DataAccess::Broker DataAccess::[xxx]::Service
- Paires of modules that encapsulate the xxxDataManager calls. The same form module is therefore used instead of a form module for each method of access.
- [xxx] can be any of Sqla, Dbc, Dbi, Rdb depending on the model used to access the database.
See Version in Wx::Perl::DbLinker
In the script that start the example
use DataAccess::Dbi::Service;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=./data/ex1",
my $data = DataAccess::Dbi::Service->new({dbh => $dbh });
my $app = Forms::Langues->new(
{ xrcfolder => "./xrc", data_broker => $data } );
In the form module
my $dman = $self->{data_broker}->get_DM_for('mainform');
sub on_field_changed {
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
$self->{data_broker}->query_DM( $self->{subform}->get_data_manager,'subform', [$value]);
Where mainform subform are keys that return the arguments for creating or querrying a DbiDataManager instance