The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.07100 - 2010-11-16

  • Fix bug with Cvterm add_secondary_dbxref, only caught under DBIx::Class >= 0.08124
  • add convenience methods for creating stock_dbxrefprops, nd_experimentprops, projectprops, and geolocationprops
  • add methods for working with parent and child terms of cvterms
  • Convert t/lib/ to Bio::Chado::Schema::Test so other CPAN modules can have test suites that use an automagically-created SQLite db



in lib/Bio/Chado/Schema/Cv/
in lib/Bio/Chado/
in lib/Bio/Chado/