WWW::Correios::CEP - Perl extension for extract address from CEP (zip code) number
use WWW::Correios::CEP;
my $cepper = new WWW::Correios::CEP();
my $address = $cepper->find( $cep );
# returns hashref like { street => '', neighborhood => '', location => '', uf => 'SP', cep => '', status => '' }
note: if you call "find" before "test" and require_tests is true, tests will be called
This is the documentation for WWW::Correios::CEP
List of methods
new WWW::Correios::CEP( { ... } );
Create an instance of WWW::Correios::CEP and configures it
Parameters: require_tests with_tests user_agent post_url post_content
You can see details on "Full Sample" below
$cepper->find( $cep )
Recive and CEP and try to get it address returning an hash ref with street, neighborhood, location, uf, cep and status.
$cepper->tests( )
This method make tests on some address for test if WWW::Correios::CEP still ok, you may want keep this, these tests use some time, but it depends on your connection speed/correios site speed.
Retuns 1 if all tests are ok, if false, you may want to call dump_tests to see the changes
$cepper->dump_tests( )
prints on STDOUT results of each test
$cepper->setTests( $array_ref_of_hash )
You can change tests after new too, but you need to call $cepper->tests() if it already called.
$array_ref_of_hash should be an array ref with hashs like "with_tests" bellow
$cepper->getTests( )
return current tests array
parse "html" of correios sites
internal function called on "tests" and "find" methods
Full Sample
my $cepper = new WWW::Correios::CEP(
# this is default, you can disable it with a explicit false value,
require_tests => 1,
# theses tests may fail if the Correios page have changed.
# Nevertheless, to not break this class when address/cep changes, you can set a your tests here
with_tests => [
{ street => 'Rua Realidade dos Nordestinos', neighborhood => 'Cidade Nova Heliópolis', location => 'São Paulo' , uf => 'SP', cep => '04236000' },
{ street => 'Rua Rio Piracicaba' , neighborhood => 'I.A.P.I.' , location => 'Osasco' , uf => 'SP', cep => '06236040' },
{ street => 'Rua Hugo Baldessarini' , neighborhood => 'Vista Alegre' , location => 'Rio de Janeiro', uf => 'RJ', cep => '21236040' },
{ street => 'Avenida Urucará' , neighborhood => 'Cachoeirinha' , location => 'Manaus' , uf => 'AM', cep => '69065180' }
# if you want to change user agent, that defaults to Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
user_agent => 'IECA',
# if you want to change POST url
post_url => '',
# if you want to change post content, remenber that "cep number" will be concat on end of this string
post_content => 'StartRow=1&EndRow=10&TipoConsulta=relaxation&Metodo=listaLogradouro&relaxation='
# you can use $@ if you want just error message
my $address = $cepper->find( $cep );
# returns hashref like { street => '', neighborhood => '', location => '', uf => 'SP', cep => '', status => '' }
Renato CRON, <>
Copyright (C) 2011 by Renato
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
See for more information.