Changes for version 0.06

  • DbcDataManager new parameters columns => {name =>type} which replace the call to $rs->result_source->columns to supplied the column's names and types +columns => {name => type} the columns supplied are added to those found with $rs->result_source->columns. if a primary_keys array ref is supplied the search of the row at a given pos is done with $rs->search, not $rs->find


Use sql or orm objects to build a gtk2 Gui
Interface for xxxDataManager modules
a module that display data from a database in a tabular format using a treeview
a module used by Form and Datasheet that get data from a database using DBIx::Class objects
a module that get data from a database using DBI and sql commands
a module that display data from a database in glade generated Gtk2 interface
a module that get data from a database using Rose::DB::Objects