Padre::Wx::Role::Conduit - Role to allow an object to receive Wx events


package My::MainFrame;

use strict;
use Padre::Wx                ();
use Padre::Wx::Role::Conduit ();
use My::ChildHandler         ();

our @ISA = qw{

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

    # Register to receive events    
    $self->conduit_init( My::ChildHander->singleton );

    return $self;


This role provides the functionality needed to receive Wx::PlThreadEvent objects from child threads.

You should only use this role once and once only in the parent process, and then allow that single event conduit to pass the events on to the other parts of your program, or to some dispatcher object that will do so.

It is implemented as a role so that the functionality can be used across the main process and various testing classes (and will be easier to turn into a CPAN spinoff later).




The conduit_init method is called on the parent receiving object once it has been created.

It takes the handler that deserialised messages should be passed to once they have been extracted from the incoming Wx::PlThreadEvent and deserialised into a message structure.



The handler accessor is a convenience method that allows you to change the message handler after the conduit has been initialised.


$window->on_signal( $pl_thread_event );

The on_signal method is called by the Wx system on the parent object when a Wx::PlThreadEvent arrives from a child thread.

The default implementation will extra the packaged data for the event, deserialise it, and then pass off the on_signal method of the handler.

You might overload this method if you need to something exotic with the event handling, but this is highly unlikely and this documentation is provided only for completeness.


    Storable::freeze( [ 'My message' ] )

The static signal method is called in child threads to send a message to the parent window. The message can be any legal Perl structure that has been serialised by the Storable module.


Copyright 2008-2012 The Padre development team as listed in

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.