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MARC::Transform - Perl module to transform a MARC record using a YAML configuration file


Version 0.001001


Perl script:

use MARC::Transform;

# For this synopsis, we create a small record:
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
$record->insert_fields_ordered( MARC::Field->new( 
                                '501', '', '', 
                                'a' => 'foo', 
                                'b' => '1', 
                                'c' => 'bar' ) );

print "--init record--\n". $record->as_formatted ."\n";

# Here we load our YAML configuration file:
open my $yamls, '< conf.yaml' or die "can't open file: $!";
my @yaml = YAML::LoadFile($yamls);

# And we transform our record with our YAML:
$record = MARC::Transform->new ( $record, \@yaml );

print "\n--transformed record--\n". $record->as_formatted ."\n";


condition : $f501a eq "foo"
create :
 f502a : New 502a subfield's value
update :
  $f501b : \&LUT("$this")
 1 : first
 2 : second value in this LUT (LookUp Table)
delete : f501c

Result (with $record->as_formatted):

--init record--
501    _afoo

--transformed record--
501    _afoo
502    _aNew 502a subfield's value


This is a Perl module to transform a MARC record using a YAML configuration file.

It allows you to create , update , delete , duplicate fields and subfields of a record. You can also use scripts and lookup tables. You can specify conditions to execute these actions.

All conditions, actions, functions and lookup tables are defined in the YAML.

MARC::Transform use MARC::Record.



$record = MARC::Transform->new($record,\@yaml);

This is the only method you'll use. It takes a MARC::Record and a YAML arrayref as arguments.

Verbose mode

Each YAML rule (see basis below to understand what is a rule) generates a script that is evaluated, in the record, for each field and subfield specified in the condition (If there is a condition). By adding an argument 1 to the method, it displays the generated script. This can be useful to understand what is happening:

$record = MARC::Transform->new($record,\@yaml,1);



- YAML is divided in rules (separated by --- ), each rule is executed one after the other, rules whithout condition will allways be executed:

condition : $f501a eq "foo"
create :
 f600a : new field value
delete : f501c

- conditions are written in perl, which allows great flexibility. They must be defined with condition :

condition : ($f501a=~/foo/ and $f503a=~/bar/) or ($f102a eq "bib")
# if a 501$a and 503$a contain foo and bar, or if a 102$a = bib

- Conditions test records field by field (only for fields defined in the condition)

For example, this means, that if we have more '501' fields in the record, if our condition is $f501a eq "foo" and $f501b eq "bar", that condition will be true only if a '501' field has a 'a' subfield = "foo" AND a 'b' subfield = 'bar' (it will be false if there is a '501' field with a 'a' subfield = "foo" and ANOTHER '501' field with a 'b' subfield = "bar").

- It's possible to run more than one different actions in a single rule:

condition : $f501a eq "foo"
create :
 f600a : new field value
delete : f501c

- The order in which actions are written does not matter. Actions will always be executed in the following order:

  • create

  • duplicatefield

  • forceupdate

  • forceupdatefirst

  • update

  • updatefirst

  • execute

  • delete

- Each rule can be divided into sub-rules (separated by - ) similar to 'if,elsif' or 'switch,case' scripts. If the first sub-rule's condition is true, other sub-rules will not be read.

 condition : $f501a eq "foo"
 create :
  f502a : value if foo
 condition : $f501a eq "bar"
 create :
  f502a : value elsif bar
 create :
  f502a : value else
# It is obvious that if a sub-rule has no condition, it will be
# considered as an 'else' (following sub-rules will not be read)

- It is not allowed to define more than one similar action into a single (sub-)rule. However, it remains possible to execute a similar action several times in a single rule (refer to the specific syntax of each action in order to see how to do this):

. this is not allowed:

delete : f501b
delete : f501c

. it works:

delete :
 - f501b
 - f501c

- it is strongly recommended to test each rule on a test record before using it on a large batch of records.

Field's and subfield's naming convention

In actions

- Field's and subfield's names are very important:

  • They must begin with the letter f followed by the 3-digit field name (e.g. f099), followed, for the subfields, by their letter or digit (e.g. f501b).

  • Controlfields names begin with the letter f followed by 3-digit lower than 010 followed by underscore (e.g. f005_).

  • Indicators must begin with the letter i, followed by the 3-digit field name followed by the indicator's position (1 or 2) (par exemple i0991).

  • In actions, you can define a subfield directly (or an indicator with i1 or i2). Depending on context, it refers to the condition's field (if we define only one field to be tested in the condition), or to the field currently being processed in action:

    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    create :
     b : new 'b' subfield's value in unique condition's field (501)
     f600 :
      i1 : 1
      a : new subfield (a) in this new 600 field

In conditions

  • In conditions, Field's and subfield's naming convention follow the same rules that actions, but they must be preceded by a dollar signs $ (e.g. $f110c for a subfield or $i0991 for an indicator).

  • The record leader can be defined with $ldr.

  • It's possible to test only one character's value in subfields or leader. To do this, you have to add the this character's position from 0:

    #to test the 3rd char. in leader and the 2nd char. in '501$a':
    condition : $ldr2 eq "t" and $f501a1 eq "z"

Run actions only on the condition's fields

We have already seen that to refers to the condition's field in actions, it is possible to define subfields directly. It works only if we define only one field to be tested in the condition. If we ve'got more than one field in condition, their names must also begin with $ to refer them (it works also with a unique field in condition).

For example, if you test $f501a value's in condition:

- this will delete 'c' subfields only in the '501' field which is true in the condition:

condition : $f501a eq "foo" and defined $f501b
delete : $f501c

- this will delete 'c' subfields in all '501' fields:

condition : $f501a eq "foo" and defined $f501b
delete : f501c

- this will create a new '701' field with a 'c' subfield containing '501$a' subfield's value defined in the condition:

create :
 f701a : $f501a

WARNING: To get subfield's value of the condition's fields, these subfields must be defined in the condition:

- it doesn't work:

condition : $f501a eq "foo"
create :
 f701a : $f501c

- it works (create a new '701' field with a subfield 'a' containing the condition's '501$c' subfield's value ):

condition : $f501a eq "foo" and defined $f501c
create :
 f701a : $f501c

- this restriction is true only for the subfield's values, but isn't true to specify the fields affected by an action: the example below will create a new 'c' subfield in a field defined in the condition.

condition : $f501a eq "foo" and $f110a == 2
create :
 $f501c : new subfield value
# If there are multiple '501' fields, only the one with a subfield 'a'='foo' will have a new 'c' subfield created



  • As the name suggests, this action allows you to create new fields and subfields.

  • Syntax:

    # basic:
    create :
     <subfield name> : <value>
    # to create two subfields (in one field) with same name:
    create :
     <subfield name> :
      - <value>
      - <value>
    # advanced:
    create :
     <field name> :
      <subfield name> : 
       - <value>
       - <value>
      <subfield name> : <value>
  • Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    create :
     b : new subfield's value on the condition's field
     f502a : this is the subfield's value of a new 502 field
     f502b : 
      - this is the first 'b' value of another new 502
      - this is the 2nd 'b' value of another new 502
     f600 :
      a : 
       - first 'a' subfield of this new 600 field
       - second 'a' subfield of this new 600 field
      b : the 600b value

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    --transformed record--
    501    _afoo
           _bnew subfield's value on the condition's field
    502    _bthis is the first 'b' value of another new 502
           _bthis is the 2nd 'b' value of another new 502
    502    _athis is the subfield's value of a new 502 field
    600    _afirst 'a' subfield of this new 600 field
           _asecond 'a' subfield of this new 600 field
           _bthe 600b value
  • be careful: You need to use lists to create several subfields with the same name in a field:

    # does not work:
    create :
     f502b : value
     f502b : value


  • This action allows you to update existing fields. This action updates all the specified subfields of all specified fields (if the specified field is a condition's field, it will be the only one to be updated)

  • Syntax:

    # basic:
    update :
     <subfield name> : <value>
    # advanced:
    update :
     <subfield name> : <value>
     <subfield name> : <value>
     <field name> :
      <subfield name> : <value>
      <subfield name> : <value>
  • Example:

    condition : $f502a eq "second a"
    update :
     b : updated value of all 'b' subfields in the condition field
     f502c : updated value of all 'c' subfields into all '502' fields
     f501 :
      a : updated value of all 'a' subfields into all '501' fields
      b : $f502a is the 502a condition's field's value

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
    502    _apoto
    502    _btruc
    --transformed record--
    501    _aupdated value of all 'a' subfields into all '501' fields
           _bsecond a is the 502a condition's field's value
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
           _bupdated value of all 'b' subfields in the condition field
           _cupdated value of all 'c' subfields into all '502' fields
           _cupdated value of all 'c' subfields into all '502' fields
    502    _apoto
    502    _btruc
           _cupdated value of all 'c' subfields into all '502' fields


  • This action is identical to the update, except that it updates only the first subfield of the specified fields

  • Syntax: except for the action's name, it's the same than the update's syntax

  • Example:

    condition : $f502a eq "second a"
    updatefirst :
     b : updated value of first 'b' subfields in the condition's field
     f502c : updated value of first 'c' subfields into all '502' fields
     f501 :
      a : updated value of first 'a' subfields into all '501' fields
      b : $f502a is the value of 502a conditionnal field

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
    502    _apoto
    502    _btruc
    --transformed record--
    501    _aupdated value of first 'a' subfields into all '501' fields
           _bsecond a is the value of 502a conditionnal field
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
           _bupdated value of first 'b' subfields in the condition's field
           _cupdated value of first 'c' subfields into all '502' fields
    502    _apoto
    502    _btruc
           _cupdated value of first 'c' subfields into all '502' fields

forceupdate and forceupdatefirst

  • If the specified subfields exist: these actions are identical to the update and the updatefirst actions

  • If the specified subfields doesn't exist: these actions are identical to the create action

  • Syntax: except for the action's name, it's the same than the update's syntax

  • Example:

    condition : $f502a eq "second a"
    forceupdate :
     b : 'b' subfield's value in the condition's field
     f502c : '502c' value's
     f503 :
      a : '503a' value's
      b : $f502a is the 502a condition's value

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    502    _btruc
    502    _apoto
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
    --transformed record--
    501    _afoo
    502    _btruc
           _c'502c' value's
    502    _apoto
           _c'502c' value's
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
           _b'b' subfield's value in the condition's field
           _c'502c' value's
           _c'502c' value's
    503    _a'503a' value's
           _bsecond a is the 502a condition's value
    --transformed record if we had used forceupdatefirst--
    501    _afoo
    502    _btruc
           _c'502c' value's
    502    _apoto
           _c'502c' value's
    502    _afirst a
           _asecond a
           _b'b' subfield's value in the condition's field
           _c'502c' value's
    503    _a'503a' value's
           _bsecond a is the value of 502a conditionnal field


  • As the name suggests, this action allows you to delete fields and subfields.

  • Syntax:

    # basic:
    delete : <field or subfield name>
    # advanced:
    delete :
     - <field or subfield name>
     - <field or subfield name>
  • Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    delete : $f501
    condition : $f501a eq "bar"
    delete : b
    delete : f502
    delete : 
     - f503
     - f504a

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _abar
    501    _afoo
    502    _apata
    502    _apoto
    503    _apata
    504    _aata1
    --transformed record--
    501    _abar
    504    _btbbt


  • As the name suggests, this action allows you to duplicate entire fields.

  • Syntax:

    # basic:
    duplicatefield : <field name> > <field name>
    # advanced:
    duplicatefield :
     - <field name> > <field name>
     - <field name> > <field name>
  • Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "bar"
    duplicatefield : $f501 > f400
    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    duplicatefield : 
     - $f501 > f401
     - f005 > f006

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    005     controlfield_content2
    005     controlfield_content1
    501    _afoo
    501 12 _abar
    --transformed record--
    005     controlfield_content2
    005     controlfield_content1
    006     controlfield_content1
    006     controlfield_content2
    400 12 _abar
    401    _afoo
    501    _afoo
    501 12 _abar


  • This action allows you to to define Perl code that will be eval.

    You can run functions written directly in the YAML ( for details on writing perl subs in the YAML, refer to next chapter: Use Perl functions and LookUp Tables ).

  • Syntax:

    # basic:
    execute : <perl code>
    # advanced:
    execute :
     - <perl code>
     - <perl code>  
  • Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "bar"
    execute : 
     - warn("f501a eq $f501a")
     - warn("barbar")
     condition : $f501a eq "foo"
     execute : \&warnfoo("f501a eq $f501a")
     subs : >
        sub warnfoo { my $string = shift;warn $string; }

    result (in stderr):

    f501a eq bar at (eval 30) line 6, <$yamls> line 1.
    barbar at (eval 30) line 7, <$yamls> line 1.
    f501a eq foo at (eval 33) line 2, <$yamls> line 1.

Use Perl functions and LookUp Tables

You can use Perl functions (subs) and lookup tables (LUT) to define with greater flexibility values that will be created or updated by the actions: create, forceupdate, forceupdatefirst, update and updatefirst.

These functions can be written in a rule (in this case they can be used only by this rule) or after the last rule ( after the last ---, can be used in all rules: global_subs and global_LUT ).


Three types of variables can be used:

$this, and condition's elements

  • variables pointing on the condition's subfield's values are those we have already seen in Chapter 'Run actions only on condition fields' (e.g. $f110c)

  • $this: this is the variable to use to pointing to the value of current subfield. $this can also be used outside a sub or a LUT.

    Example (N.B.: sub 'fromo2e' converts 'o' to 'e'):

     condition : $f501a eq "foo"
     create : 
      c : \&fromo2e("$f501a")
     update :
      d : this 501d value's is $this
      b : \&fromo2e("$this")
     subs: >
        sub fromo2e { my $string=shift; $string =~ s/o/e/g; $string; }

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    --transformed record--
    501    _afoo
           _d this 501d value's is doo


$record is the current MARC::Record object.


Internal rules

  • Syntax:

    #full rule:
     <method invokation syntax in the actions values, in sub-rule(s)>
     subs: >
        <one or more Perl subs>
    # method invokation syntax:
    \&<sub name>("<arguments>")
  • Example:

     condition : $f501a eq "foo" and defined $f501d
     update :
      b : \&convertbaddate("$this")
      c : \&trim("$f501d")
     subs: >
        sub convertbaddate {
            #this function convert date like "21/2/98" to "1998-02-28"
            my $in = shift;
            if ($in =~/^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2}).*/)
                my $day=$1;
                my $month=$2;
                my $year=$3;
                if ($day=~m/^\d$/) {$day="0".$day;}
                if ($month=~m/^\d$/) {$month="0".$month;}
                if (int($year)>12)
                else {$year="20".$year;}
                return "$year-$month-$day";
                return $in;
        sub trim {
            # This function removes ",00" at the end of a string
            my $in = shift;
            return $in;

    result (with $record->as_formatted):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    --transformed record--
    501    _afoo


  • Syntax:

    global_subs: >
        <one or more Perl subs>
    # method invokation syntax:
    \&<sub name>("<arguments>")
  • Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    update :
     b : \&return_record_encoding()
     c : \&trim("$this")
    global_subs: >
     sub return_record_encoding {
     sub trim {
         # This function removes ",00" at the end of a string
         my $in = shift;
         return $in;

    result (with $record->as_formatted ):

    --init record--
    501    _afoo
    --transformed record--
    501    _afoo


If a value has no match in a LookUp Table, it isn't modified.

If you want to use more than one LookUp Table in a rule, you must use a global_LUT because it differentiates tables with titles.

Internal rules

  • Syntax:

    #full rule:
     <LUT invokation syntax in the actions values, inside sub-rule(s)>
     LUT :
       <starting value> : <final value>
       <starting value> : <final value>
    # LUT invokation syntax:
    \&LUT("<starting value>")
  • Example:

     condition : $f501b eq "bar"
     create :
      f604a : \&LUT("$f501b")
     update :
      c : \&LUT("$this")
     LUT :
      1 : first
      2 : second
      bar : openbar

    result (with $record->as_formatted ):

    --init record--
    501    _bbar
    --transformed record--
    501    _bbar
    604    _aopenbar


  • Syntax:

     <LUT title> :
      <starting value> : <final value>
      <starting value> : <final value>
     <LUT title> :
      <starting value> : <final value>
      <starting value> : <final value>
    # global_LUT invokation syntax:
    \&LUT("<starting value>","<LUT title>")
  • Example:

    update :
     f501a : \&LUT("$this","numbers")
     f501b : \&LUT("$this","cities")
     f501c : \&LUT("$this","cities")
      NY : New York
      SF : San Fransisco
      TK : Tokyo
      1 : one
      2 : two

    result (with $record->as_formatted ):

    --init record--
    501    _a1
    --transformed record--
    501    _aone
           _cSan Fransisco

Latest tips and a big YAML example's

  • Restriction: the specific case of double-quotes (") and dollar signs ($):

    In YAML, these characters are interpreted differently. To use them in string context, you will need to replace them in YAML by #_dbquote_# (for ") and #_dollars_# (for $):

    . Example:

    condition : $f501a eq "I want #_dbquote_##_dollars_##_dbquote_#"
    create :
     f604a : "#_dbquote_#$f501a#_dbquote_# contain a #_dollars_# sign"

    . result (with $record->as_formatted ):

    --init record--
    501    _aI want "$"
    --transformed record--
    501    _aI want "$"
    604    _a"I want "$"" contain a $ sign
  • Example: feel free to copy the examples in this documentation. Be aware that I have added four space characters at the beginning of each line to make them better displayed by the POD interpreter. If you copy / paste them into your YAML configuration file, Be sure to remove the first four characters of each line (e.g. with vim, :%s/^\s\s\s\s//g ).

    condition : $f501a eq "foo"
    create :
     f502a : this is the value of a subfield of a new 502 field
    condition : $f401a=~/foo/
    create :
     b : new value of the 401 condition's field
     f600 :
      a : 
       - first a subfield of this new 600 field
       - second a subfield of this new 600 field
      b : the 600b value
    execute : \&reencodeRecordtoUtf8()
     condition : $f501a =~/foo/ and $f503a =~/bar/
     forceupdate :
      $f503b : mandatory b in condition's field
      f005_ : mandatory 005
      f006_ : \&return_record_encoding()
      f700 :
       a : the a subfield of this mandatory 700 field
       b : \&sub1("$f503a")
     forceupdatefirst :
      $f501b : update only the first b in condition's field 501
     condition : $f501a =~/foo/
     execute : \&warnfoo("f501a contain foo")
     subs : >
        sub return_record_encoding { $record->encoding(); }
        sub sub1 {my $string=shift;$string =~ s/a/e/g;return $string;}
        sub warnfoo { my $string = shift;warn $string; }
     condition : $f501b2 eq "o"
     update :
      c : updated value of all c in condition's field
      f504a : updated value of all 504a if exists
      f604 :
       b : \&LUT("$this")
       c : \&LUT("NY","cities")
     updatefirst :
      f604a : update only the first a in 604
     condition : $f501c eq "1"
     delete : $f501
     LUT :
       1 : first
       2 : second
       bar : openbar
    delete :
     - f401a
     - f005
    condition : $ldr2 eq "t"
    execute : \&SetRecordToLowerCase($record)
    condition : $f008_ eq "controlfield_content8b"
    duplicatefield :
     - $f008 > f007
     - f402 > f602
    delete : f402
    global_subs: >
        sub reencodeRecordtoUtf8 {
            $record->encoding( 'UTF-8' );
        sub warnfee {
            my $string = shift;warn $string;
      NY : New York
      SF : San Fransisco
      1 : one
      2 : two

    result (with $record->as_formatted ) :

    --init record--
    LDR optionnal leader
    005     controlfield_content
    008     controlfield_content8a
    008     controlfield_content8b
    106    _aVaLuE
    401    _aafooa
    402  2 _aa402a2
    402 1  _aa402a1
    501    _c1
    501    _afoo
    503    _afee
    504    _azut
    604    _afoo
    --transformed record--
    LDR optionnalaleader
    006     UTF-8
    007     controlfield_content8b
    008     controlfield_content8a
    008     controlfield_content8b
    106    _aVaLuE
    401    _bnew value of the 401 condition's field
    501    _c1
    501    _afoo
           _bupdate only the first b in condition's field 501
           _cupdated value of all c in condition's field
    502    _athis is the value of a subfield of a new 502 field
    503    _afee
           _bmandatory b in condition's field
    504    _aupdated value of all 504a if exists
           _aupdated value of all 504a if exists
    600    _afirst a subfield of this new 600 field
           _asecond a subfield of this new 600 field
           _bthe 600b value
    602 1  _aa402a1
    602  2 _aa402a2
    604    _aupdate only the first a in 604
           _cNew York
    700    _athe a subfield of this mandatory 700 field


Subs are redefined at each execution. It's not blocking, but it will display messages like "Subroutine foo redefined at (eval 2) line 1" on the stderr starting from the second record.



Stephane Delaune, (delaune.stephane at


Copyright 2011 Stephane Delaune for, all rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.