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POD2::FR - French translation of Perl core documentation


%> perldoc POD2::FR::<podname>

use POD2::FR;
print_pod('pod_foo', 'pod_baz', ...);

%> perl -MPOD2::FR -e print_pods
%> perl -MPOD2::FR -e print_pod <podname1> <podname2> ...


pod2fr is the french translation project of core Perl pods. This has been (and currently still is) a very big work! :-)

See for more details about the project.

Once the package has been installed, the translated documentation can be accessed with:

%> perldoc POD2::FR::<podname>


With the translated pods, unfortunately, the useful perldoc's -f and -q switches don't work no longer.

So, pod2it (italian translation project) made a simple patch to Pod/ 3.14 in order to allow also the syntax:

%> perldoc -L FR <podname>
%> perldoc -L FR -f <function>
%> perldoc -L FR -q <FAQregex>

The patch adds the -L switch that allows to define language code for desired language translation. If POD2::<code> package doesn't exists, the effect of the switch will be ignored.

If you are particularly lazy you can add a system alias like:

perldoc-fr="perldoc -L FR "

in order to avoid to write the -L switch every time and to type directly:

%> perldoc-fr -f map

You can apply the patch with:

%> patch -p0 `perl -MPod::Perldoc -e 'print $INC{"Pod/"}'` < /path/to/

The patch lives under ./patches/ shipped in the distribution of POD::IT package.

Note that the patch is for version 3.14 of Pod::Perldoc (included into Perl 5.8.7). If you have a previous Perl distro (but >= 5.8.1) and you are impatient to apply the patch, please upgrade your Pod::Perldoc module to 3.14! ;-)

See search_perlfunc_re API for more information.


The package exports following functions:

  • print_pods

    Prints all translated pods and relative Perl original version.

  • print_pod

    Prints relative Perl original version of all pods passed as arguments.

  • search_perlfunc_re

    Since Pod/'s search_perlfunc method uses hard coded string "Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions" (as regexp) to skip introduction, in order to make the patch to work with other languages with the option -L, we used a simple plugin-like mechanism.

    POD2::<code> language package must export search_perlfunc_re that returns a localized translation of the paragraph string above. This string will be used to skip perlfunc.pod intro. Again, if POD2::<code>->search_perlfunc_re fails (or doesn't exist), we'll come back to the default behavoiur. This mechanism allows to add additional POD2::* translations without need to patch Pod/ every time.

Comment fonctionne le projet de traduction

pod2fr est un projet qui est né en 1998/1999 par la volonté d'un groupe de contributeurs du forum de discussions Perl francophone (fr.comp.lang.perl). Il a été animé par Marc Carmier. Le site web donne l'accès à tous les documents traduits.

À ce jour, il n'y a malheureusement plus vraiment de groupe de traduction. Il est possible que le groupe de traducteurs/relecteurs se réorganise et, lorsque cela arrivera, vous trouverez de plus amples informations sur le forum ou le site cité ci-dessus.

En attendant que le projet redémarre et en se calquant sur le module POD2::IT (merci à eux pour le travail d'intégration), nous avons créé ce module POD2::FR afin que tout le monde puisse profiter du travail déjà effectué. De temps à autre, de nouvelles traductions s'ajoutent au gré des envies de chacun. Pour toute remarque ou contribution, vous pouvez toujours me contacter : <paul.gaborit+perl AT enstimac DOT fr>.


POD2::FR package is currently maintained by Paul Gaborit <paul.gaborit+perl AT enstimac DOT fr>.


This package is based on POD2::IT package. Thank you, pod2it group.


perl, POD2::IT, POD2::LT.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 303:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'né'. Assuming CP1252