Transport::AU::PTV - access Melbourne Public Transport data.
version 0.02
# Create a new object with the developer ID and the API key.
# If the credentials are not specified it will attempt to use
# the PERL_PTV_DEV_ID and PERL_PTV_API_KEY environment variables.
my $ptv = Transport::AU::PTV->new({
dev_id => '1234',
aaa_aaa => 'a1aa1111-11aa-11aa-aaa1-1a1aaa11aaa1'
# Get all of the routes on the network.
my $routes = $ptv->routes();
# Returns a Transport::AU::PTV::Error object on error. The object stringifys to the error string.
croak "$routes" if $routes->error;
# Plurals (Routes, Stops, Departures) are collections. A few things can be done with collections:
# They can be treated as arrays - below each topic variable is a Transport::AU::PTV::Route object.
foreach ($routes->as_array) { say $_->name }
# You can grep through them, which returns a subset of the same collection:
my $train_routes = $routes->grep(sub { $_->type == 0 });
# You can map, which returns an array:
my @name_and_type = $routes->map(sub { { name => $_->name, type => $_>type } });
# Chain calls together.
$ptv->routes->find(id => 15)->stops->stop(id => 2)->departures();
This module provides access to version 3 of Public Transport Victoria's API. This is best described by PTV itself:
The API has been created to provide public transport timetable data to the public in the most dynamic and efficient way. By providing an API, PTV hopes to maximise both the opportunities for re-use of public transport data and the potential for innovation.
The hierarachy of objects is as such:
The Transport::AU::PTV network has train, tram, bus and VLine Transport::AU::PTV::Routes.
Each Transport::AU::PTV::Route has Transport::AU::PTV::Stops where the mode of transport picks up/drops off travellers.
Each Transport::AU::PTV::Stop has scheduled Transport::AU::PTV::Departures.
Each Transport::AU::PTV::Departure has real time data on the estimated departure time and whether the transport is at the platform.
On an error the object returns an Transport::AU::PTV::Error object.
# Call the constructor with explicit arguments
my $ptv = Transport::AU::PTV->new({
dev_id => '1234',
api_key => 'a1aa1111-11aa-11aa-aaa1-1a1aaa11aaa1'
# If the environment variables 'PERL_PTV_DEV_ID' and 'PERL_PTV_API_KEY' are defined
# then the constructor will use those:
# bash# export PTV_DEV_ID=1234 PTV_API_KEY=a1aa1111-11aa-11aa-aaa1-1a1aaa11aaa
my $ptv = Transport::AU::PTV->new();
Creates a new Transport::AU::PTV object. Takes a developer ID and API key.
my $routes = $ptv->routes();
my $filtered_routes = $ptv->routes({ name => 'Upf' });
Returns a Transport::AU::PTV::Routes object containing all routes of all types on the Melbourne PTV network. With no arguments it returns all of the routes on the network - train, tram, bus, etc. The name
argument can be used to filter based on the name of the route. This filter supports a partial match of the name.
my $route = $ptv->route({ route_id => 15 });
Retrieve the route with a specific route ID.
Greg Foletta <>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Greg Foletta.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.