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Data::Queue::Persistent - Perisistent database-backed queue


use Data::Queue::Persistent;
my $q = Data::Queue::Persistent->new(
  table  => 'persistent_queue', # name to save queues in
  dsn    => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=queue.db', # dsn for database to save queues
  id     => 'testqueue', # queue identifier
  cache  => 1,
  noload => 1, # don't load saved queue automatically
  max_size => 100, # limit to 100 items
$q->add('first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth');
$q->remove;      # returns 'first'
$q->remove(2);   # returns ('second', 'third')
$q->empty;       # removes everything


This is a simple module to keep a persistent queue around. It is just a normal implementation of a queue, except it is backed by a database so that when your program exits the data won't disappear.


None by default.


  • new(%opts)

    Creates a new persistent data queue object. This will also initialize the database storage, and load the saved queue data if it already exists.


    dsn: DSN for database connection.

    dbh: Already initialized DBI connection handle.

    id: The ID of this queue. You can have multiple queues stored in the same table, distinguished by their IDs.

    user: The username for database connection (optional).

    pass: The password for database connection (optional).

    cache: Enable caching of the queue for speed. Not reccommended if multiple instances of the queue will be used concurrently. Default is 0.

    table: The table name to use ('persistent_queue' by default).

    noload: Don't load queue data when initialized (only applicable if caching is used)

    max_size: Limit the queue to max_size, with the oldest elements falling off

  • add(@items)

    Adds a list of items to the queue.

  • remove($count)

    Removes $count (1 by default) items from the queue and returns them. Returns value if no $count specified, otherwise returns an array of values.

  • get([$offset[, $length]])

    Gets $length elements starting at offset $offset

  • all

    Returns all elements in the queue. Does not modify the queue.

  • length

    Returns count of elements in the queue.

  • empty

    Removes all elements from the queue.

  • unshift(@items)

    Alias for add(@items).

  • shift($count)

    Alias for remove($count).


Any data structures book.


Mischa Spiegelmock, <>


Copyright (C) 2007 by Mischa Spiegelmock

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.