Curses::Simp - a Simple Curses wrapper for easy application development
This documentation refers to version 1.0.41O4516 of Curses::Simp, which was released on Sat Jan 24 04:05:01:06 2004.
use Curses::Simp;
my $scrn = Curses::Simp->new('text' => ['1337', 'nachoz', 'w/', 'cheese' x 7]);
my $keey = '';
while($keey ne 'x') { # wait for 'x' to eXit
$keey = $scrn->GetK(-1); # get a blocking keypress
$scrn->Text('push' => $keey); # add new line for new key
} # screen automagically draws when new() && Text() are called
Curses::Simp provides a curt mechanism for updating a console screen with any Perl array (or two to include color codes). Most key strokes can be simply obtained and tested for interface manipulation. The goal was ease-of-use first && efficient rendering second. Of course, it could always benefit from being faster still. Many Simp functions can accept rather cryptic parameters to do fancier things but the most common case is meant to be as simple as possible (hence the name). The more I learn about Curses, the more functionality I intend to add... Feeping Creatures overcome.
- - fix ShokScrn redrawing / overlapping bugs
- - optimize autodraw by using Prnt('prin' => 1) nstd of Draw() when only a line chgd with like Text('1' => 'new line 1 text')
- - fix ptok bars screen jitters (too many touchwin refresh?)
- - add styles && style/blockchar increment keys to CPik
- - mk generic file/dir browse dialog window function: Brws
- - describe Simp objects sharing apps (pmix + ptok) mk OScr read Simp apps @_ param list && auto-handle --geom wxh+x+y
- - add multi-line option to Prnt where text can split on /\n/
- - add multi-line option to Prmt where dtxt can split on /\n/ && ^d accepts entry instead of RETURN
- - handle ascii chars under 32 with escapes from Prnt
- - optimize Draw more
- - imp up/dn scrollbars either internally or w/ normal Curses funcs
- - handle ascii chars under 32 better than current escapes if possible
if detectable:
- handle xterm resize events
- handle mouse input (study any existent Curses apps that use mouse input you can find ... probably in C)
- Learn how to read a Shift-Tab key press if in any way distinguishable from Tab/Ctrl-I
- What else does Simp need?
Curses::Simp was created because I could hardly find dox || examples of usage so I fiddled until I could wrap the most important stuff (AFAIC) in names && enhanced functions which streamline what I want to do.
new() - Curses::Simp object constructor
new() opens a new Curses screen if one does not exist already && initializes useful default screen, color, && keys settings. The created Curses screen is automagically closed on program exit.
Below are available object methods. Each of the four letter abbreviated method names as well as those beginning with "Flag" can be used as initialization parameters to new() if lowercased. An example:
my $simp = Curses::Simp->new( 'hite' => 7 ); # set 'hite' at init
$simp->Hite( 15 ); # set 'hite' through Hite()
$simp->Height( 31 ); # set 'hite' through Height()
See the individual sections in the ACCESSOR && FLAG METHODS section for more information on how to manipulate created Curses::Simp objects.
Most other Curses::Simp methods also accept a hash parameter which loads the object fields the same as new().
ExpandCC or ExpandColorCodeString($cccs)
Returns the expanded form of the compressed color code string $cccs.
$cccs may contain any of the special formatting characters specified in the COLOR NOTES (Interpretation of Backgrounds && Repeats in Color Codes) section.
ExpandCC() is primarily useful as an internal function to the Curses::Simp package but I have exposed it because it can be useful to test && see how a compressed color code string would be expanded especially if expansion from Prnt() or Draw() are not what you expect.
ShokScrn or ShockScreen([$cler])
ShokScrn() forces the screen && all created Simp objects to be refreshed in order.
The $cler flag (default is false) can be provided to specify that the entire screen is to be cleared before everything refreshes. Clearing the entire screen usually isn't necessary.
KNum or KeyNumbers
Returns a hash with key numbers => "names".
CLet or ColorLetters
Returns a hash with color "letters" => numbers.
NumC or NumColors
Returns the number of available colors (last index: NumC()-1)
Hite or Height
Returns the current Simp object's window height (last index: Hite()-1)
Widt or Width
Returns the current Simp object's window width (last index: Widt()-1)
Prnt or PrintString($strn)
Prints $strn at current cursor position. Prnt() can also accept a hash of parameters (eg. Prnt('text' => $strn)) where:
'text' => [ "String to Print" ], # or can just be string without arrayref
'colr' => [ "ColorCodes corresponding to text" ], # same just string optn
'ycrs' => 3, # Number to move the cursor's y to before printing
'xcrs' => 7, # Number to move the cursor's x to before printing
'yoff' => 15, # same as ycrs except original ycrs is restored afterwards
'xoff' => 31, # same as xcrs except original xcrs is restored afterwards
'prin' => 1, # flag to specify whether printed text should update the
# main Text() && Colr() data or just print to the screen
# temporarily. Default is true (ie. Print Into Text/Colr)
Prnt() returns the number of characters printed.
Draw or DrawWindow
Draws the current Simp object with the established Text() and Colr() data.
Draw() accepts a hash of parameters like new() which will update as many attributes of the Simp object as are specified by key => values.
Draw() returns the number of lines printed (which is normally the same as Hite()).
Wait or WaitTime($time)
Wait() does nothing for $time seconds.
$time can be an integer or floating point number of seconds. (eg. Wait(1.27) does nothing for just over one second).
Wait() (like GetK()) can also use alternate waiting methods. The default $time format is integer or floating seconds. It can also be a Time::Frame object or an integer of milliseconds. These modes can be set with the FlagFram(1) and FlagMili(1) methods respectively.
GetK or GetKey([$tmot][,$sdlk])
Returns a keypress if one is made or -1 after waiting $tmot seconds.
$tmot can be an integer or floating point number of seconds. (eg. GetK(2.55) waits for two && one-half seconds before returning -1 if no key was pressed).
Default behavior is to not block (ie. GetK(0)). Use GetK(-1) for a blocking keypress (ie. to wait indefinitely).
GetK() can also use alternate waiting methods. The default is integer or floating seconds. It can also utilize Time::Frame objects or integer milliseconds if preferred. These modes can be set with the FlagFram(1) and FlagMili(1) methods respectively.
$sdlk is a flag (default is false) which tells GetK() to return a verbose key string name from the list of SDLKeys in the SDLKEY NOTES section.
The GetK() $sdlk flag parameter sets SDLKey mode temporarily (ie. only for a single execution of GetK()). This mode can be turned on permanently via the FlagSDLK(1) function.
In SDLKey mode, GetK() returns an SDLKey name from the SDLKEY NOTES section and sets the flags in KMod().
KMod or KeyMode([$keyn][,$newv])
Returns the key mode (state) of the key mode name $keyn. $keyn should be one of the KMOD_ names from the bottom of the SDLKEY NOTES section.
If no parameters are provided, the state of KMOD_NONE is returned.
If $newv is provided, $keyn state is set to $newv.
Move or MoveCursor([$ycrs, $xcrs])
Move() updates the current Simp object's cursor position to the newly specified $ycrs, $xcrs.
By default, the cursor is not visible but this can be changed through the FlagCVis() function.
Returns ($ycrs, $xcrs) as the coordinates of cursor.
Rsiz or ResizeWindow($hite, $widt)
Rsiz() updates the current Simp object's window dimensions to the newly specified $hite, $widt.
It may help to think of Rsiz() as a wrapper to Hite(), Widt() although actually the opposite is true.
Returns ($hite, $widt) as the dimensions of the window.
Mesg or MessageWindow($mesg)
Mesg() draws a Message Window in the center of the screen to display $mesg. Mesg() can also accept a hash of parameters (eg. Mesg('mesg' => $mesg)) where:
'mesg' => "Message to Print",
'text' => [ "same as new \@text" ],
'colr' => [ "ColorCodes corresponding to mesg or text" ],
'titl' => "MessageWindow Title string",
'tclr' => "ColorCodes corresponding to titl",
'flagpres' => 1, # a flag specifying whether to "Press A Key"
'pres' => "Press A Key...", # string to append if flagpres is true
'pclr' => "ColorCodes corresponding to pres",
'wait' => 1.0, # floating number of seconds to wait
# if flagpres is true, Mesg() waits this long for
# a keypress before quitting
# if flagpres is false, Mesg() waits this long
# regardless of whether keys are pressed
Returns the value of pressed key. This can be used to make simple one-character prompt windows. For example:
use Curses::Simp;
my $simp = Curses::Simp->new();
my $answ = $simp->Mesg('titl' => 'Is Simp useful?',
'mesg' => '(Yes/No)',
'pres' => '');
$simp->Mesg('titl' => 'Answer:', $answ);
# ... or another way ...
$answ = $simp->Mesg('titl' => 'Is Simp useful?',
'pres' => '(Yes/No)');
$simp->Mesg('titl' => 'Answer:', $answ);
Prmt or PromptWindow(\$dref)
Prmt() draws a Prompt Window in the center of the screen to display && update the value of $dref. \$dref should be a reference to a variable containing a string you want edited or replaced. Prmt() can also accept a hash of parameters (eg. Prmt('dref' => \$dref)) where:
'dref' => \$dref, # Default Reference to variable to be read && edited
'dtxt' => "Default Text string in place of dref",
'dclr' => "ColorCodes corresponding to dref/dtxt",
'hclr' => "ColorCodes corresponding to the highlighted (unedited) dref/dtxt",
'text' => [ "same as new \@text" ],
'colr' => [ "ColorCodes corresponding to mesg or text" ],
'hite' => 3, # height of the prompt window (including borders)
'widt' => 63, # width of the prompt window (including borders)
'titl' => "MessageWindow Title string",
'tclr' => "ColorCodes corresponding to titl",
'flagcvis' => 1, # a flag specifying whether the cursor should be displayed
CPik or ColorPickWindow
CPik() is a simple Color Picker window.
It accepts arrow keys to highlight a particular color && enter to select. The letter corresponding to the color or the number of the index can also be pressed instead.
Returns the letter of the picked color.
DESTROY or DelW or DeleteWindow
DelW() deletes all the components of the created Simp object and calls ShokScrn() to cause the screen && all other created objects to be redrawn.
Simp accessor && flag object methods have related interfaces as they each access && update a single component field of Curses::Simp objects. Each one always returns the value of the field they access. Thus if you want to obtain a certain value from a Simp object, just call the accessor method with no parameters. If you provide parameters, the field will be updated && will return its new value.
All of these methods accept a default parameter of their own type or a hash of operations to perform on their field.
Some operations are only applicable to a subset of the methods as dictated by the field type. The available operations are:
Key => Value Type ... # Purpose
----- ------------
'asin' => $scalar (number|string|arrayref)
# this context-sensitive assignment loads the field
'blnk' => $ignored # blanks a string value
'togl' => $ignored # toggles a flag value
'true' => $ignored # trues a flag value
'fals' => $ignored # falsifies a flag value
'incr' => $numeric_amount
# increments if no $num is provided or increases by $num
'decr' => $numeric_amount
# decrements if no $num is provided or decreases by $num
'nmrc' => $string
# instead of an explicit 'nmrc' hash key, this means the
# key is an entirely numeric string like '1023'
# so the value gets assigned to that element when the
# field is an array. The key is assigned directly if
# the field is numeric or a string.
# ARRAY-SPECIFIC operations:
'size' => $ignored # return the array size
'push' => $scalar (number|string) # push new value
'popp' => $ignored # pop last value
'apnd' => $scalar (number|string) # append to last element
'dupl' => $number # duplicate last line or
# $num line if provided
'data' => $arrayref # assigns the array if
# $arrayref provided &&
# returns ALL array data
# LOOP-SPECIFIC operations:
'next' => $ignored # assign to next in loop
'prev' => $ignored # assign to previous in loop
Array Accessors
Text # update the text array
Colr # update the color array
Loop Accessors
BTyp # loop through border types
Normal Accessors
Name # Description
---- -------------
Hite # window height
Widt # window width
YOff # window y-offset position
XOff # window x-offset position
YCrs # window y-cursor position
XCrs # window x-cursor position
BClr # border color code string
Titl # title string
TClr # title color code string
DNdx # global display index
Flag Accessors
FlagName Default # Description
-------- ------- -------------
FlagAuDr 1 # Automatic Draw() whenever Text or Colr are updated
FlagMaxi 1 # Maximize window
FlagShrk 1 # Shrink window to fit Text
FlagCntr 1 # Center window within entire available screen
FlagCVis 0 # Cursor Visible
FlagScrl 0 # use Scrollbars (not implemented yet)
FlagSDLK 0 # use advanced SDLKey mode in GetK()
FlagBkgr 0 # always expect background colors in color codes
FlagFram 0 # use Time::Frame objects instead of float seconds
FlagMili 0 # use integer milliseconds instead of float seconds
FlagPrin 1 # Prnt() Into Text array. If FlagPrin is false,
# then each call to Prnt() only writes to the screen
# temporarily && will be wiped the next time the
# window behind it is updated.
Accessor && Flag Method Usage Examples
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Curses::Simp;
# create new object which gets auto-drawn with init params
my $simp = Curses::Simp->new('text' => [ 'hmmm', 'haha', 'whoa', 'yeah' ],
'colr' => [ 'bbbB', 'bBBw', 'BwrR', 'ROYW' ],
'btyp' => 1,
'flagmaxi' => 0);
$simp->GetK(-1); # wait for a key press
$simp->Text('push' => 'weee'); # add more to the Text
$simp->Colr('push' => 'WwBb'); # && Colr arrays
$simp->FlagMaxi('togl'); # toggle the maximize flag
$simp->GetK(-1); # wait for a key press
$simp->Text('2' => 'cool'); # change index two elements of Text
$simp->Colr('2' => 'uUCW'); # && Colr
$simp->FlagMaxi('fals'); # falsify the maximize flag
$simp->GetK(-1); # wait for a key press
$simp->Text('popp'); # pop the last elements off Text
$simp->Colr('popp'); # && Colr
$simp->BTyp('incr'); # increment the border type
$simp->GetK(-1); # wait for a key press
$simp->Text('asin' => [ 'some', 'diff', 'rent', 'stuf' ]);
$simp->Colr('asin' => [ 'GGYY', 'CCOO', 'UURR', 'WWPP' ]);
$simp->BTyp('incr'); # increment the border type
$simp->GetK(-1); # wait for a key press before quitting
The GetK() function has a special advanced mode of input. Instead of returning the plain keypress (eg. 'a'), the $sdlk flag parameter can be set to true for temporary SDLKey mode or with FlagSDLK(1) for permanence so that verbose strings of SDLKey names will be returned instead (eg. 'SDLK_a').
The list of returnable SDLKey names are:
SDLKey ASCII value Common name
---------------- ----------- ------------
'SDLK_BACKSPACE', #'\b' backspace
'SDLK_TAB', #'\t' tab
'SDLK_CLEAR', # clear
'SDLK_RETURN', #'\r' return
'SDLK_PAUSE', # pause
'SDLK_ESCAPE', #'^[' escape
'SDLK_SPACE', #' ' space
'SDLK_EXCLAIM', #'!' exclaim
'SDLK_QUOTEDBL', #'"' quotedbl
'SDLK_HASH', #'#' hash
'SDLK_DOLLAR', #'$' dollar
'SDLK_AMPERSAND', #'&' ampersand
'SDLK_QUOTE', #''' quote
'SDLK_LEFTPAREN', #'(' left parenthesis
'SDLK_RIGHTPAREN', #')' right parenthesis
'SDLK_ASTERISK', #'*' asterisk
'SDLK_PLUS', #'+' plus sign
'SDLK_COMMA', #',' comma
'SDLK_MINUS', #'-' minus sign
'SDLK_PERIOD', #'.' period
'SDLK_SLASH', #'/' forward slash
'SDLK_0', #'0' 0
'SDLK_1', #'1' 1
'SDLK_2', #'2' 2
'SDLK_3', #'3' 3
'SDLK_4', #'4' 4
'SDLK_5', #'5' 5
'SDLK_6', #'6' 6
'SDLK_7', #'7' 7
'SDLK_8', #'8' 8
'SDLK_9', #'9' 9
'SDLK_COLON', #':' colon
'SDLK_SEMICOLON', #';' semicolon
'SDLK_LESS', #'<' less-than sign
'SDLK_EQUALS', #'=' equals sign
'SDLK_GREATER', #'>' greater-than sign
'SDLK_QUESTION', #'?' question mark
'SDLK_AT', #'@' at
'SDLK_LEFTBRACKET', #'[' left bracket
'SDLK_BACKSLASH', #'\' backslash
'SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET', #']' right bracket
'SDLK_CARET', #'^' caret
'SDLK_UNDERSCORE', #'_' underscore
'SDLK_BACKQUOTE', #'`' grave
'SDLK_a', #'a' a
'SDLK_b', #'b' b
'SDLK_c', #'c' c
'SDLK_d', #'d' d
'SDLK_e', #'e' e
'SDLK_f', #'f' f
'SDLK_g', #'g' g
'SDLK_h', #'h' h
'SDLK_i', #'i' i
'SDLK_j', #'j' j
'SDLK_k', #'k' k
'SDLK_l', #'l' l
'SDLK_m', #'m' m
'SDLK_n', #'n' n
'SDLK_o', #'o' o
'SDLK_p', #'p' p
'SDLK_q', #'q' q
'SDLK_r', #'r' r
'SDLK_s', #'s' s
'SDLK_t', #'t' t
'SDLK_u', #'u' u
'SDLK_v', #'v' v
'SDLK_w', #'w' w
'SDLK_x', #'x' x
'SDLK_y', #'y' y
'SDLK_z', #'z' z
'SDLK_DELETE', #'^?' delete
'SDLK_KP0', # keypad 0
'SDLK_KP1', # keypad 1
'SDLK_KP2', # keypad 2
'SDLK_KP3', # keypad 3
'SDLK_KP4', # keypad 4
'SDLK_KP5', # keypad 5
'SDLK_KP6', # keypad 6
'SDLK_KP7', # keypad 7
'SDLK_KP8', # keypad 8
'SDLK_KP9', # keypad 9
'SDLK_KP_PERIOD', #'.' keypad period
'SDLK_KP_DIVIDE', #'/' keypad divide
'SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY', #'*' keypad multiply
'SDLK_KP_MINUS', #'-' keypad minus
'SDLK_KP_PLUS', #'+' keypad plus
'SDLK_KP_ENTER', #'\r' keypad enter
'SDLK_KP_EQUALS', #'=' keypad equals
'SDLK_UP', # up arrow
'SDLK_DOWN', # down arrow
'SDLK_RIGHT', # right arrow
'SDLK_LEFT', # left arrow
'SDLK_INSERT', # insert
'SDLK_HOME', # home
'SDLK_END', # end
'SDLK_PAGEUP', # page up
'SDLK_PAGEDOWN', # page down
'SDLK_F1', # F1
'SDLK_F2', # F2
'SDLK_F3', # F3
'SDLK_F4', # F4
'SDLK_F5', # F5
'SDLK_F6', # F6
'SDLK_F7', # F7
'SDLK_F8', # F8
'SDLK_F9', # F9
'SDLK_F10', # F10
'SDLK_F11', # F11
'SDLK_F12', # F12
'SDLK_F13', # F13
'SDLK_F14', # F14
'SDLK_F15', # F15
'SDLK_NUMLOCK', # numlock
'SDLK_CAPSLOCK', # capslock
'SDLK_SCROLLOCK', # scrollock
'SDLK_RSHIFT', # right shift
'SDLK_LSHIFT', # left shift
'SDLK_RCTRL', # right ctrl
'SDLK_LCTRL', # left ctrl
'SDLK_RALT', # right alt
'SDLK_LALT', # left alt
'SDLK_RMETA', # right meta
'SDLK_LMETA', # left meta
'SDLK_LSUPER', # left windows key
'SDLK_RSUPER', # right windows key
'SDLK_MODE', # mode shift
'SDLK_HELP', # help
'SDLK_PRINT', # print-screen
'SDLK_BREAK', # break
'SDLK_MENU', # menu
'SDLK_POWER', # power
'SDLK_EURO', # euro
SDLKey mode also sets flags in KMod where:
SDL Modifier Meaning
-------------- ---------
'KMOD_NONE', # No modifiers applicable
'KMOD_CTRL', # A Control key is down
'KMOD_SHIFT', # A Shift key is down
'KMOD_ALT', # An Alt key is down
Colors can be encoded along with each text line to be printed. Prnt() && Draw() each take hash parameters where the key should be 'colr' && the value is a color code string as described below.
A normal color code is simply a single character (typically just the first letter of the color name && the case [upper or lower] designates high or low intensity [ie. Bold on or off]). Simple single character color codes represent only the foreground color. The default printing mode of color codes assumes black background colors for everything. There are special ways to specify non-black background colors or to encode repeating color codes if you want to. The default to assume no background colors are specified can be overridden object-wide by the FlagBkgr(1) function.
Normal Color Code Reference
b(Black), r(Red), g(Green), y(Yellow),
(upper-case = bright) u(Blue), p(Purple), c(Cyan), w(White)
Alternate Color Codes
o([Orange] *Yellow), m([Magenta] Purple),
(upper-case = bright) t([Teal] Cyan), l([Lavender] Purple)
*Upper-Case Bright Orange Exception
There is a special exception for Upper-Case 'O' (Orange). Orange is actually Dark Yellow but it is often much brighter than any of the other dark colors which leads to confusion. Therefore, Upper-Case 'O' breaks the (upper-case = bright) rule && is interpreted the same as Lower-Case 'y'. Every other color code is consistent with the rule.
Interpretation of Backgrounds && Repeats in Color Codes
The following mechanisms are available for changing the default color code string interpretation to read background colors after foreground && to specify abbreviations for code repeating:
The function FlagBkgr(1) will specify that you wish to have all color codes interpreted expecting both foreground && background characters for each source text character. Similarly, FlagBkgr(0) (which is the default setting of not expecting Background characters) will turn off global background interpretation.
The base64 characters specified below are in the set [0-9A-Za-z._] && are interpreted using the Math::BaseCnv module.
A space in a color code string is the same as 'b' (black).
When Background mode is OFF (ie. the default after FlagBkgr(0) or a '!'):
x - When this lowercase times character is used, it must be followed
by a base64 character which specifies how many times the color
code prior to the (x) times character should be repeated.
X - When this uppercase times character is used, it must be followed
by a base64 character which specifies how many times the color
code prior to the (X) times character should be repeated. The
difference from the lowercase (x) times is that the code prior
to the (X) is treated as a background color for that many
following foreground color code characters.
After that, backgrounds return to black.
, - The comma character specifies that the next two characters are a
foreground && background color pair.
After that, backgrounds return to black.
: - The colon character specifies that the following character is a
(presumably non-black) background character to use instead of
the default black for the remainder of the line (or until another
special character overrides this one).
; - The semicolon character specifies that the remaining part of the
current color code line should be interpreted as if full
background interpretation were turned ON (as if FlagBkgr(1) had
been called just for this line) so further interpretation
proceeds like the FlagBkgr(1) section below.
Each background specification character takes effect starting with the
next encountered foreground character so:
'RgX2UU', 'R:gUU', && 'R;Ugx2' all expand to 'RbUgUg' not 'RgUgUb'
Some Examples:
Prnt('Hello World', # the simplest 1-to-1 text/color printing with
'WWWWW UUUUU'); # all characters printed on black background
Prnt('Hello World',
'Wx5bUx5'); # the same as above but using repeat (x) times
Both of the above Prnt() calls would print 'Hello' in Bright White
&& 'World' in Bright blUe both on the default black background.
The color strings would expanded from
'WWWWW UUUUU' or 'Wx5bUx5' to 'WbWbWbWbWbbbUbUbUbUbUb';
Prnt('Hello World',
Prnt('Hello World',
Prnt('Hello World',
Prnt('Hello World',
These Prnt() calls would print 'Hello' the same as before but now
'World' would be in Bright Green on a dark blUe background.
These color strings would all expand to 'WbWbWbWbWbbbGuGuGuGuGu'.
When Background mode is ON (ie. after FlagBkgr(1) or a ';'):
. - When the dot character is encountered in a color pair, it signifies
that the other field (foreground or background) should be used
for the remainder of the color code string (or until the next
(.) dot character is found).
x - When this times character is used, it must be followed by a base64
character which specifies how many times the color code pair
prior to the (x) times character should be repeated.
X - When this upper-case times character is used, it specifies that
whichever field value preceeded it, it should be repeated the
number of times specified in the base64 character which follows.
! - The bang character specifies that the remaining part of the
current color code line should be interpreted as if background
interpretation were turned OFF (as if FlagBkgr(0) had
been called just for this line) so further interpretation
proceeds like the FlagBkgr(0) section above.
Some Examples:
typical color pairs code string: 'WbWbWbGuGuGuGuGpGpGpYgYgYgYg'
means 3 source characters should be Bright White on black,
4 source characters should be Bright Green on blue,
3 source characters should be Bright Green on purple,
&& 4 source characters should be Bright Yellow on green.
same result using (.) : 'W.bbb.G.uuuuppp.Y.gggg'
same result using (x) : 'Wbx3Gux4Gpx3Ygx4'
same result using (X) : 'WX3bbbGX7uuuupppYX4gggg'
same result using hybrid : 'WbWbWbG.uX4pX3.Ygx4'
color code string: => expands to:
'W.brgo' => 'WbWrWgWo' # W. -> brgo
'.bWCPU' => 'WbCbPbUb' # .b -> WCPU
'Wbx4' => 'WbWbWbWb' # (Wb) x 4
'WbRx3p' => 'WbRbRbRp' # W + (bR) x 3 + p
'WX4upcw' => 'WuWpWcWw' # W X 4 -> upcw
'WoX4RGU' => 'WoRoGoUo' # Wo + o X 3 -> RGU
I have tried to make Simp very simple to use yet still flexible && powerful. Please feel free to e-mail me any suggestions || coding tips || notes of appreciation like "I appreciate you! I like to say appreciate. You can say it too. Go on. Say it. Say 'I appreciate you! I like to say appreciate. You can say it too. Go on. Say it. Say "..."'" Thank you. It's like app-ree-see-ate. TTFN.
Revision history for Perl extension Curses::Simp:
- - 1.0.41O4516 Sat Jan 24 04:05:01:06 2004
* updated POD && added Simp projects into bin/ && MANIFEST in preparation for release, made all but ptok && qbix non-executable for EXE_FILES
- - 1.0.41O3SQK Sat Jan 24 03:28:26:20 2004
* setup window border char sets, added SDLK advanced input option to GetK, made new Mesg, Prmt, && CPik utils, added PrntInto 'flagprin' ability, fixed weird char probs in Draw && removed weird char support from Prnt
- - 1.0.4140asO Sun Jan 4 00:36:54:24 2004
* CHANGES section && new objects created, refined Draw() && InitPair()
- - 1.0.37VG26k Thu Jul 31 16:02:06:46 2003
* original version
Please run:
`perl -MCPAN -e "install Curses::Simp"`
or uncompress the package && run the standard:
`perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install`
Curses::Simp requires:
Carp to allow errors to croak() from calling sub
Curses provides core screen && input handling
Math::BaseCnv to handle number-base conversion
Curses::Simp uses (if available):
Time::Frame to provide another mechanism for timing
Most source code should be Free! Code I have lawful authority over is && shall be! Copyright: (c) 2003, Pip Stuart. All rights reserved. Copyleft : I license this software under the GNU General Public License (version 2). Please consult the Free Software Foundation ( for important information about your freedom.
Pip Stuart <Pip@CPAN.Org>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 70:
You can't have =items (as at line 74) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item