Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form - a module that display data from a database in glade generated Gtk2 interface


See Version in Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker


use My::DbLinker::Form;
use Rdb::Coll::Manager;
use Rdb::Biblio::Manager;
use Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::RdbDataManager;
use Gtk2 -init;
use Gtk2::GladeXML;

 my $builder = Gtk2::Builder->new();

my $data = Rdb::Coll::Manager->get_coll(query => [noti => {eq => $self->{noti}}]);
my $dman = Linker::RdbDataManager->new({data=> $data, meta => Rdb::Coll->meta });

	$self->{form_coll} = Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form->new({
	data_manager => $dman,
	#meta => Rdb::Coll->meta,
	builder => 	$builder,
  	rec_spinner => $self->{dnav}->get_object('RecordSpinner'),
    	status_label=>  $self->{dnav}->get_object('lbl_RecordStatus'),
	rec_count_label => $self->{dnav}->get_object("lbl_recordCount"),
	on_current =>  sub {on_current($self)},
	date_formatters => {datecorr => "%d-%m-%Y",  },

To display new rows on a bound subform, connect the on_changed event to the field of the primary key in the main form. In this sub, call a sub to synchonize the form:

In the main form:

    sub on_nofm_changed {
        my $widget = shift;
	my $self = shift;
	my $pk_value = $widget->get_text();

In the subform_a module

    sub synchronize_with {
	my ($self,$value) = @_;
	my $data = Rdb::Product::Manager->get_product(with_objects => ['seller_product'], query => ['seller_product.no_seller' => {eq => $value}]);

Dealing with many to many relationship

It's the sellers and products situation where a seller sells many products and a product is selled by many sellers. One way is to have a insert statement that insert a new row in the linking table (say transaction) each time a new row is added in the product table.

An other way is to create a data manager for the transaction table

With DBI

$dman = Linker::DbiDataManager->new({ dbh => $self->{dbh}, sql =>{select =>"no_seller, no_product", from => "transaction", where => ""}});

With Rose::DB::Object

$data = Rdb::Transaction::Manager->get_transaction(query=> [no_seller => {eq => $current_seller }]);

$dman = Linker::RdbDataManager->new({data => $data, meta=> Rdb::Transaction->meta});

And keep a reference of this for latter

$self->{linking_data} = $dman;

If you want to link a new row in the table product with the current seller, create a method that is passed and array of primary key values for the current seller and the new product.

	sub update_linking_table {
	   	my ( $self, $keysref) = @_;
   		my @keys = keys %{$keysref};
		my $f =  $self->{main_form};
		my $dman = $self->{main_abo}->{linking_data};
		foreach my $k (@keys){
			my $value = ${$keysref}{$k};
			$dman->set_field($k, $value );

This method is to be called when a new row has been added to the product table:

	sub on_newproduct_applied_clicked {
		my $button = shift;
	 	my $self = shift;
    		my $main = $f->{main_form};
		my %h;
		$h{no_seller}= $main->{no_seller};
		$h{no_product}= $self->{abo}->get_widget_value("no_product");

You may use the same method to delete a row from the linking table

my $data = Rdb::Transaction::Manager->get_transaction(query=> [no_seller => {eq => $seller }, no_product=>{eq => $product } ] );


his module automates the process of tying data from a database to widgets on a Glade-generated form. All that is required is that you name your widgets the same as the fields in your data source.

Steps for use:

  • Create a xxxDataManager object that contains the rows to display

  • Create a Gtk2::GladeXML object (the form widget)

  • Create a Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form object that links the data and your form

  • You would then typically connect the buttons to the methods below to handle common actions such as inserting, moving, deleting, etc.



The new(); method expects a hash reference of key / value pairs

  • data_manager a instance of a xxxDataManager object

  • builder a Gtk2::GladeXML builder

The following keys are optional

  • datawidgets a reference to an array of id in the glade file that will display the fields

  • rec_spinner the name of a GtkSpinButton to use as the record spinner or a reference to this widget. The default is to use a widget called RecordSpinner.

  • rec_count_label name (default to "lblRecordCount") or a reference to a label that indicate the position of the current row in the rowset

  • status_label name (default to "lbl_RecordStatus") or a reference to a label that indicate the changed or syncronized flag of the current row

  • on_current a reference to sub that will be called when moving to a new record

  • date_formatters a reference to an hash of Gtk2Entries id (keys), and format strings that follow Rose::DateTime::Util (value) to display formatted Date

add_combo( { data_manager => $dman, id => 'noed', fields => ["id", "nom"], });

Once the constructor has been called, combo designed in the glade file received their rows with this method. The parameter is a hash reference, and the key and value are

  • data_manager a dataManager instance that holds the rows of the combo

  • id the id of the widget in the glade file

  • fields an array reference holdings the names of fields in the combo (this parameter is needed with RdbDataManager only)

Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker::Form-add_combo({ data_manager => $combodata, id => 'countryid', builder => $builder, }); >

This method can also be called as a class method, when the underlying form is not bound to any table. You need to pass the Gtk2::Builder object as a supplemental parameter.


Reflect in the user interface the changes made after the data manager has been queried, or on the form creation


Returns the data manager to be queried

get_widget_value ( $widget_id );

Returns the value of a data widget from its id

set_widget_value ( $widget_id, $value );

Sets the value of a data widget from its id

Methods applied to a row of data

  • insert();

    Displays an empty rows at position 0 in the record_count_label.

  • delete();

    Marks the current row to be deleted. The delele itself will be done on apply.

  • apply():

    Save a new row, save changes on an existing row, or delete the row(s) marked for deletion.

  • undo();

    Revert the row to the original state in displaying the values fetch from the database.

  • next();

  • previous();

  • first();

  • last();



FranE<ccedil>ois Rappaz <>


Copyright (c) 2014 by F. Rappaz. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.




Daniel Kasak All this Linker things should have been included in his modules...