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ETL::Yertl::Transform - Transform a stream of documents


version 0.044


### Simple transform callback
use ETL::Yertl;
use ETL::Yertl::Transform;
my $xform = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub {
        # Document is in $_
    source => ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdin,
    destination => ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdout,

### Transform class
package Local::Transform::Dump;
use ETL::Yertl;
use Data::Dumper;
use base 'ETL::Yertl::Transform';
sub transform_doc {
    my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;
    say Dumper $doc;
    return $doc;

package main;
use ETL::Yertl;
my $xform = Local::Transform::Dump->new(
    source => ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdin,
    destination => ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdout,


This class holds a transformation routine in a Yertl stream. Transforms read documents from ETL::Yertl::FormatStream objects and optionally write them to another ETL::Yertl::FormatStream object. Transforms can chain to other transforms, creating a pipeline of transformations.

Transformations can be simple subroutines or full classes (inheriting from this class).

Transform Object

Create ad-hoc transform objects by passing in a transform_doc callback. The callback receives two arguments: The transform object, and the document to transform. The callback should return the transformed document (whether or not it is the same document modified in-place).

Transform Class

Create transform classes by inheriting from ETL::Yertl::Transform. Subclasses can override the transform_doc method to transform documents. This method receives the same arguments, returns the same values, sets $_, and behaves exactly like the transform_doc callback.

Overloaded Operators

Transforms can be chained together using the pipe (|) operator. The result of the expression is the transform on the right side, for continued chaining.

my $xform1 = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub { ... },
my $xform2 = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub { ... },
my $xform3 = $xform1 | $xform2 | ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub { ... },

Transforms can receive sources using the << operator with a ETL::Yertl::FormatStream object. The result of the expression is the transform object, for continued chaining.

my $input = ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdin;
my $xform = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub { ... },
) << $input;

Transforms can receive destinations using the >> operator with a ETL::Yertl::FormatStream object. The result of the expression is the transform object, for continued chaining.

my $output = ETL::Yertl::FormatStream->new_for_stdout;
my $xform = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new(
    transform_doc => sub { ... },
) >> $output;



my $xform = ETL::Yertl::Transform->new( %args );

Create a new transform object. %args is a hash with the following keys:


The source for documents. Can be a ETL::Yertl::FormatStream or a ETL::Yertl::Transform object. You do not need to specify this right away, but it is required for the transform to do useful work.


(optional) A ETL::Yertl::FormatStream object to write the documents to. This can be an intermediate destination or the ultimate destination. The last transform in a stream should have a destination.


A subref to transform the documents read from the source. The subref will receive two arguments: The transform object and the document to transform. It should return the transformed document. The document to transform is also set as $_ for simpler transforms.


$xform->configure( %args );

Configure this object. Takes the same arguments as the constructor, "new". This method allows updating any of the transform attributes later, so that transforms can be given new sources/destinations.


$xform->write( $doc );

Write a document explicitly. This can be used by the transform_doc callback to write documents without needing to return them from the callback.



Run the transform, returning when all data is read from the source, and all data written to the destination (if any).


ETL::Yertl, ETL::Yertl::FormatStream


Doug Bell <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Doug Bell.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.