Changes for version 1.054 - 2020-04-19
- Important!
- The 'yancy.auth.login' route is now named 'yancy.auth.login_form' to match the other login form routes.
- Added
- Added disabling of CSRF field in Form plugins. Use this to build a form without a CSRF token inside.
- Added top-level OR matching to `match` utility. Now the `require_user` authorization method can express more options.
- Added `$match: any` to controller list actions. This changes the filter from "AND" to "OR", returning results that match any filter instead of requiring them to match all filters.
- Fixed
- Fixed test failure with too old versions of Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium. Thanks @eserte for reporting this!
- Fixed `yancy.form.form_for` helper being called with `app` causing CSRF failures. Now the Form helper will warn you when called without a request that can build a useful CSRF token. Thanks @pavelsr for reporting this! [Github #95]
- In the controller list actions, '$order_by' can now be a field name to sort by that field ascending. Previously, the 'asc:' or 'desc:' prefix was required.
- Fixed foreign key fields not working when the first item in x-list-columns was using a template. Now, the foreign key field searches all fields in the template and uses the template to display the current value of the field. Thanks @OpossumPetya for reporting this issue! [Github #96]
- Removed extra page loads from the authentication workflow:
- The login form is now displayed on the unauthorized error page
- Logging out brings the user back to where they were so, if necessary, they can log in again
- Fixed user being returned to the wrong place after authentication:
- If the login form was displayed by the login page, the user is returned to the previous page
- Otherwise, the login form was displayed on the page the user wants, so they are directed back to that page
- The `return_to` query param can be used to override where a user is returned in either circumstance
- Docs
- Made the docs for Yancy::Controller::Yancy and Yancy::Controller::Yancy::MultiTenant easier to read.
- Added undocumented `login_form` helper to auth plugins
- Added examples of how to use Auth plugin routes and helpers. Thanks @pavelsr for reporting this issue! [Github #100]
Start the standalone Yancy web application
Handles talking to the database.
How to do user authentication and authorization in Yancy
How to configure Yancy
How to run Yancy without writing Perl code
Changes and deprecations when upgrading Yancy
Embed a simple admin CMS into your Mojolicious application
A simple framework and editor for content-driven Mojolicious websites
A backend for DBIx::Class schemas
A backend for MySQL using Mojo::mysql
A backend for Postgres using Mojo::Pg
A role to give a relational backend relational capabilities
A role to give a relational backend relational capabilities
A role to give a synchronous backend useful Promises methods
A backend for SQLite using Mojo::SQLite
Commands for working with Yancy backends
Copy data between backends
Basic controller for displaying content
An OpenAPI REST controller for the Yancy editor
A controller to show a user only their content
Add one or more authentication plugins to your site
A simple auth module for a site
Authenticate using Github's OAuth2 provider
Authenticate using an OAuth2 provider
A simple password-based auth
Add authorization based on user attributes
A simple token-based auth
Yancy content editor, admin, and management application
Manage file uploads, attachments, and other assets
Generate form HTML using various UI libraries
Generate forms using Bootstrap 4
Utilities for Yancy
- eg/
- eg/auth-demo/
- eg/auth-demo/cpanfile
- eg/auth-demo/
- eg/doc-site/.gitignore
- eg/doc-site/
- eg/doc-site/cpanfile
- eg/doc-site/
- eg/doc-site/index.markdown
- eg/doc-site/myapp.conf
- eg/doc-site/
- eg/doc-site/myapp.preaction.conf
- eg/doc-site/public/screenshot-custom-element.png
- eg/doc-site/public/screenshot-edit.png
- eg/doc-site/public/screenshot.png
- eg/docker/Dockerfile
- eg/docker/Dockerfile.mysql
- eg/docker/
- eg/docker/Dockerfile.sqlite
- eg/test-app/.gitignore
- eg/test-app/myapp.auth.conf
- eg/test-app/myapp.conf
- eg/test-app/myapp.null.conf
- eg/test-app/
- eg/test-app/templates/not_found.html.ep
- eg/test-app/templates/people.html.ep
- eg/test-app/templates/people/index.html.ep
- eg/test-app/
- eg/todo-app/.gitignore
- eg/todo-app/cpanfile
- eg/todo-app/
- eg/todo-app/
- eg/todo-app/todo-app.service