Gearman::Driver - Manages Gearman workers


package My::Workers::One;

# Yes, you need to do it exactly this way
use base qw(Gearman::Driver::Worker);
use Moose;

# this method will be registered with gearmand as 'My::Workers::One::scale_image'
sub scale_image : Job {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

# this method will be registered with gearmand as 'My::Workers::One::do_something_else'
sub do_something_else : Job : MinProcesses(2) : MaxProcesses(15) {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

# this method wont be registered with gearmand at all
sub do_something_internal {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something


package My::Workers::Two;

use base qw(Gearman::Driver::Worker);
use Moose;

# this method will be registered with gearmand as 'My::Workers::Two::scale_image'
sub scale_image : Job {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something


package main;

use Gearman::Driver;

my $driver = Gearman::Driver->new(
    namespaces => [qw(My::Workers)],
    server     => 'localhost:4730,otherhost:4731',
    interval   => 60,



Having hundreds of Gearman workers running in separate processes can consume a lot of RAM. Often many of these workers share the same code/objects, like the database layer using DBIx::Class for example. This is where Gearman::Driver comes in handy:

You write some base class which inherits from Gearman::Driver::Worker. Your base class loads your database layer for example. Each of your worker classes inherit from that base class. In the worker classes you can register single methods as jobs with gearmand. It's even possible to control how many workers doing that job/method in parallel. And this is the point where you'll save some RAM: Instead of starting each worker in a separate process Gearman::Driver will fork each worker from the main process. This will take advantage of copy-on-write on Linux and save some RAM.

There's only one mandatory parameter which has to be set when calling the constructor: namespaces

use Gearman::Driver;
my $driver = Gearman::Driver->new( namespaces => [qw(My::Workers)] );

See also: namespaces. If you do not set server (gearmand) attribute the default will be used: localhost:4730

Each module found in your namespaces will be loaded and introspected, looking for methods having the 'Job' attribute set:

package My::Workers::ONE;

sub scale_image : Job {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

This method will be registered as job function with gearmand, verify it by doing:

plu@mbp ~$ telnet localhost 4730
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
My::Workers::ONE::scale_image   0       0       1
telnet> Connection closed.

If you dont like to use the full package name you can also specify a custom prefix:

package My::Workers::ONE;

sub prefix { 'foo_bar_' }

sub scale_image : Job {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

This would register 'foo_bar_scale_image' with gearmand.

See also: prefix


See also "ATTRIBUTES" in Gearman::Driver::Loader.


A list of Gearman servers the workers should connect to. The format for the server list is: host[:port][,host[:port]]

See also: Gearman::XS

  • default: localhost:4730

  • isa: Str


Gearman::Driver has a telnet management console, see also:


  • default: 47300

  • isa: Int

Set this to 0 to disable management console at all.


Each n seconds Net::Telnet::Gearman is used in Gearman::Driver::Observer to check status of free/running/busy workers on gearmand. This is used to fork more workers depending on the queue size and the MinProcesses/MaxProcesses attribute of the job method. See also: Gearman::Driver::Worker

  • default: 5

  • isa: Int


Whenever Gearman::Driver::Observer notices that there are more processes running than actually necessary (depending on min_processes and max_processes setting) it will kill them. By default this happens immediately. If you change this value to 300, a process which is not necessary is killed after 300 seconds.

Please remember that this also depends on what value you set "interval" to. The max_idle_time is only checked each n seconds where n is "interval". Besides that it makes only sense when you have workers where "MinProcesses" in Gearman::Driver::Worker is set to 0.

  • default: 0

  • isa: Int


Path to logfile.

  • isa: Str

  • default: gearman_driver.log


See also Log::Log4perl.

  • isa: Str

  • default: [%d] %p %m%n


See also Log::Log4perl.

  • isa: Str

  • default: INFO


Whenever Gearman::Driver::Observer sees a job that isnt handled it will call this CodeRef, passing following arguments:

  • $driver

  • $status

my $driver = Gearman::Driver->new(
    namespaces           => [qw(My::Workers)],
    unknown_job_callback => sub {
        my ( $driver, $status ) = @_;
        # notify nagios here for example

$status might look like:

$VAR1 = {
    'busy'    => 0,
    'free'    => 0,
    'name'    => 'GDExamples::Convert::unknown_job',
    'queue'   => 6,
    'running' => 0


This might be interesting for subclassing Gearman::Driver.


Stores all Gearman::Driver::Job instances. The key is the name the job gets registered with gearmand. There are also two methods: get_job and has_job.


    'My::Workers::ONE::scale_image'       => bless( {...}, 'Gearman::Driver::Job' ),
    'My::Workers::ONE::do_something_else' => bless( {...}, 'Gearman::Driver::Job' ),
    'My::Workers::TWO::scale_image'       => bless( {...}, 'Gearman::Driver::Job' ),
  • isa: HashRef

  • readonly: True


Instance of Gearman::Driver::Observer.

  • isa: Gearman::Driver::Observer

  • readonly: True


Instance of Gearman::Driver::Console.

  • isa: Gearman::Driver::Console

  • readonly: True



There's one mandatory param (hashref) with following keys:

  • decode (optionally)

    Name of a decoder method in your worker object.

  • encode (optionally)

    Name of a encoder method in your worker object.

  • method (mandatory)

    Reference to a Class::MOP::Method object which will get invoked.

  • min_processes (mandatory)

    Minimum number of processes that should be forked.

  • max_processes (mandatory)

    Maximum number of processes that may be forked.

  • name (mandatory)

    Job name/alias that method should be registered with Gearman.

  • object (mandatory)

    Object that should be passed as first parameter to the job method.

Basically you never really need this method if you use "namespaces". But "namespaces" depend on method attributes which some people do hate. In this case, feel free to setup your $driver this way:

package My::Workers::One;

use Moose;
use JSON::XS;
extends 'Gearman::Driver::Worker::Base';

sub scale_image {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

# this method will be registered with gearmand as 'My::Workers::One::do_something_else'
sub do_something_else {
    my ( $self, $job, $workload ) = @_;
    # do something

sub encode_json {
    my ( $self, $result ) = @_;
    return JSON::XS::encode_json($result);

sub decode_json {
    my ( $self, $workload ) = @_;
    return JSON::XS::decode_json($workload);


package main;

use Gearman::Driver;
use My::Workers::One;

my $driver = Gearman::Driver->new(
    server   => 'localhost:4730,otherhost:4731',
    interval => 60,

my $worker = My::Workers::One->new();

foreach my $method (qw(scale_image do_something_else)) {
        decode        => 'decode_json',
        encode        => 'encode_json',
        max_processes => 5,
        method        => $worker->meta->find_method_by_name($method)->body,
        min_processes => 1,
        name          => $method,
        object        => $worker,



Returns all Gearman::Driver::Job objects ordered by jobname.


This must be called after the Gearman::Driver object is instantiated.


Sends TERM signal to all child processes and exits Gearman::Driver.


Params: $name

Returns true/false if the job exists.


Params: $name

Returns the job instance.


There's also a script which is installed with this distribution. It just instantiates Gearman::Driver with its default values, having most of the options exposed to the command line using MooseX::Getopt.

usage: [long options...]
        --loglevel          Log level (default: INFO)
        --lib               Example: --lib ./lib --lib /custom/lib
        --server            Gearman host[:port][,host[:port]]
        --logfile           Path to logfile (default: gearman_driver.log)
        --console_port      Port of management console (default: 47300)
        --interval          Interval in seconds (see Gearman::Driver::Observer)
        --loglayout         Log message layout (default: [%d] %p %m%n)
        --namespaces        Example: --namespaces My::Workers --namespaces My::OtherWorkers


Johannes Plunien <>


Uwe Voelker, <>


Copyright 2009 by Johannes Plunien

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.