 $y .. year part
 $day .. given weekday
 $month .. optional, given month

returns 1 if given date ($date in Format YYYYMMDD) is the last given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.

 $date .. given date
 $day .. given weekday
 $month .. optional, given month

returns 1 if given date ($d,$m,$y) is the first given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.

 $d .. day part
 $m .. month part
 $y .. year part
 $day .. given weekday
 $month .. optional, given month

returns 1 if given date ($date in Format YYYYMMDD) is the first given weekday ($day: 0 - 6, sunday==0) in given month ($month), if $month is not passed, then it is taken from passed date.

 $date .. given date
 $day .. given weekday
 $month .. optional, given month

converts given date to format YYYYMMDD

 $date .. date in format YYYY.MM.DD or YYYY/MM/DD

converts date from format dd-mmm-yyyy (01-Oct-05, english !), returns date in format DD.MM.YYYY ($day, $mon, $year are returned by ref as well)

 $inDate .. date to be converted
 $day .. ref for day part
 $mon .. ref for month part
 $year ..  ref for year part

converts date into ($day, $mon, $year) from format dd-mmm-yyyy (01-Oct-05, english !)

 $day .. day part
 $mon .. month part
 $year .. year part

converts date into $datestring ( from format YYYYMMDD

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD

adds $dayDiff to date ($day, $mon, $year) and returns in format dd-mmm-yyyy (01-Oct-05, english !), arguments $day, $mon, $year are returned by ref as well if not passed as literal

 $day .. day part
 $mon .. month part
 $year .. year part
 $dayDiff .. days to be added

subtracts $days actual calendar days from $date

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $days .. calendar days to subtract

subtracts $days days from $date and regards weekends and holidays of passed calendar

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $days .. calendar days to subtract
 $template .. as in formatDate
 $cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: NO (no holidays  = default if not given), rest as in is_holiday

adds $days days to $date and regards weekends and holidays of passed calendar

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $days .. calendar days to add
 $template .. as in formatDate
 $cal .. holiday calendar; currently supported: NO (no holidays = default if not given), rest as in is_holiday

adds $count dateparts to $date. when adding to months ends (>28 in february, >29 or >30 else), if the month end is not available in the target month, then date is moved into following month

 $date .. date in format YYYYMMDD
 $count .. count of dateparts to add
 $datepart .. can be "d" or "day" for days, "m"/"mon"/"month" for months and "y" or "year" for years
 $template .. as in formatDate

returns last business day (only weekends, no holiday here !) in format YYYYMMDD


returns last business day (only weekends, no holiday here !) in format DDMMYYYY


converts decimal point in $number to comma, also dividing by $divideBy before if $divideBy is set

 $number ..  number to be converted
 $divideBy .. number to be divided by

converts $value into thousand separated decimal (german format) ignoring decimal places if wanted

 $value .. number to be converted
 $ignoreDecimal .. return number without decimal places (truncate)

returns date values (format YYYYMMMDD) starting at $fromDate until $toDate, if a holiday calendar is set in $cal (optional), these holidays (incl. weekends) are regarded as well.

 $fromDate .. start date
 $toDate .. end date
 $cal .. holiday calendar

returns time epoch from datestring (

 $dateStr .. datestring

returns time epoch from datestring (yyyymmdd)

 $dateStr .. datestring

returns datestring (yyyymmdd) from epoch/Time::piece

 $arg .. date either as epoch (seconds since 1.1.1970) or as Time::piece object


Copyright (c) 2023 Roland Kapl

All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 434:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '"02","Mär"'. Assuming UTF-8