bugtemplates - insert object templates
Inserts templates on behalf of all/any objects into database
./bugtemplates -[dfFhmoqtux]
- d
debug level
- f
format (a|h|H|i|L|...) default is all (regex)
- F
Force insert, even though comparable exists(delete) in DB
- h
help - perldoc $0
- m
max number of inserts to process
- o
object (bug|patch|user|...) or defaults for (mail|flag|...) - default is /\w+/
- q
- t
test - no inserts, just echo which would have been inserted
- u
user:s who can use these templates - default is perlbug (list split by :)
- x
object / default (similar to f and u)
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 34:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
=over without closing =back