runjob - Run a job in the cluster using NBI::Slurm


version 0.1.1


runjob [options] "Command to run"


The runjob script allows you to submit a job to the cluster using the NBI::Slurm module. It provides a command-line interface for setting the job parameters, including the queue, memory, threads, and execution time.


-n, --name

Specifies the name of the job (optional). If not provided, an automatic name will be generated based on the command being run.

-q, --queue

Specifies the queue name for the job. The default value is "nbi-short".

-m, --memory

Specifies the amount of memory to use for the job. The default value is 8Gb.

-t, --threads

Specifies the number of threads to use for the job. The default value is 1.


Specifies the time string for the job. The default value is "0d 8h". The format should be in the format of "Xd Xh Xm" where X represents the number of days (d), hours (h), and minutes (m) respectively.

-T, --tmpdir

Specifies the temporary directory for the job. The default value is "/tmp".

-r, --run

Runs the job immediately after submitting. If not specified, the script will only print the job script without running it.


Enables verbose output, displaying additional information about the job and its options.


Displays the help message for the script.


Submitting a job to the default queue with 4Gb memory and running the job:

runjob -m 4Gb -r "ls -l"

Submitting a job with a custom name, 2 threads, and running a Python script:

runjob -n "my-job" -t 2 -r "python"

Printing the job script without running it:

runjob "echo 'Hello, world!'"


Andrea Telatin <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Andrea Telatin.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License