WebService::GoogleHack::Rate - This module implements a simple relatedness measure and semantic orientation related type functions.


use WebService::GoogleHack::Rate;





#create an object of type Rate

my $rate = WebService::GoogleHack::Rate->new(); 

$results=$rate->measureSemanticRelatedness1("dog", "cat");

#The PMI measure is stored in the variable $results, and it can also 
#be accessed as $rate->{'PMI'};

$results=$rate->predictSemanticOrientation($INPUTFILE, "excellent", "bad",$TRACEFILE);

#The resutls can be accessed through 
print $results->{'prediction'}."\n"; 
$results->{'PMI Measure'}."\n"; 
$rate->{'prediction'} &."\n"; 
$rate->{'PMI Measure'}."\n"; 


WebService::GoogleHack::Rate - This package uses Google to do some basic natural language processing. For example, given two words, say "knife" and "cut", the module has the ability to retrieve a semantic relatedness measure, commonly known as the PMI (Pointwise mututal information) measure. The larger the measure the more related the words are. The package can also predict the semantic orientation of a given paragraph of english text. A positive measure means that the paragraph has a positive meaning, and negative measure means the opposite.



Purpose: This function creates an object of type Rate and returns a blessed reference.

__PACKAGE__->init(Params Given Below)

Purpose: This this function can used to inititalize the member variables.

Valid arguments are :

  • key

    string. key to the google-api

  • File_location

    string. This the wsdl file name


Purpose: This function is used to measure the relatedness between two words.

Formula used: log(hits(w1)) + log(hits(w2)) - log(hits(w1w2))

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

Returns: Returns the object containing the relatedness measure.


Purpose: This function is used to measure the relatedness between two words.

Formula used: log(w1w2/(w1+w2))

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

Returns: Returns the object containing the relatedness measure.


Purpose: This function is used to measure the relatedness between two words.

Formula used: log( hits(w1w2) / (hits(w1) * hits(w2)))

Valid arguments are :

  • searchString1

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

  • searchString2

    string. The search string which can be a phrase or word

Returns: Returns the object containing the relatedness measure.


Purpose: this function tries to predict the semantic orientation of a paragraph of text.

Valid arguments are :

  • review_file

    string. The location of the review file

  • positive_inference.

    string. Positive inference such as excellent

  • negative_inference.

    string. Negative inference such a poor

  • trace_file.

    string. The location of the trace file. If a file_name is given, the results are stored in this file

Returns : the PMI measure and the prediction which is 0 or 1.


Pratheepan Raveendranathan, <>

Ted Pedersen, <>



WebService::GoogleHack home page -

Pratheepan Raveendranathan -

Ted Pedersen -

Google-Hack Maling List <>


Copyright (c) 2005 by Pratheepan Raveendranathan, Ted Pedersen

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to

The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.