Lyrics::Fetcher - Perl extension to manage fetchers of song lyrics.


use Lyrics::Fetcher;

print Lyrics::Fetcher->fetch("Pink Floyd","Echoes","LyricsTime");


This module is a fetcher manager. It searches for modules in the Lyrics::Fetcher::* name space and registers them as available fetchers.

The fetcher modules are called by Lyrics::Fetcher and they return song's lyrics in plain text form.

This module calls the respective Fetcher->fetch($$) method and returns the result.

In case of module error the Fetchers must return undef with the error description in $@.

In case of problems with lyrics' fetching, the error fill be returned in the $Lyrics::Fetcher::Error string. If all goes well, it will have 'OK' in it.

The fetcher selection is made by the "method" parameter passed to the fetch() of this module.

The value of the "method" parameter must be a * part of the Lyrics::Fetcher::* fetcher package name.


There are no known bugs, if catch one please let me know.


Copyright 2003 Sir Reflog <>. Copyright 2003 Zachary P. Landau <> All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.