Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker - Gui building part with Gtk2 of DbLinker
version 0.108 but see version at the end of MYMETA.yml to check that I'm correct here...
To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install
On windows use nmake or dmake instead of make.
The following modules are required in order to use Gtk2::Ex::Linker
Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbTools => 0.104
DateTime::Format::Strptime => 1.5,
Test::More => 1,
Gtk2 => 1.240,
Carp => 1.17,
Log::Log4perl => 1.41,
Data::Dumper' => 2.154,
DBD::SQLite' => 1.46
Install one of Rose::DB::Object or DBIx::Class if you want to use these orm to access your data.
Rose::DB object is required to get example 2_rdb working. DBIx::Class is required to get example 2_dbc working.
This module automates the process of tying data from a database to widgets on a Glade-generated form. All that is required is that you name your widgets the same as the fields in your data source.
Steps for use:
Create a DataManager object that contains the rows to display. Use DbiDataManager, RdbDataManager or DbcDataManager depending on how you access the database: sql commands and DBI, DBIx::Class or Rose::DB::Object
Create a Gtk2::GladeXML object to construct the Gtk2 windows
Create a Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form object that links the data and the windows
You would then typically connect the buttons to the methods below to handle common actions such as inserting, moving, deleting, etc.
The examples folder (located in the Gtk2-Ex-DbLinker-xxx folder under cpan/build in your perl folders tree) contains five examples that use a sqlite database of three tables:
countries (countryid, country, mainlangid),
langues (langid, langue),
speaks (langid, countryid) in example2_dbc, file ./data/ex1_1 or (speaksid, langid, countryid) in example2_dbi and 2_rdb, file ./data/ex1
runs at the command line, gives a form that uses DBI and sql commands to populate a drop box and a
gives a main form with a bottom navigation bar that displays each record (a country and its main language) one by one.A subform displays other(s) language(s) spoken in that country. Each language is displayed one by one and a second navigation bar is used to show these in turn.
For each language, a list gives the others countries where this idiom is spoken. Items from this lists are also add/delete/changed with a third navigation bar.
uses DBIx::Class and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbcDataManager. The speaks table primary key is the complete row itself, with the two fields, countryid and uses SQL::Abstract::More and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::SqlADataManager. The database is the same as above.
uses sql commands and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::DbiDataManager. The speaks table primary key is a counter speaksid (primary key) and the two fields, countryid and langid compose an index which does not allow duplicate
uses Rose::Data::Object and Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::RdbDataManager. The database is the same as above.
Any Gk2::Ex::DbLinker questions or problems can be posted to me (rappazf) on my gmail account.
The current state of the source can be extract using Mercurial from
François Rappaz <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 120:
Unterminated C<...> sequence