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Changes for version 0.85 - 2008-02-12

  • .UK EPP support: only some operations for now, see t/626nominet_epp.t (not implemented for now: domain & account updates, domain creations, registry notifications)
  • .AU EPP support (submitted by Rony Meyer)
  • OVH : implemented resellers Web Services API (2 functions only for now: account_list_domains and domain_info), see t/623ovh_ws_live.t
  • BookMyName (aka Free/ProXad/Online/Dedibox/Iliad) : implemented resellers Web Services API (2 functions only for now: account_list_domains and domain_info), see t/624bookmyname_ws_live.t
  • Gandi : implemented resellers Web Services API (2 functions only for now: account_list_domains and domain_info), see t/625gandi_ws_live.t
  • Registry : yet another API for new_profile/new_current_profile ! This should have been the only one since the beginning. See files in eg/* Previous API may be deprecated in the future to keep only two: full one (profile name, transport name, transport params, protocol name, protocol params) and the new one (profile name, profile type, transport params, protocol params)
  • Added Whois support for: .LU .WS .SE .CAT .AT
  • Implemented RFC5076 (ENUM Validation Information) in Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::E164Validation and Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP::Extensions::E164Validation::RFC5076 (the RFC allows numerous ways to encode validation information,hence the example inside the RFC is handled in a separate module. Other examples from registries are welcome)
  • PIR IDNLanguage extension (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard, added with modifications)
  • .NAME EmailFwd operations (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard, added with modifications)
  • .US DRD module (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard, added with modifications)
  • Added Data/Hosts::as_string() for debugging, and Data/Hosts::roid()
  • Additional API for domain_renew in line with other parts with just a domain name and an optional extension as ref hash; see example in t/622vnds_epp_e164validation.t
  • Better handling of EPP contacts internationalization : each DRD module can specify what the registry expects for contacts data. By default, all 3 cases allowed, except for : .BE .EU .LU (localized only), .AT (internationalized only) and .BIZ (internationalized only or internationalized and localized together). When needed the data is contructed with Contact::int2loc() and Contact::loc2int() Contact::_intfirst() is thus removed as useless now
  • DRD/NAME : 1 year possible in periods() (reported by Alexander Biehl)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/VeriSign/NameStore : taking into account .CC and .TV (reported by Tonnerre Lombard, added with modifications)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/US/Contact : update to currently deployed version (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/ASIA/CED : remove extraneous ced hash level in domain_create and fix retrieval of maintainerUrl information (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/ASIA/IPR : add support for parsing domainRoid in domain:create, replace obsolete ipr:phase with ipr:type (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/LU : fix fetching of DNSLU type parameter in certain cases (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/AT : parse more information from .AT messages (work submitted by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Protocol/EPP/Core/Contact : support registries violating EPP with an empty contact:clID (from original bugreport by Alexander Biehl)
  • Protocol/EPP : we correctly parse multiple results (in case of errors), and return them if asked for ; this had consequences for result_extra_info, see comments in Message (Core+DNSBE+EURid), and NameStore
  • Protocol/EPP various parses : better use of date parsing
  • Protocol/EPP object can be instanciated with overriding core methods (needed for Nominet)
  • Protocol/EPP hosts parsing : we keep all IPs even private ones
  • ResultStatus : can handle more than one status, as a linked list (next() method)
  • Data/Hosts : we remove the final dot from names if present
  • Protocol::reaction : we create the result_status subkey for all elements in cache created by this action, not only the main element (this is especially useful for registries giving back a lot of information, like Nominet during a domain:info call giving back information useful for a contact:info or host:info)
  • Registry::result_status() gives back the whole ResultStatus object
  • Added Registry::get_info_all() and Registry::get_info_keys()
  • Modules SOAP::Lite, Net::SMTP, MIME::Entity previously required are now optional because used only by some registries not EPP. t/004load_optional will test their presence, warn which are needed for which Net::DRI use, and test their dependencies inside Net::DRI Same for new modules: SOAP::WSDL (needs SOAP::Lite) and XMLRPC::Lite (provided by SOAP::Lite) Later on, a Bundle::NetDRI could be created to install also all optional modules This means for now less hard dependencies for default case, that is EPP registries
  • DRD->info() can be called through DRI (from initial report by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • Cache::get & Cache::set : we do not force the key in lowercase anymore, as contact IDs may be case sensitive
  • No more eval { require }, using UNIVERSAL::require instead
  • EPP contacts : use of EPP::Message::core_contact_types() to correctly handle case of .EU/.BE
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/ASIA/IPR : removing use of Date::Parse::str2time()
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/LU/Status : allow to use status 'inactive' (registry specific, not in EPP) (from original bugreport by Alexander Biehl), see last test in t/620lu_epp.t
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/LU/Poll : correctly retrieve the type attribute (from original bugreport by Alexander Biehl)
  • DRD/AT : bugfix for is_my_tld() (reported by Tonnerre Lombard)
  • README : typos (there is no Net::DRI::Data::Host module) (reported by Trond Haugen)
  • t/003critic : better loading of module Test::Perl::Critic which is optional (only needed for tests)
  • Gandi Web scraping : totally removed as it was deprecated since a long time, and thus Transport/Web and its WWW::Mechanize dependency (this can be added back later if needed)
  • DRD::is_thick : will carp if still used, deprecated
  • DRD::root_servers() removed, not used (was only in DRD/VNDS)


Interface to Domain Name Registries/Registrars/Resellers
Local cache for Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Domain Registry Drivers
.AERO policies for Net::DRI
AFNIC .FR/.RE Registry driver for Net::DRI
.ASIA policies for Net::DRI
.AT policies for Net::DRI
.AU policies for Net::DRI
.BE (DNSBE) policies for Net::DRI
.BIZ policies for Net::DRI
BookMyName (aka Free/ProXad/Online/Dedibox/Iliad) Registry driver for Net::DRI
.CAT policies for Net::DRI
.COOP policies for Net::DRI
EURid (.EU) policies for Net::DRI
Gandi Registry driver for Net::DRI
ICANN policies for Net::DRI
Infrastructure ENUM.AT policies for Net::DRI
.INFO policies for Net::DRI
.LU policies for Net::DRI
.MOBI policies for Net::DRI
.NAME policies for Net::DRI
.NU policies for Net::DRI
.UK (Nominet) policies for Net::DRI
.ORG policies for Net::DRI
OVH Registry driver for Net::DRI
.PL policies for Net::DRI
.SE policies for Net::DRI
.US policies for Net::DRI
Verisign .COM/.NET Registry driver for Net::DRI
Website.WS .WS Registry driver for Net::DRI
Bundle of changes in Net::DRI
Handle contact data, modeled from EPP for Net::DRI
Handle .AERO contact data for Net::DRI
Handle AFNIC contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .ASIA contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .AT contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .BE contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .CAT contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .COOP contact data for Net::DRI
Handle EURid contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .LU contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .UK contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .PL contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .SE contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .US contact data for Net::DRI
Handle an ordered collection of contacts for Net::DRI
Handle ordered list of nameservers (name, IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses) for Net::DRI
Encapsulating raw data for Net::DRI
Additional API for Net::DRI operations
Handle a collection of statuses for an object, in a registry independent fashion for Net::DRI
Class to store all exceptions inside Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Protocols
AFNIC Email Protocol for Net::DRI
AFNIC Email Domain commands for Net::DRI
AFNIC Email Message for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Message for Net::DRI
BookMyName (aka Free/ProXad/Online/Dedibox/Iliad) Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
BookMyName Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
BookMyName Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
BookMyName Web Services Message for Net::DRI
DAS Protocol (.BE & .EU Domain Availability Service) for Net::DRI
DAS Connection handling for Net::DRI
DAS Domain commands for Net::DRI
DAS Message for Net::DRI
EPP Protocol (RFC 4930,4931,4932,4933,4934 obsoleting RFC 3730,3731,3732,3733,3734 and RFC 3735) for Net::DRI
EPP Connection handling (RFC4934) for Net::DRI
EPP Contact commands (RFC4933 obsoleting RFC3733) for Net::DRI
EPP Domain commands (RFC4931 obsoleting RFC3731) for Net::DRI
EPP Host commands (RFC4932 obsoleting RFC3732) for Net::DRI
EPP Registry messages commands (RFC4930 obsoleting RFC3730) for Net::DRI
EPP Session commands (RFC4930 obsoleting RFC3730) for Net::DRI
EPP Status for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
ASIA EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.AT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
NIC.AT Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
NIC.AT Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
ENUM.AT Options EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
NIC.AT Message EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
ENUM.AT Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
.AU EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.AU EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP Defensive Registration extension commands for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
.COOP EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.COOP EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
CentralNic EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EPP Release CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP DNS TTL CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP WebForwarding CentralNic extension commands for Net::DRI
DNSBE (.BE) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
DNSBE EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
DNSBE EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP E.164 Number Mapping (RFC4114) for Net::DRI
EPP E.164 Validation (RFC5076) for Net::DRI
EPP E.164 Validation Information Example from RFC5076 for Net::DRI
EURid (.EU) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EURid EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
EURid EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EURid Sunrise EPP extension for Net::DRI
EPP Grace Period commands (RFC3915) for Net::DRI
Infrastructure ENUM .AT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
DNSLU EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.LU EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.LU EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP DNS-LU Poll extensions (DocRegistrar-2.0.6.pdf pages 35-37) for Net::DRI
.MOBI EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.MOBI EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
.NAME EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EPP EmailFwd extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP NSgroup extension commands for Net::DRI
.UK EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.UK EPP Account commands for Net::DRI
.UK EPP Contact commands for Net::DRI
.UK EPP Domain commands for Net::DRI
.UK EPP Host commands for Net::DRI
PIR (.ORG) EPP extensions for Net::DRI
PIR (.ORG) EPP IDN Language commands (EPP-IDN-Lang-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
.PL EPP extensions (draft-zygmuntowicz-epp-pltld-03) for Net::DRI
.PL EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.PL EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP class for .SE
.SE EPP Domain/Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
EPP DNS Security Extensions (RFC4310) for Net::DRI
.US EPP extensions (draft-liu-epp-usTLD-00) for Net::DRI
.US EPP Contact NEXUS Extensions for Net::DRI
VeriSign EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EPP IDN Language commands (EPP-IDN-Lang-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
VeriSign EPP NameStore Extension for Net::DRI
EPP Low Balance Mapping (EPP-LowBalance-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
EPP RGP Poll Mapping (EPP-RGP-Poll-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
EPP Sync commands (draft-hollenbeck-epp-sync-01) for Net::DRI
EPP Whois Info (EPP-Whois-Info-Ext.pdf) for Net::DRI
EPP Message for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Services Connection handling for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Services Message for Net::DRI
Superclass of all protocol messages in Net::DRI
OVH Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
OVH Web Services Account commands for Net::DRI
OVH Web Services Connection handling for Net::DRI
OVH Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
OVH Web Services Message for Net::DRI
RRP 1.1/2.0 Protocol for Net::DRI
RRP Connection handling for Net::DRI
RRP Domain commands for Net::DRI
RRP Host commands for Net::DRI
RRP Session commands for Net::DRI
RRP Status for Net::DRI
RRP Message for Net::DRI
Encapsulate details of an operation result with standardization on EPP for Net::DRI
Whois Protocol for Net::DRI
Whois Connection handling for Net::DRI
Whois Domain commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.AERO Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.AT Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.BIZ Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.CAT Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.COM/.NET Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.EU Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.INFO Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.LU Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.MOBI Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.NAME Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.ORG Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.SE Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
.WS Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
Whois commands (RFC3912) for Net::DRI
Whois Message for Net::DRI
Specific instance of driver inside Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Transports
Net::DRI dummy transport for tests & debug
SOAP Transport for Net::DRI
SOAP+WSDL Transport for Net::DRI
XML-RPC Transport for Net::DRI
SMTP transport for Net::DRI
SOAP (HTTP/HTTPS) Transport for Net::DRI
TCP/TLS Socket connection for Net::DRI
Various useful functions for Net::DRI operations