Data::Resolver::FromTar - resolver for TAR file


use Data::Resolver::FromTar;
my $resolver = Data::Resolver::FromTar->new(root => $path);

my @list_of_asset_keys = $resolver->list_asset_keys;
say 'have it' if $resolver->has_asset($key);
my $asset = $resolver->get($key);

my @list_of_sub_resolver_keys = $resolver->list_sub_resolver_keys;
say 'have it' if $resolver->has_sub_resolver($srkey);
my $sub_resolver = $resolver->get_sub_resolver($srkey);


This class implements a resolver that is fed from a TAR file in the filesystem. It inherits from Data::Resolver::Base and implements the corresponding methods according to the expected semantics.

The class is provided a path to the TAR file in the filesystem and an optional prefix; plain files in the archive will be considered valid assets if they appear at the right level, as well as directory objects will be considere valid starting points for sub-resolvers.

Only files immediately below the provided prefix will be considered. E.g. consider the following tree of files inside the archive:

├── ciao.txt
└── foo
   ├── bar.txt
   └── galook
      └── final.txt

If the prefix is empty, then ciao.txt will be an exposed asset and foo will be a valid base for a sub-resolver; if the prefix is foo, then the available asset will be bar.txt and the sub-resolver will be galook; and so on.


This class inherits from Data::Resolver::Base, inheriting all of its methods and overloading the abstract ones, while keeping the expected semantics.



sub get_asset              ($self, $key) { ... }

retrieve the file data associated to $key, as a Data::Resolver::Asset.


sub get_sub_resolver       ($self, $key) { ... }

retrieve the sub-resolver associated to sub-directory $key, as a new object of class Data::Resolver::FromTar. It is obtained by pointing to the same TAR archive, but setting a different "prefix".


sub has_asset              ($self, $key) { ... }

test existence of asset (file) for $key.


sub has_sub_resolver       ($self, $key) { ... }

test existence of sub-resolver for sub-directory $key.


sub list_asset_keys        ($self)       { ... }

return a list of file names available from the resolver.


sub list_sub_resolver_keys ($self)       { ... }

return a list of directory names available as sub-resolvers.


my $string = $obj->prefix;

get the prefix used for accessing sub-directories in a TAR archive.


my $dirpath = $obj->root;

The path to the base TAR file used for the resolver.


Flavio Poletti <>


Copyright 2023 by Flavio Poletti <>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.