Perlbug::Do - Commands (switches) for generic interface to perlbug database.
Methods for various functions against the perlbug database.
Use like this:
$o_obj->dod(2); # set debug level to '2'
- new
Create new Perlbug::Do object:
my $do = Perlbug::Do->new();
- get_switches
Returns array of current switches, rather than string
my @switches = $o_mail->get_switches('user');
- doh
Returns help message built from a hash_ref, commands may be overwritten by sending in a hash.
Syntax for the hash is 'key => description (sample args)':
$o_obj->doh({ 'e' => 'email me a copy too (', # add 'H' => 'Help - more detailed info ()', # replace 'z' => '', # unrequired });
- dod
Switches debugging on (1).
- doD
Dumps database for backup and recovery.
- dom
Return the given message(id), places the "format" in Perlbuged result in to the results array.
my $res = $do->dom([@messageids]);
- dop
Return the given patch(id), places the "format" in Perlbuged result in to the results array.
my $res = $do->dop([@patchids]);
- doP
Assign to given bugid, given patch, return i_ok
$i_ok = $o_obj->doP('tid_chid_versid', '', 'hdr', 'sbj', 'frm', 'to);
- dot
Return the given test(id), places the "format" in Perlbuged result in to the results array.
my $res = $do->dot([@testids]);
- doT
Assign to given bugid, given test, return i_ok
$i_ok = $o_obj->doT('tid_chid_versid', '', 'hdr', 'sbj', 'frm', 'to);
- dob
Return the given bug(id), places the "format" in Perlbuged result in to the result array.
my $i_bugs = $do->dob([@bugids]); # $i_bugs = num of bugs succesfully processed
- doB
Return the given bug(id), with all the messages assigned to it, calls dob()
my $i_bugs = $do->doB([@bugids]); # $i_bugs = num of bugs succesfully processed
- dou
Get the given user, checks if active
print $o_do->dou($userid);
- doc
Retrieve bug based on the existing category, severity or status flags.
my $res = $do->doc('open build');
- doC
Retrieve messages, as per doB() where category, severity or status fulfills the following optional flags: o (open), c (closed), b (build), p (patch), u (utilities) ...
Wrapper for l<doc>.
- dos
Retrieve data based on the subject line of a bug
my $res = $do->dos('open build');
- dor
Retrieve data based on contents of the Body of a message
my $res = $do->dor('open build');
- don
Get the note for this noteid
- doN
Assign to given bugid, given notes, return $i_ok
- doq
Gets the sql _q_ query statement given in the body of the message, executes it, and returns the result in the result array.
- doQ
Returns the database schema, for use with SQL statements.
- doL
Returns the current (or given later) logfile.
- dol
Just the stored log results from this process.
- dof
Sets the appropriate format for use by Format methods, overrides default 'a' set earlier.
- stats
Get stats from db for overview usage.
my $h_data = $self->stats;
- doo
Returns a summary overview of the bugs, bugs, messages etc. in the database.
$i_ok = $o_do->doo(); # data in result via formatting...
- doO
Returns a similar overview of the bugs, in GUI format using GIFgraph and/or AA-lib?
Still to do
- doa
ONLY do this if registered as admin of bug. in which case dok could still dok(\@bids) these bugids... or should it automatically add id as admin?
- admin_of_bug
Checks given bugid and administrator against tm_claimants.
Returns 1 if administrator listed against bug, 0 otherwise.
- doA
- dok
Klaim the bug(id) given
- doK
UnKlaim the bug(id) given
- dox
Delete bug from tm_tickets table.
for messages associated with bugs. - doX
Delete given bugid messages from tm_messages.
- doi
Initiate new admin entry, including htpasswd entry, (currently rf only)
userid=test_user: password=p*ss33*t: match_address=.*\@rfi\.net: name=Richard Foley:
userid=test_user:password=p*ss33**\@rfi\.net:name=Richard Foley
- doI
Disable a user entry
- doz
Update: only to be used by (disabled)
$ok = $o_obj->doz($filename, $data);
Richard Foley Oct 1999