Parse::ErrorString::Perl - Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
Version 0.06
use Parse::ErrorString::Perl;
my $parser = Parse::ErrorString::Perl->new;
# or: my $parser = Parse::ErrorString::Perl->new(lang => 'FR') to get localized explanations
my @errors = $parser->parse_string($string_containing_stderr_output);
foreach my $error(@errors) {
print 'Captured error message "' .
$error->message .
'" in file ' . $error->file .
' on line ' . $error->line . "\n";
new(lang => $lang)
Constructor. Receives an optional lang
parameter, specifying that error explanations need to be delivered in a language different from the default (i.e. English). Will try to load POD2::$lang::perldiag
Receives an error string generated from the perl interpreter and attempts to parse it into a list of Parse::ErrorString::Perl::ErrorItem
objects providing information for each error.
Each object contains the following accessors (only message
, file
, and line
are guaranteed to be present for every error):
- type
A single letter idnetifying the type of the error (not implemented yet). The possbile options are
, andA
. - type_description
A description of the error type (not implemented yet). The possible options are:
W => warning D => deprecation S => severe warning F => fatal error P => internal error X => very fatal error A => alien error message
- message
The error message.
- file
The path to the file in which the error occurred, possibly trunicated. If the error occurred in a script, the parser will attempt to return only the filename; if the error occurred in a module, the parser will attempt to return the path to the module relative to the directory in @INC in which it resides (not implemented yet).
- file_abspath
Absolute path to the file in which the error occurred.
- file_msgpath
The file path as displayed in which the error message.
- line
Line in which the error occurred.
- near
Text near which the error occurred.
- diagnostics
Detailed explanation of the error (from perldiag). Returned as pod, so you may need to use a pod parser to render into the format you need.
- stack
Callstack for the error (not implemented yet).
Petar Shangov, <pshangov at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-parse-errorstring-perl at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Parse::ErrorString::Perl
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Copyright 2008 Petar Shangov, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.