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cover - report coverage statistics


cover -help -info -version
      -summary -report report_format -outputdir dir
      -select filename -ignore filename
      -select_re RE -ignore_re RE
      -write [db] -delete -dump_db
      -coverage criterion
      -test -gcov
      -make [make]
      -add_uncoverable_point -delete_uncoverable_point
      -clean_uncoverable_points -uncoverable_file
      [report specific options]
      coverage_database [coverage_database ...]


Report coverage statistics in a variety of formats.

The summary option produces a short textual summary. Other reports are available by using the report option.

The following reports are currently available:

text                  - detailed textual summary
html                  - detailed HTML reports


The following command line options are supported:

-h -help              - show help
-i -info              - show documentation
-v -version           - show version

-silent               - don't print informational messages (default off)
-summary              - give summary report                (default on)
-report report_format - report format                      (default html)
-outputdir            - directory for output               (default db)

-select filename      - only report on the file            (default all)
-ignore filename      - don't report on the file           (default none)
-select_re RE         - append to REs of files to select   (default none)
-ignore_re RE         - append to REs of files to ignore   (default none)
-write [db]           - write the merged database          (default off)
-delete               - drop database(s)                   (default off)
-dump_db              - dump database(s) (for debugging)   (default off)

-coverage criterion   - report on criterion  (default all available)

-test                 - drop database(s) and run make test (default off)
-gcov                 - run gcov to cover XS code     (default on if using gcc)
-make make_prog       - use the given 'make' program for 'make test'

other options specific to the report


Any number of coverage databases may be specified on the command line. These databases will be merged and the reports will be based on the merged information. If no databases are specified the default database (cover_db) will be used.

The -write option will write out the merged database. If no name is given for the new database, the first database read in will be overwritten. When this option is used no reports are generated by default.

Specify -select and -ignore options to report on specific files. Specify -coverage options to report on specific criteria. By default all available information on all criteria in all files will be reported.

The -test option will delete the databases and run make test to generate new coverage data before reporting on it. The -gcov option will try to run gcov on any XS code. This requires that you are using gcc of course. If you are this option will be turned on by default.


The following exit values are returned:

0 All operations were completed successfully.

>0 An error occurred.




Did I mention that this is alpha code?

See the BUGS file.


Version 0.79 - 5th August 2011


Copyright 2001-2011, Paul Johnson (

This software is free. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

The latest version of this software should be available from my homepage: