Benchmark::Object - Simple interface to do benchmarking.
use Benchmark::Object;
print "Benchmarking for loop runs 2000 times.\n";
#Sart benchmarking here
my $obj = Benchmark::Object->start();
for(my $i = 0; $i < 2000; $i++) {
#First pause
print "Benchmarking for loop runs 1000 times.\n";
#First resume
for(my $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
#Second pause
print "Benchmarking for loop runs 500 times.\n";
#Second resume
for(my $i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
#Final stop of benchmarking
#Print total result in tabluar form
#Get benchmark result on return hash form
my $ret = $obj->get_benchmark();
require Data::Dumper;
print Data::Dumper::Dumper($ret);
This is a simple benchmarking module, can be used to get the banchmark at any part of code or complete code.
There are four functions (start(it is also constructor), pause, resume, stop) in this module to perform benchmarking. It is recommended to use these functions in logical order. otherwise total benchmarking result will be having incorrect value.
There are two fundtions, (print_benchmark and get_benchmark) to get result of benchmark.
- start
This function will start benchmarking.
- pause
This function will pause benchmarking. Should be called after start or resume.
- resume
This function will resume benchmarking, which was paused earlier using pause() function. Should be called after pause.
- stop
This function will stop benchmarking. Should be called after start or resume.
- print_benchmark
This function will print benchmark result in tablur form. Below is example:
Start Datetime: Oct 14 2013 15:27:36 End Datetime: Oct 14 2013 15:27:36 Iteration Second Microsecond Total in Microseconds =========================================================================================== START 1381744656 838024 1.381745e+015 PAUSE0 1381744656 838417 1.381745e+015 RESUME0 1381744656 838435 1.381745e+015 PAUSE1 1381744656 838640 1.381745e+015 RESUME1 1381744656 838651 1.381745e+015 END 1381744656 838851 1.381745e+015 =========================================================================================== Total time taken: 0 seconds 798 microseconds
- get_benchmark
This function will return anonymous hash reference of benchmark result. Below is an example:
{ 'START_DATETIME' => 'Oct 14 2013 15:27:36', 'PAUSECOUNT' => 2, 'TAKEN_MICROSEC' => 798, 'PAUSE2' => {}, 'RESUMECOUNT' => 2, 'END_MICROSEC' => 838851, 'RESUME0' => { 'START_SEC' => 1381744656, 'START_MICROSEC' => 838435 }, 'PAUSE0' => { 'START_SEC' => 1381744656, 'START_MICROSEC' => 838417 }, 'END_SEC' => 1381744656, 'TAKEN_SEC' => '0', 'END_DATETIME' => 'Oct 14 2013 15:27:36', 'START_SEC' => 1381744656, 'PAUSE1' => { 'START_SEC' => 1381744656, 'START_MICROSEC' => 838640 }, 'RESUME1' => { 'START_SEC' => 1381744656, 'START_MICROSEC' => 838651 }, 'START_MICROSEC' => 838024 }
Vipin Singh, <>
Copyright (C) 2013 by Vipin Singh
This library is free and with no warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.