Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DatasheetHelper - Common methods for Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Datasheet and Wx::Perl::DbLinker::Wxdatasheet. None of these are called directly by the end user.
See Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Datasheet and Wx::Perl::DbLinker::Wxdatasheet.
- cols
Array ref of fields name
- dman
A xxxDataManager object
$self->{ds_helper} = Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DatasheetHelper->new(
cols => $self->{cols},
dman => $self->{dman},
In a datasheet module, calls init_apply to pass a list of code refs that will be used when apply is called.
Mandatory parameters: a list of function references, the keys are
- next
returning the next row. Parameter the current iterator or row number
- set_val
setting the value for a given row and column. Parameters are row and column number, value
- get_val
returning the value for a given row and column. Parameters: row and column number
- del_row
deleting a row. Parameter: row and column number
- has_more_row
returning 1 or 0 if there are more rows after the curreont one.
- iter
the iterator or row position of the first row.
- status_col
the position of the status column or -1 if the status is set as a row label (ie a property of the row instead of a modified column).
sig => $self->{changed_signal},
sig_block => sub { $self->{log}->debug("sig_block"); $model->signal_handler_block($_[0])},
sig_unblock => sub { $model->signal_handler_unblock($_[0]) },
next => sub {$model->iter_next($_[0])},
get_val => sub {$self->{log}->debug("get_val col: ", $_[1]);
my $x = $model->get($_[0], $_[1]);
$self->{log}->debug("get_val found ", $x);
return $x
set_val => sub { $self->{log}->debug("set_val", $_[2]); $model->set($_[0], $_[1], $_[2])},
del_row => sub { $model->remove($_[0]) },
has_more_row => sub { return ( defined $iter ? 1 : 0 )},
status_col => 0,
iter => $iter,
Returns the home_made userinterface types (text, boolean, time, number) using the hash %fieldtype
Param: the type from the database (serial, integer, varchar, set, boolean ...)
Return the names of the columns passed in the fields arg
Return the column position (0 based)
Param: the name of the column.
Call apply after init to transmit to the database via the datamanager, the changes (a row deletion, a row addition, a row modification) made in the datasheet
Must be called after new, to build the colname_to_number hash used by colnumber_from_name and by get_grid_fields. Return an array ref of hash ref defining the fields of the grid + an array ref of the names of the columns of the underlying table.
- allfields
A reference to an array of hash ref received in the constructor of the datasheet object holding the fields used in the grid. This array ref is returned completed with the render
- cols
A array ref of the names of the columns in the table
- status_col
The fields definitions of the first column holding the bitmap with Gtk2. Not use with Wx.
Calls in datasheet->_set_upcombo to build the array of column names. Return the array reference.
- fields
Array ref of hash ref received in the datasheet constructor
- name
Name of the field return by the combo, corresponding to a field in the underlying table
Calls by Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker:Datasheet->_set_upcombo to build the array that will construct the model. Return this array.
- fields
Array ref of hash ref received in the datasheet constructor
- col_ref
Array ref of the fields in the combo
- renderer
A hash reference of type return by
and an array ref of two elements. The first is a code ref to a Gtk2::CellRenderer constructor of the corresponding type. The second is the corresponding Glib type. Use for the id of the combo. - default_renderer
A string of the Glib type to use for the the column(s) displayed in the combo.
Calls by datasheet->_set_upcombo in _setup_grid or _setup_treeview.
- fields
Array ref of hash ref received in the datasheet constructor
- name
Name of the field return by the combo, corresponding to a field in the underlying table
- col_ref
Array ref of the fields in the combo
- model
the Treemodel of the combo, or undef
Return the $model
with the combo rows if $model
was given or a list of two array ref: the rows displayed in the combo, and the id returned by the combo
sub method
my $self = shift;
my %arg = ( ref $_[0] eq "HASH" ? %$_[0] : (@_) );
my $missing;
confess( __PACKAGE__, " method : ", join( " ", @$missing ), " keys with code ref missing" )
if ( defined( $missing = $self->_get_missing_arg
[qw(next get_val set_val del_row has_more_row iter status_col)]
) );
Return an array ref of missing parameters
A hash ref of the parameters received by the methods to check. The hash is of the form name => value, ...
An array ref of the required argument names
Any Gk2::Ex::DbLinker questions or problems can be posted to me (rappazf) on my gmail account.
The current state of the source can be extract using Mercurial from
François Rappaz <>
Copyright (c) 2016 by F. Rappaz. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Datasheet Wx::Perl::DbLinker::Wxdatasheet.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 447:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'