Perlbug::Interface::Web - Web interface to perlbug database.
Methods for web access to perlbug database via Perlbug module.
my $o_web = Perlbug::Interface::Web->new;
print $o_web->top;
print $o_web->request('help');
print $o_web->links;
- new
Create new Perlbug::Interface::Web object.
my $web = Perlbug::Interface::Web->new;
- setup
Setup Perlbug::Interface::Web
- check_user
Access authentication via http, we just prime ourselves with data from the db as well.
Return menu of system, designed for vertical format. Wraps logo, title and links
print $o_web->menus();
- logo
Return logo of system
print $o_web->logo();
- get_title
Return title of current page
print $o_web->get_title();
- links
Return links of system
print $o_web->links();
- index
Display the index results here...
- commands
Return command buttons applicable to current request
print $o_web->commands();
- editable
Return list of acceptable requests
print "administrative requests: " . $o_web->editable;
- switch
Return appropriate method call for request(else index), using internal CGI object
my $method = $o_web->switch([$req]); # set $method=($call|index)
- start
Return appropriate start header data for web request.
print $o_web->start();
- form
Return form with appropriate name and target etc.
print $o_web->form('menus');
- top
Return consistent top of page.
print $o_web->top;
- request
Handle all web requests (internal print)
- target2file
Return appropriate dir/file.ext for given target string
my $filename = $o_base->target2file('header'); # -> '/home/richard/web/header.html'
- finish
Return appropriate finishing html
Varies with framed, includes new hidden request field
print $o_web->finish($req);
- overview
Wrapper for doo method
- graph
Display pie or mixed graph for groups of bugs etc., mixed to come.
- date
Wrapper for search by date access
- objectids
Wrapper for object id access
- xobjects
Wrapper for object create|display|search|template access
print $o_web->xobjects($cgi);
- hist
History mechanism for bugs and users.
Move formatting to Formatter::history !!!
- headers
Headers for all objects (message, note, ...) by id
$o_web->headers('patch', $id);
- bidmids
Wrapper for bugid and messageid access
- administrators
List of administrators
- groups
List of groups
- spec
Returns specifications for the Perlbug system.
$dynamic =~ s/\</</g; $dynamic =~ s/\>/>/g; $dynamic =~ s/\b(http\:.+?perlbug\.cgi)\b/<a href="$1">$1<\/a>/gi; $dynamic =~ s/\b([\<\w+\-_\.\>|\&.t\;]+\@.+?\.(?:com|org|net|edu))\b/<a href="mailto:$1">$1<\/a>/gi;
- webhelp
Web based help for perlbug.
print $web->webhelp;
- mailhelp
Web based mail help for perlbug.
print $web->mailhelp;
- delete
Wrapper for delete access
- sql
Open field sql query processor
- todo
To do list, may be appended to
- adminfaq
- web_query
Form bugid search web query results
# results - don't map to query() unless Base::query modified
- search
Construct earch form
with chosen params as defaults...
- update
For all application objects
Needs to be migrated to:
my $i_ok = Perlbug::Object->new('patch')->read($pid)->update($h_newdata, [$h_reldata...]);
foreach my $obj ($self->objects()) { # ... my $o_obj = $self->object($obj); my @ids = $cgi->param("${obj}ids"); foreach my $oid (@ids) { $o_obj->read($oid)->web_update($cgi); foreach my $rel ($o_obj->rels) { # my $o_rel = $o_obj->rel($rel)->set_source($o_obj); # if ($self->attr('type') eq 'friendly') { # # } # } print $o_obj->format; } }
Get and set array of relevant buttons by context key
my @buttons = $o_web->current_buttons('search update reset', scalar(@uids), [$colspan]);
- help_ref
creates something of the form:
<a href="\#item_note"
Note</a>>my $note = $self->help_ref('note');
- case
Handle case sensitivity from web search form.
- format_query
Produce SQL query for bug search from cgi query.
Can be optimised somewhat ...
my $query = $web->format_query;
- wildcard
Convert '*' into '%' for sqlquery
my $string = $self->wildcard('5.*');
- tenify
Create range of links to split (by tens or more) bugids from web query result.
$self->tenify(\@_bids, 7); # in chunks of 7
Richard Foley Oct 1999 2000
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 962:
=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 10 lines of content
- Around line 1286:
=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 12 lines of content