Perlbug::Do - Commands (switches) for generic interface to perlbug database.
Methods for various functions against the perlbug database.
Those that have the form /do(?i:a-z)/ all return something relevant.
To be printed, returned by email, etc.
Note that all do...() methods expect to recieve one of the following arguments:
Either a string, an arrayref, or a hashref (helpful - huh?)
my $h_cmds = $o_do->parse_input($line); # parse string
print $o_do->process_commands($h_cmds); # calls do($cmd, $args) foreach
- new
Create new Perlbug::Do object:
my $o_do = Perlbug::Do->new();
- parse_input
Parses the given line into a reference to a command hash, this is also where the input should be massaged into the correct format for each method call.
Wraps input2args(), override on a per interface basis, where appropriate.
Input line is expected to look like: -h -b (bugid)+ -r (keywords)+ ...
my $h_cmds = $o_do->parse_input($line);
- parse_line
parse_input without the input2args
my $h_cmds = $o_do->parse_input($line);
- return_type
Return appropriate type of argument wanted given command
my $wanted = $self->return_type($cmd); eg: b -> ARRAY P -> HASH s -> SCALAR
- input2args
Handles email input, calls SUPER::input2args()
my $cmd_args = $o_do->input2args($cmd, $args);
- process_commands
Interface to all do() methods, calls SUPER::process_commands().
my @res = $o_do->process_commands(\%args);
Where %args looks something like this:
my %args = ( 'a' => \@categories_status_etc, 'B' => \%new_data, 'b' => \@bug_ids, 'h' => \%extra_info, 'l' => $date || '', 'q' => $sql_query, 'z' => $config_type, 'Z' => [($type, $string)], );
- do
Wrap a Perlbug::dox command where 'x' may be any alphabetic character.
Each do() command returns the product of it's call for output.
print "Bugs(@bugids): ".join('', $pb->do('b', \@bugids)); print "New bug: ".join('', $pb->do('B', '', $newbug)); print "New msg: ".join('', $pb->do('M', $bugidstring, $message)); # Base print "New msg: ".join('', $pb->do('M', $bugidstring, \%mail)); # Email
- doa
ONLY do this if registered as admin
my @res = $o_do->doa($command_string);
- doA
Wrapper for doa(), calls dob() also.
my @res = $o_do->doa($command_string);
- dob
Return the formatted bug by id/s
my @res = $o_do->dob(@bugids);
- doB
Create new bug, returning id.
my $bugid = $o_do->doB(\%bug);
- doc
Get the patches, or bugs for this changeid
my @res = $o_do->doc(\@cids);
- doC
Create a new changeid
my $cid = $o_do->doC($h_args);
- dod
Switches debugging on (1).
my $level_set = $o_do->dod($level);
- doD
Dumps database for backup and recovery.
my $feedback = $o_do->doD($date);
- database_dump_command
Returns database dump command (mysql/oracle) for given date (or full) and target file.
else undef
my $cmd = $o_do->database_dump_command($date, $file);
- doe
Add email address to any cc's 'Cc:' to "-e"
my $i_set = $o_do->doe($cc_addrs);
- doE
Send an email notify() about th(is|ese) bugid/s, as if the email was newly recieved.
my $i_ok = $o_obj->doE(\@bugids);
- dof
Sets the appropriate format for use by Formatter methods, overrides default 'a' set earlier.
my $feedback = $o_obj->dof('h');
- dog
Return the formatted group by id/s
my @res = $o_do->dog(\@groupids);
- doG
Create new group
my $new_gid = $o_do->doG($h_args);
- doh
Returns help message built from a hash_ref
Syntax for the hash is 'key => description (sample args)':
print $o_obj->doh({ 'e' => 'email me a copy too (', # add 'H' => 'Help - more detailed info ()', # replace 'z' => '', });
- doi
Retrieve by index (group, status, etc.)
my @res = $o_do->doi($str);
- doI
Wrapper for doi(), in large format
my @res = $o_do->doI('open');
- doj
Just test for a response - produces "$title $version => ok"
my @res = $o_do->doj(@args);
- dok
Klaim the bug(id) given
my $feedback = $o_do->dok(\@bids);
- doK
UnKlaim the bug(id) given
my $feedback = $o_do->doK(\@bids);
- dol
Just the stored log results from this process.
my $process_log = $o_do->dol($max_lines_from_end);
- doL
Returns the current (or given later) logfile.
my $LOG = $o_do->doL($date);
- dom
Return the formatted message by id/s
my @data = $o_do->dom(\@messageids);
- doM
Create new message
my $new_mid = $o_do->doM($h_args);
- don
Return the formatted user by id/s
my @res = $o_do->don(\@nids);
- doN
Creates new note (assigns to given bugid).
my $nid = $self->doN($h_args);
- doo
Returns a summary overview of the bugs, bugs, messages etc. in the database.
my @over = $o_do->doo();
- stats
Get stats from db for overview usage.
my $h_data = $self->stats;
- dop
Return the formatted patch by id/s
my @res = $o_do->dop(\@patchids);
- doP
Assign to given bugid, given patch, return new patch_id
$pid = $o_obj->doP($h_args);
- doq
Gets the sql _q_ query statement given in the body of the message, executes it, and returns the result in the result array.
my @results = $o_do->doq($sql);
- doQ
Returns the database schema, for use with SQL statements.
my @tables_data = $o_do->doQ;
- dor
Retrieve data based on contents of the body of a bug
my @res = $o_do->dor('object initialisation problem');
- doR
Wrapper for dor(), in large format
my @res = $o_do->doR('object initialisation problem');
- dos
Retrieve bugs based on the subject line of a bug
my @res = $o_do->dos('build failure');
- doS
Wrapper for dos() in 'large format'
my @RES = $o_do->doS('some subject');
and R foreach my $bid (@args) { push(@res, $o_bug->read($bid)->format()); my @mids = $o_bug->rel_ids('message'); my ($mid) = sort { $a <=> $b } @mids; push(@res, $self->dom(\@mids)); my @pids = $o_bug->rel_ids('patch'); push(@res, $self->dop(\@pids)); my @tids = $o_bug->rel_ids('test'); push(@res, $self->dot(\@tids)); my @nids = $o_bug->rel_ids('note'); push(@res, $self->don(\@nids)); }
- dot
Return the formatted test by id/s
my @res = $o_do->dot(\@testids);
- doT
Assign to given bugid, given test, return i_ok
$new_tid = $o_obj->doT($h_args);
- dou
Return the formatted user by id/s
my @res = $o_do->dou(\@userids);
- doU
Create new user entry
my $uid = $self->doU($h_args);
Initiate new admin entry, including htpasswd entry, (currently rf only)
userid = test_user: password = p*ss33*t: address = match_address =.*\@rfi\.net: name = Richard Foley:
- dov
Volunteer proposed bug modifications where msg is something like: 'propose_close_<bugid>'
my $i_ok = $o_obj->dov($h_args);
- doV
Volunteer a new administrator
my $feedback = $o_do->doV($h_args);
- dox
Delete bug from db_bug table.
for messages associated with @feedback = $o_do->dox(\@bids);
- doX
Delete given bugs along with messages from db_message.
Also does parent/child, bug_user, etc. tables, also calls dox()
my @feedback = $o_do->doX(\@bids);
- doy
Password renewal
my $i_ok = $o_do->doy("$user $pass");
- doz
Retrieve configuration data
$data = $o_obj->doz([qw(current email target)]);
- doZ
Attempt to set current configuration data, for this session only
my $debuglevel = $o_obj->doZ('debug', 2); my $switches = $o_obj->doZ('switches', 'abcdef');
- overview
Formatting for overview.
my $overview = $o_do->overview($h_overview, [$fmt]);
Formating for lean overview (currently wrapper for FORMAT_a
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_l(\%overview);
Formating for Lean Html overview (currently wrapper for FORMAT_h
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_L(\%overview);
Formating for overview (default).
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_a(\%overview);
Formatting for ASCII overview.
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_O_A(\%overview);
Formatting for html overview.
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_O_h(\%overview);
Formatting for HTML overview.
my ($top, $format, @args) = $o_fmt->FORMAT_O_H(\%overview);
Richard Foley Oct 1999 2000 2001
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 1595:
Unknown directive: =rjsf