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Bio::DB::HTS::AlignWrapper -- Add high-level methods to Bio::DB::HTS::Alignment
This is a wrapper around Bio::DB::HTS::Alignment that adds the following high-level methods. These are described in detail in "High-level Bio::DB::HTS::Alignment methods" in Bio::DB::HTS::Alignment.
add_segment() add a new subfeature to split alignments
get_SeqFeatures() fetch subfeatures from split alignments
split_splices() process cigar strings to produce split alignments
expand_flags() return true if flags should be expanded into tags
seq_id() return human-readable reference sequence name
seq() return Bio::PrimarySeq object for reference sequence
subseq() return a subsequence across the indicated range
mate_seq_id() return human-readable mate reference sequence name
dna() return the DNA of the reference sequence
tam_line() return the text representation of the alignment
attributes() synonym for get_tag_values()
get_all_tags() return all tag names
get_tag_values() return the values of the given tag
has_tag() return true if the given tag is defined
Bio::Perl, Bio::DB::HTS, Bio::DB::HTS::Constants
Rishi Nag <<gt>