use Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2PDF

my $dg2pdf = B<Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2PDF-E<gt>new> (options);


A Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2PDF object converts a Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram object into a PDF file.


my $dg2pdf = Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2PDF->new (?options?)

A new Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Dg2PDF takes the following options:

boardSizeX => number
boardSizeY => number

Sets the size of the board.

Default: 19

doubleDigits => true | false

Numbers on stones are wrapped back to 1 after they reach 100. Numbers associated with comments and diagram titles are not affected.

Default: false

coords => true | false

Generates a coordinate grid.

Default: false

topLine => number (Default: 1)
bottomLine => number (Default: 19)
leftLine => number (Default: 1)
rightLine => number (Default: 19)

The edges of the board that should be displayed. Any portion of the board that extends beyond these numbers is not included in the output.

diaCoords => sub { # convert $x, $y to Diagram coordinates }

This callback defines a subroutine to convert coordinates from $x, $y to whatever coordinates are used in the Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram object. The default diaCoords converts 1-based $x, $y to the same coordinates used in SGF format files. You only need to define this if you're using a different coordinate system in the Diagram.

Default: sub { my ($x, $y) = @_; $x = chr($x - 1 + ord('a')); # convert 1 to 'a', etc $y = chr($y - 1 + ord('a')); return("$x$y"); }, # concatenate two letters

See also the diaCoords method below.

A user defined subroutine to replace the default printing method. This callback is called from the print method (below) with the reference to the Dg2TeX object and a list of lines that are part of the TeX diagram source.

pageSize => 'page size'

May be one of:

. a0 - a6
. letter
. broadsheet
. ledger
. tabloid
. executive
. 36x36

Default: 'letter'

topMargin => points
bottomMargin => points
leftMargin => points
rightMargin => points

Margins are set in PDF 'user space units' which are approximately equivilent to points (1/72 of an inch).

Default for all margins: 72 * .70 (7/10s of an inch)

text_fontName => 'font' Default: 'Times-Roman',
stone_fontName => 'font' Default: 'Courier-Bold'

Text and stone fonts names may be one of these (case sensitive):

. Courier
. Courier-Bold
. Courier-BoldOblique
. Courier-Oblique
. Helvetica
. Helvetica-Bold
. Helvetica-BoldOblique
. Helvetica-Oblique
. Times-Roman
. Times-Bold
. Times-Italic
. Times-BoldItalic
text_fontSize => points

The point size for the comment text. Diagram titles use this size plus 4, and the game title uses this size plus 6.

Default: 11

stone_fontSize => points

The stone_fontSize determines the size of the text inside stones, and may also determine the size of the stones and diagrams (see lineHeight and lineWidth below).

Default: 5

lineWidth => points
lineHeight => points

The lineWidth and lineHeight determine the size of the stones and diagrams.

If lineWidth is not explicitly set, it is calculated from the stone_fontSize to allow up to three digits on a stone . The default stone_fontSize allows for three diagrams (with -coords) per 'letter' page if comments don't take up extra space below diagrams. If doubleDigits is specified, the stones and board are slightly smaller (stone 100 may look a bit cramped).

If lineHeight is not explicitly set, it will be 1.05 * lineWidth, creating a slightly rectangular diagram.

Default: undef - determined from stone_fontSize


$dg2pdf->configure (option => value, ?...?)

Change Dg2PDF options from values passed at new time.

my $coord = $dg2mp->diaCoords ($x, $y)

Provides access to the diaCoords option (see above). Returns coordinates in the converter's coordinate system for board coordinates ($x, $y). For example, to get a specific intersection structure:

my $int = $diagram->get($dg2mp->diaCoords(3, 4));
$dg2pdf->print ($text ? , ... ?)

prints raw PDF code to file as defined at new time. Whether or not file was defined, print accumulates the PDF code for later retrieval with converted.

$dg2pdf->printComment ($text ? , ... ?)

Adds $text to the diagram comments.

$dg2pdf->comment ($comment ? , ... ?)

Inserts the PDF comment character ('%') in front of each line of each comment and prints it to file.

Note that this is not the same as the printComment method.

my $canvas = $dg2pdf->convertDiagram ($diagram)

Converts a Games::Go::Sgf2Dg::Diagram into PDF.

my $converted_text = $dg2pdf->convertText ($text)

Converts $text into text for display.

Returns the converted text.

$title = $dg2pdf->convertGameProps (\%sgfHash)

convertGameProps takes a reference to a hash of properties as extracted from an SGF file. Each hash key is a property ID and the hash value is a reference to an array of property values: $hash->{propertyId}->[values]. The following SGF properties are recognized:

. GN GameName
. EV EVent
. RO ROund
. DT DaTe
. PW PlayerWhite
. WR WhiteRank
. PB PlayerBlack
. BR BlackRank
. PC PlaCe
. KM KoMi
. RU RUles
. TM TiMe
. OT OverTime (byo-yomi)
. RE REsult
. AN ANnotator
. SO Source
. US USer (entered by)
. GC GameComment

Both long and short property names are recognized, and all unrecognized properties are ignored with no warnings. Note that these properties are all intended as game-level notations.


prints some final PDF code to the diagram and closes the pdf object (file).



Script to convert SGF format files to Go diagrams


You think I'd admit it?