Changes for version 2.75 - 2022-12-21
- The Download::Negotiate plugin will no longer pick the Fetch::CurlCommand plugin (unless bootstrap_ssl option is chosen), because it relies on the -J option which is unfortunately not reliable. When a more reliable method can be used by Fetch::CurlCommand we will likely go back to preferring it (gh#384, gh#385)
Authoring an Alien distribution using Alien::Base
Frequently asked questions
The Alien::Build Manual
General alien author documentation
Alien author documentation
Alien user documentation
Over-detailed contributing guide
Frequently Asked Questions about Alien::Build
Alien::Build plugin author documentation
General alien author documentation
Build Alien::Build plugins
Core Alien::Build plugins
Decode Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Digest plugins
Download Alien::Build plugins
Extract Alien::Build plugins
Fetch Alien::Build plugins
Gather Alien::Build plugins
PkgConfig Alien::Build plugins
Prefer Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
Probe Alien::Build plugins
Base classes for Alien:: modules
Private legacy pkg-config class for Alien::Base
Compiler and linker wrapper for Alien
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
Alien::Build command sequence
Advanced interpolation engine for Alien builds
Default interpolator for Alien::Build
Alien::Build logging
Log class for Alien::Build which is less verbose
Default Alien::Build log class
Alien::Build installer code for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Plugin base class for Alien::Build
Autoconf plugin for Alien::Build
CMake plugin for Alien::Build
Copy plugin for Alien::Build
MSYS plugin for Alien::Build
Make plugin for Alien::Build
Add dependencies to library and header search path
Implementation for clean_install hook.
Core download plugin
Core FFI plugin
Core gather plugin
Core Alien::Build plugin to maintain compatibility with legacy Alien::Base
Core override plugin
Core setup plugin
Core tail setup plugin
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing
Plugin to extract links from a directory listing using ftpcopy
Plugin to extract links from HTML
Plugin to extract links from HTML using Mojo::DOM or Mojo::DOM58
Plugin negotiator for cryptographic signatures
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA
Plugin to check SHA digest with Digest::SHA::PurePerl
Download negotiation plugin
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Tar
Plugin to extract a tarball using Archive::Zip
Plugin to extract an archive using command line tools
Plugin to extract a downloaded directory to a build directory
Plugin to extract a downloaded file to a build directory
Extraction negotiation plugin
Plugin for fetching files using curl
Plugin for fetching files using HTTP::Tiny
Plugin for fetching files using LWP
Plugin for fetching a local file
Plugin for fetching a local directory
Plugin for fetching files using Net::FTP
Plugin for fetching files using wget
Plugin to gather dynamic libraries into a separate directory
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using the pkg-config command line interface
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using PkgConfig::LibPkgConf
Convert .pc files into static
Package configuration negotiation plugin
Probe system and determine library or tool properties using
Plugin to filter out known bad versions
Plugin to filter known good versions
Plugin to sort candidates by most recent first
Probe for system libraries by guessing with ExtUtils::CBuilder
Probe for tools or commands already available
Probe for system libraries using Vcpkg
Mock plugin for testing
Temp Dir support for Alien::Build
Private utility functions for Alien::Build
Very basic version object for Alien::Build
Alien::Build local config
Extend Alien::Base with roles!
Alien Utilities used at build and runtime
Testing tools for Alien modules
Tools for testing Alien::Build + alienfile
Skip a test file unless a C compiler is available
Skip a test file unless FFI::Platypus is available
Print out standard diagnostic for Aliens in the test step.
Run object
A mock alien object for testing
Specification for defining an external dependency for CPAN
in lib/Alien/Build/
in lib/Alien/Build/
in lib/Alien/
in lib/Alien/Build/
in lib/Alien/
in lib/Alien/
- example/README
- example/bzip2.alienfile
- example/curl.alienfile
- example/dontpanic.alienfile
- example/gmake.alienfile
- example/openssl.alienfile
- example/user/README
- example/user/ffi-platypus/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/ffi-platypus/t/lzma_example.t
- example/user/inline-c/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/inline-c/t/lzma_example.t
- example/user/tool/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/tool/t/lzma_example.t
- example/user/xs-dzil/Example.xs
- example/user/xs-dzil/dist.ini
- example/user/xs-dzil/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/xs-dzil/t/lzma_example.t
- example/user/xs-mb/Build.PL
- example/user/xs-mb/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/xs-mb/lib/LZMA/Example.xs
- example/user/xs-mb/t/lzma_example.t
- example/user/xs-mm/Example.xs
- example/user/xs-mm/Makefile.PL
- example/user/xs-mm/lib/LZMA/
- example/user/xs-mm/t/lzma_example.t
- example/
- example/xz-manual.alienfile
- example/xz.alienfile