Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::SNMP.
0.01 Mon Apr 21 13:28:31 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-AX -n POE::Component::SNMP
0.90 Mon Jun 7 18:44:00 2004
- Module inherited by Rob Bloodgood, from the previous
mainainer, Todd Caine.
- added POE::Component::SNMP::Dispatcher module, to subclass
Net::SNMP::Dispatcher such that all socket and scheduling
operations were processed by POE's event loop.
- updated the callback variables so that the hostname and
session alias of the SNMP object queried are returned to the
callback event.
- made write tests optional during install, so that the module
would install correctly even where a writeable host was
0.92 Mon Sep 6 13:19:53 2004
- Updated to be compatible with new Net::SNMP release 5.0.0
0.93 Thu Aug 11 11:57:29 2005
- Updated POE session constructor from the deprecated new() to
the new create() method.
- Removed a bunch of commented, deprecated code that was still
a holdover from the 0.01