Getopt::CommandLineExports - Allow suroutines within a script to export comand line options with bash auto completion
Version 0.01
Example Code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::CommandLineExports qw(®AC &parseArgsByPosition &parseArgs
&checkArgs $scriptName @exportedSubs %cmdLines);
$scriptName = qq[TestCommandLineExports]; %cmdLines = ( twoScalars => [qw/ ONE=s TWO=s /], oneHash => [qw/ ONE=s% /], oneList => [qw/ ONE=s@ /], ); sub twoScalars { my %h = ( ONE => undef, TWO => undef, ( parseArgs \@_, @{$cmdLines{twoScalars}}), ); print "twoScalars missing required argument:\n" . join( "\n", checkArgs \%h ) . "\n" if ( checkArgs \%h ); return " $h{ONE} , $h{TWO} \n"; }
sub oneHash { my %h = ( ONE => undef, ( parseArgs \@_, @{$cmdLines{oneHash}}), ); print "oneHash missing required argument:\n" . join( "\n", checkArgs \%h ) . "\n" if ( checkArgs \%h ); print "oneHash\n"; print join("\n", (%{$h{ONE}})); }
sub oneList { my %h = ( ONE => undef, ( parseArgs \@_, @{$cmdLines{oneList}}), ); print "oneList missing required argument:\n" . join( "\n", checkArgs \%h ) . "\n" if ( checkArgs \%h ); print "oneList\n"; print join("\n",@{$h{ONE}}); }
# The "Main" subroutine. Not included in package, must be added manually to a script
if ( defined $ARGV[0] ) { if ( defined( &{ $ARGV[0] } ) ) { no strict 'refs'; my $subRef = shift @ARGV; print join( "\n", &$subRef(@ARGV) ) . "\n" unless $subRef =~ /regAC/ ; &$subRef($scriptName, \@exportedSubs, \%cmdLines) if $subRef =~ /regAC/ ; exit 0; } }
# some unit test examples: twoScalars "Hello1", "Hello2"; twoScalars {ONE => "Hello1", TWO => "Hello2"}; twoScalars "--ONE Hello1 --TWO Hello2"; twoScalars "--ONE", "Hello1", "--TWO", "Hello2"; twoScalars "--ONE", "Hello1", "--TWO", "Hello2", "--THREE", "Hello3"; # complains about "unknown option: three"
This module is intended to provide the capability to have a single script export many subcommands in a consistant manner.
In the example above, the script is named "TestCommandLineExports". On a bash style command line, the following commands would work:
TestCommandLineExports twoScalars --ONE "Arg1" --TWO "Arg2"
and would print: Arg1, Arg2
TestCommandLineExports twoScalars --TWO "Arg2" twoScalars missing required argument: --ONE
TestCommandLineExports twoScalars may also be called through a CGI interface as well.
The principle use of this was to provide an easy, consistant, method to provide unit test ability for scripts. It also allows for a single script to export multiple subcommands and, with the included bash auto completion function, allows for the subcommands and options to integrate nicely with the bash shell.
A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.
Print a bash auto completion script. Returns a script roughly sutiable for the bash_autocompletion functions:
Include roughly the following in your script:
# this hash uses perl's Getopt::Long format my %cmdLines = ( regAC => [qw//], SubCommandOne => [qw/DIRECTORY=s YES_OR_NO=s ANY_FILE=s/], SubCommandTwo => {qw/INT=i/], ) my @exportedSubs = keys %cmdLines;
#you can use bash completion words here ("__directory__") to complete with directories # The default is filename completion my %additionalWordCompletions = ( SubCommandOne => { DIRECTORY => [qw/__directory__/], YES_OR_NO => [qw/yes no/], }, );
if ( defined $ARGV[0] ) { if ( defined( &{ $ARGV[0] } ) ) { no strict 'refs'; my $subRef = shift @ARGV; print join( "\n", &$subRef(@ARGV) ) . "\n" unless $subRef =~ /regAC/ ; &$subRef($scriptName, \@exportedSubs, \%cmdLines, \%additionalWordCompletions) if $subRef =~ /regAC/ ; exit 0; } }
Run from the commandline as:
ScriptName regAC > /etc/bash_completion.d/ScriptName source /etc/bash_completion.d/ScriptName
sudo ScriptName regAC source /etc/bash_completion.d/ScriptName
and the script should be registered with all the commands in:
and the command lines from:
parse and argument list according to a command line spec in the Getopt::Long format. Returns a hash of arguments and values.
my %h = (
REQUIRED_ARGUMENT => undef, # undef means the argument is required
OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT_TWO => 'default value', # a default value is provided
# no mention of OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT_ONE means that it could be provided or could be undefined
# checkArgs below will NOT include this in the missing argument list
( parseArgs \@_, @{$cmdLines{function}})
parse an argument list according to a command line spec in the Getopt::Long format.
parseArgsByPosition( \@argv, \%args, @ComSpec);
The first argument is the standard argv list. The second is a reference to a hash to receive the arguments parsed from argv (a reference is passed to allow for default values to be set. The last argument is a reference to the argument spec in Getopt::Long format
as an example:
my %args = (ARG1 => "Default Value", ARG2 => undef);
parseArgsByPosition( ["One", "Two", "Three"], \%args, qw/ARG1=s ARG2=s ARG3=s ARG4=s/);
should set %args to be (ARG1 => "One", ARG2 => "Two", ARG3 => "Three")
checkArgs will return a list of arguments that are undefined. This can be used to identify required arguments with:
my %h = (
( parseArgs \@_, @{$cmdLines{function}})
print "function missing required argument:\n"
. join( "\n", checkArgs \%h ) . "\n"
if ( checkArgs \%h );
Robert Haxton, <robert.haxton at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-getopt-commandlineexports at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Getopt::CommandLineExports
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Copyright 2011 Robert Haxton.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.