Mojo::Reactor::Glib - Glib::MainLoop backend for Mojo


Version 0.001

I hope I need not to emphasise that this is in VERY EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT.


Mojo::Reactor::Glib is a backend for Mojo::Reactor, build on top of the Glib main loop, allowing you to use various Mojo(licious) modules within a Glib or Gtk program.

    $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Glib';

use Gtk2 -init;
use Mojo::UserAgent;

my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new();

Glib::Timeout->add(1000, sub {
    $ua->get('' => sub {
        my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
        say $tx->res->body;
    return Glib::SOURCE_CONTINUE;




Runs the timer known by $id again

$r->io($handle, $cb)

Assigns a callback function $cb to the IO handle $handle. This is required before you can use "watch".

Returns the reactor $r so you can chain the calls.


Returns true if the loop is running, otherwise returns false


Does a single Glib::MainLoop iteration. Returns true if events were dispatched during this iteration (whether or not they had been Mojo::Reactor::Glib events), false if nothing happened.

$r->recurring($after_sec, $cb)

Starts a recurring timer that beats every $after_sec seconds (N.B. Glib allows for millisecond granularity), which will result in $cb being fired.

Returns the Glib::Timeout ID that you can use to "stop" the timer.

See also "timer"


Removes the timer identified by $id, returning true if this was successful, and a false-ish value otherwise.


Stops all timers and watches.


Starts the loop if it isn't already running.


Stops the loop.

$r->timer($after_sec, $cb)

Starts a one-shot timer that beats after $after_sec seconds (N.B. Glib allows for millisecond granularity), which will result in $cb being fired.

Returns the Glib::Timeout ID that you can use to "stop" or "again" the timer.

See also "recurring".

$r->watch($handle, $read, $write)

Adds an IO watch for $read or $write (booleans) on $handle. If both $read and $write are false, it removes the watch.

Requires "io" to be run on $handle first, as that associates the callback function with the handle.

See also "io".


Ralesk <ralesk at>


Please report issues at


  • Breaks on Win32, Mojo::UserAgent can't do non-blocking calls at least.

  • Can't latch onto an existing Gtk event loop (no API for that), not sure if we actually should be able to or if we're good here in a sub-loop.


Copyright (C) 2014 Henrik Pauli

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full licence at: