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Changes for version 0.30 - 2006-06-15

  • .FR full support : all operations by email (form version 2.0.0 for both organizations & individuals)
  • .COM .NET full support in EPP with multiple VeriSign extensions: Sync (see t/610vnds_epp_sync.t) IDN Language (see t/611vnds_epp_idnlang.t) Whois Info (see t/612vnds_epp_whoisinfo.t) NameStore from original patch by Rony Meyer (see t/616vnds_epp_namestore.t) Use Protocol/EPP/Extensions/VeriSign as protocol class to have needed extensions loaded automatically
  • .MOBI full support : Domain extension for maintainer url (see t/615mobi_epp.t)
  • .US full support : Contact extension for NEXUS handling (see t/609vnds_epp_us.t)
  • .AERO full support : Domain & Contact extensions for ENS (see t/614aero_epp.t)
  • .CAT full support : Domain & Contact extensions, and all operations on Defensive Registrations (see t/613cat_epp.t and eg/ thanks to Klaus Malorny & the .CAT registry
  • Infrastructure ENUM.AT (contributed by Michael Braunoeder from ENUM.AT)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/SecDNS updated to RFC4310
  • .PL updated to latest draft
  • new_profile / new_current_profile : additional API with only 3 parameters (profile name + 2 ref arrays for parameters, both can be empty) using registry default transport & protocol classes (see transport_protocol_default)
  • ResultStatus->trid() can also be called in list context to get back for EPP the svTRID along with the clTRID (suggestion by Elias Sidenbladh)
  • DRD : for transfers, like for creations, the duration is in the duration attribute not period
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/EURid/Domain : multiple nsgroup can be given (patch from Christian Kratzer)
  • DRD/ICANN : taking care of some lifted restrictions for newest gTLDs (starting with .TRAVEL)
  • Protocol/EPP/Core/Domain : for domain_info, hosts=all is the default, but you can pass another value (sub, del or none) in the hosts attribute (bugfix from Rony Meyer)
  • Protocol/EPP/Extensions/E164 : small update to work with IENUMAT relaxed rules from RFC4114
  • Util : update in list of country codes, add JE GG IM per
  • Transport/Socket : you can optionnally set the local hostname when connecting (suggestion from Brian Drysdale)
  • Protocol/Gandi : currently deactivated since change of website
  • Protocol/EPP/Core/Domain : domain:pw may be empty after domain:info for an object we do not own (bugfix from Rony Meyer)
  • Protocol/EPP : better handling of registries various XML namespaces


Interface to Domain Name Registries/Registrars/Resellers
Local cache for Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Domain Registry Drivers
.AERO policies for Net::DRI
AFNIC .FR/.RE Registry driver for Net::DRI
.CAT policies for Net::DRI
EURid (.EU) policies for Net::DRI
Gandi .COM/.NET/.ORG/.BIZ/.INFO/.NAME/.BE Registry driver for Net::DRI
ICANN policies for Net::DRI
Infrastructure ENUM.AT policies for Net::DRI
.MOBI policies for Net::DRI
.PL policies for Net::DRI
.SE policies for Net::DRI
Verisign .COM/.NET Registry driver for Net::DRI
Website.WS .WS Registry driver for Net::DRI
Bundle of changes in Net::DRI
Handle contact data, modeled from EPP for Net::DRI
Handle .AERO contact data for Net::DRI
Handle AFNIC contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .CAT contact data for Net::DRI
Handle EURid contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .PL contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .SE contact data for Net::DRI
Handle .US contact data for Net::DRI
Handle an ordered collection of contacts for Net::DRI
Handle ordered list of nameservers (name, IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses) for Net::DRI
Encapsulating raw data for Net::DRI
Additional API for Net::DRI operations
Handle a collection of statuses for an object, in a registry independent fashion for Net::DRI
Class to store all exceptions inside Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Protocols
AFNIC Email Protocol for Net::DRI
AFNIC Email Domain commands for Net::DRI
AFNIC Email Message for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Protocol for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Domain commands for Net::DRI
AFNIC Web Services Message for Net::DRI
EPP Protocol (RFC 3730,3731,3732,3733,3734,3735) for Net::DRI
EPP Connection handling for Net::DRI
EPP Contact commands (RFC3733) for Net::DRI
EPP Domain commands (RFC3731) for Net::DRI
EPP Host commands (RFC3732) for Net::DRI
EPP Registry messages commands (RFC3730) for Net::DRI
EPP Session commands (RFC3730) for Net::DRI
EPP Status for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.AERO EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
ENUM.AT Options EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
ENUM.AT Result Condition EPP Mapping for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP .CAT Defensive Registration extension commands for Net::DRI
.CAT EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP E.164 Number Mapping (RFC4114) for Net::DRI
EURid EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EURid EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
EURid EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EURid Sunrise EPP extension for Net::DRI
EPP Grace Period commands (RFC3915) for Net::DRI
Infrastructure ENUM .AT EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.MOBI EPP extensions for Net::DRI
.MOBI EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
EPP NSgroup extension commands for Net::DRI
.PL EPP extensions (draft-zygmuntowicz-epp-pltld-03) for Net::DRI
.PL EPP Contact extension commands for Net::DRI
.PL EPP Domain extension commands for Net::DRI
Net::DRI::Protocol::EPP class for .SE
.SE EPP Domain/Contact Extensions for Net::DRI
EPP DNS Security Extensions (RFC4310) for Net::DRI
.US EPP extensions (draft-liu-epp-usTLD-00) for Net::DRI
EPP .US Contact NEXUS Extensions (draft-liu-epp-usTLD-00) for Net::DRI
VeriSign EPP extensions for Net::DRI
EPP IDN Language commands (EPP-IDN-Lang-Mapping.pdf) for Net::DRI
VeriSign EPP NameStore Extension for Net::DRI
EPP Sync commands (draft-hollenbeck-epp-sync-01) for Net::DRI
EPP Whois Info (EPP-Whois-Info-Ext.pdf) for Net::DRI
EPP Message for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Scraping Protocol for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Connection handling for Net::DRI
Gandi web Domain commands for Net::DRI
Gandi Web Scraping Message for Net::DRI
Superclass of all protocol messages in Net::DRI
RRP 1.1/2.0 Protocol for Net::DRI
RRP Connection handling for Net::DRI
RRP Domain commands for Net::DRI
RRP Host commands for Net::DRI
RRP Session commands for Net::DRI
RRP Status for Net::DRI
RRP Message for Net::DRI
Encapsulate details of an operation result with standardization on EPP for Net::DRI
Specific instance of driver inside Net::DRI
Superclass of all Net::DRI Transports
Net::DRI dummy transport for tests & debug
SMTP transport for Net::DRI
SOAP (HTTP/HTTPS) Transport for Net::DRI
TCP/TLS Socket connection for Net::DRI
Web Scraping for Net::DRI
Various useful functions for Net::DRI operations