WWW::Correios::CEP - Perl extension for extract address from CEP (zip code) number
use WWW::Correios::CEP;
my $cepper = new WWW::Correios::CEP();
my $address = $cepper->find( $cep );
# returns hashref like { street => '', neighborhood => '', location => '', uf => 'SP', cep => '', status => '' }
note: if you call "find" before "test" and require_tests is true, tests will be called
This is the documentation for WWW::Correios::CEP
List of methods
Create an instance of WWW::Correios::CEP and configures it
Parameters: timeout require_tests with_tests user_agent post_url post_content lwp_options
You can see details on "Full Sample" below
find( $cep )
Recive and CEP and try to get it address returning an hash ref with street, neighborhood, location, uf, cep and status.
If you call this method on an array scope, it returns an array with each address, if not, address_count key is added to the hash.
tests( )
This method make tests on some address for test if WWW::Correios::CEP still ok, you may want keep this, these tests use some time, but it depends on your connection speed/correios site speed.
Retuns 1 if all tests are ok, if false, you may want to call dump_tests to see the changes
dump_tests( )
prints on STDOUT results of each test
$cepper->setTests( $array_ref_of_hash )
You can change tests after new too, but you need to call $cepper->tests() if it already called.
$array_ref_of_hash should be an array ref with hashs like "with_tests" bellow
getTests( )
return current tests array
Full Sample
my $cepper = new WWW::Correios::CEP(
# this is default, you can enable it with a explicit true value,
require_tests => 0,
lwp_options => {timeout => 10},
timeout => 30, # 30 sec override 10 sec above, same as user_agent
# if you want to change user agent, that defaults to Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
user_agent => 'IECA',
# theses tests may fail if the Correios page have changed.
# Nevertheless, to not break this class when address/cep changes, you can set a your tests here
with_tests => [
{ street => 'Rua Realidade dos Nordestinos', neighborhood => 'Cidade Nova Heliópolis',
location => 'São Paulo' , uf => 'SP', cep => '04236000' },
# if you want to change POST url
post_url => '',
# if you want to change post content, remenber that "cep number" will be concat on end of this string
post_content => 'StartRow=1&EndRow=10&TipoConsulta=relaxation&Metodo=listaLogradouro&relaxation='
# you can use $@ if you want just error message
my $address = $cepper->find( $cep );
# returns hashref like { street => '', neighborhood => '', location => '', uf => 'SP', cep => '', status => '', address_count => 0 }
# you can also call find like it:
my @address = $cepper->find( $cep );
No bugs have been reported by users yet since 0.03.
You may reports on github:
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW\:\:Correios\:\:CEP
If you want to contribute with the code, you can fork this module on github:
Renato CRON, <>
Special thanks to Gabriel Andrade, E<gabiru>.
By a better soluction to found table with address!
Copyright (C) 2011 by Renato
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
See for more information.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 357:
Unknown E content in E<gabiru>