Treex::Core::TredView::TreeLayout - Layout of trees in Tred
version 2.20151216
This package supports the main Tred visualization package Treex::Core::TredView. It's purpose is to allow an user friendly configuration of the placement of the trees stored in a bundle.
The mechanism works only with bundles. Each bundle gets a label that describes it's content (combination of layers, languages and selectors). When there is a bundle to be displayed, the package constructs its label and tries to find its layout. If the label is unknown (no layout found), default is provided.
Therefore it's perfectly legal to have different sets of trees in each bundle in a single file. Also, when a layout is configured for some set of trees, it will be used each time the same set is displayed even if these sets occur in completely different and unrelated files.
The configuration is persistent - it is saved along with the tred extension in a special file.
Public methods
- get_tree_label
- get_layout_label
- get_layout
- load_layouts
- save_layouts
- conf_dialog
Private methods
- _move_layout
- _wrap_layout
- _normalize_layout
- _get_layout_coords
- _get_pos
- _mouse_move
- _mouse_drag
- _mouse_drop
- _draw_layout
Josef Toman <>
Copyright © 2011 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.