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Inferno::RegMgr::TCP - Access OS Inferno's registry(4) files using TCP ports


This document describes Inferno::RegMgr::TCP version v1.0.0


use Scalar::Util qw( weaken );
use EV;
use IO::Stream;
use Inferno::RegMgr::TCP;

my $reg = Inferno::RegMgr::TCP->new({ host => 'localhost' });

    cb   => \&cb_event,

my ($io);
my $t1 = EV::timer 1, 0, sub {
    $io = $reg->open_new({
        name => 'tcp!!22',
        attr => { proto => 'ssh' },
        cb   => \&cb_new,
my $t2 = EV::timer 2, 0, sub {
    $reg->update($io, { descr => 'example sshd' });
my $t3 = EV::timer 3, 0, sub {
    $io->close();   # unregister service


sub cb_new {
    my ($err) = @_;
    die "fail to register service or connection to
        registry was lost: $err";
sub cb_find {
    my ($svc, $err) = @_;
    die "lookup failed: $err" if $err;
    if (!keys %$svc) {
        print "No services found\n";
    for my $name (keys %$svc) {
        print "Found service: $name\n";
        my $attrs = $svc->{$name};
        while (my ($attr, $val) = each %$attrs) {
            print "  $attr = $val\n";
sub cb_event {
    my ($e, $err) = @_;
    die "failed: $err" if $e & EOF || $err;
    print "connected to registry\n" if $e & CONNECTED;
    if ($e & IN) {
        print "something changed\n";
            attr => {},     # no query - get all services
            cb   => \&cb_find,

# connected to registry
# something changed
# Found service: tcp!!22
#   proto = ssh
# something changed
# Found service: tcp!!22
#   proto = ssh
#   descr = example sshd
# something changed
# No services found


This module designed as connection plugin for Inferno::RegMgr, and it generally shouldn't be used manually - only you have to do in usual case is create new Inferno::RegMgr::TCP object and give to to Inferno::RegMgr.

This module let you access OS Inferno's ndb/registry: register/update/unregister your services, search for registered services and get notification on registry change.

All I/O is non-blocking, using IO::Stream. That mean you have to run event loop (EV::loop) in your code to get this module to work.

Many methods in this module return created IO::Stream object, but in general case you neither need to keep them nor should access them - they are completely handled by this module. Main reason to keep these returned objects - to be able to interrupt their task (using $io->close()).

Inferno configuration

Example commands to provide access to registry using TCP ports, in a way compatible with this module:

# (for perl) plain tcp interface to /mnt/registry/{new,find,event}
listen -A tcp!!6701 { {
    cat >/mnt/registry/new
    } & }
listen -A tcp!!6702 { {
    read >[1=3]; read -o 0 0 <[0=3]; cat >[1=0] <[0=3]
    } <>[3]/mnt/registry/find & }
# 'echo READY' needed to workaround race: between connecting to tcp port
# and opening event file may happens some events which will be lost in
# case client expect to get ALL events after establishing connection
listen -A tcp!!6703 { {
    echo READY
    cat &                      pid1 := $apid
    cat <[0=1] >/dev/null &    pid2 := $apid
    { read < /prog/$pid2/wait; kill $pid1 >[2]/dev/null } &
    read < /prog/$pid1/wait; kill $pid2 >[2]/dev/null
    } </mnt/registry/event & }



Create and return Inferno::RegMgr::TCP object.

Accept HASHREF with options:

host       REQUIRED
port_new   OPTIONAL, DEFAULT 6701
port_find  OPTIONAL, DEFAULT 6702
port_event OPTIONAL, DEFAULT 6703

This hostname and ports will be used by methods open_new(), open_find() and open_event().


Register new service in registry. Create and return IO::Stream object, with connection to {host}:{port_new}.

Accept HASHREF with options:

name       REQUIRED service name
attr       OPTIONAL hash with service attrs
cb         REQUIRED user callback (CODEREF or CLASS name or OBJECT)
method     OPTIONAL user callback method (if {cb} is CLASS/OBJECT)

User callback will be called only if error happens. IO::Stream object will be already closed at that point. Callback params:


Returned IO::Stream object can be used to: update service attrs (using method update()) and unregister service (using $io->close()).

DO NOT FORGET to weaken() returned IO::Stream object if you will keep it or to remove it when user callback will be called!

update($io, \%attr)

Update attrs for registered service.

$io        IO::Stream object returned by open_new()
%attr      can contain only changed/added attrs

Return nothing.


Lookup for currently registered services in registry. Create and return IO::Stream object, with connection to {host}:{port_find}.

Accept HASHREF with options:

attr       OPTIONAL hash with needed service attrs
cb         REQUIRED user callback (CODEREF or CLASS name or OBJECT)
method     OPTIONAL user callback method (if {cb} is CLASS/OBJECT)

User callback will be called when search finished. IO::Stream object will be already closed at that point. Callback params:

($svc, $err)

If $svc undefined, then error $err happens, else $svc will contain HASHREF with found service names as keys and HASHREF with their attrs as values.

Returned IO::Stream object can be used to: interrupt this search (using $io->close()).

DO NOT FORGET to weaken() returned IO::Stream object if you will keep it or to remove it when user callback will be called!


Get registry change notifications. Create and return IO::Stream object, with connection to {host}:{port_event}.

Accept HASHREF with options:

cb         REQUIRED user callback (CODEREF or CLASS name or OBJECT)
method     OPTIONAL user callback method (if {cb} is CLASS/OBJECT)

Callback params:

($e, $err)

User callback will be called on events (CONNECTED, IN and EOF are constants exported by IO::Stream):

defined $err       error happens while connecting to registry
$e & CONNECTED     connected to registry
$e & IN            registry change detected
$e & EOF           disconnected from registry

In case of error or EOF IO::Stream object will be already closed when callback will be called.

Returned IO::Stream object can be used to: stop receiving notifications (using $io->close()).

DO NOT FORGET to weaken() returned IO::Stream object if you will keep it or to remove it when user callback will be called on error or EOF!


{%s} required

Called method require that option in it HASHREF with params.


It's impossible to unregister (delete) "persist" service. It's impossible to register different services using different user accounts.


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.

git clone



Alex Efros <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Alex Efros <>.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License