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SAP::Rfc - Perl extension for performing RFC Function calls against an SAP R/3 System. Please refer to the README file found with this distribution.


  use SAP::Rfc;
  $rfc = new SAP::Rfc(
		      ASHOST   => 'myhost',
		      USER     => 'ME',
		      PASSWD   => 'secret',
		      LANG     => 'EN',
		      CLIENT   => '200',
		      SYSNR    => '00',
		      TRACE    => '1' );

my $it = $rfc->discover("RFC_READ_TABLE");

$it->QUERY_TABLE('TRDIR'); $it->ROWCOUNT( 2000 ); $it->OPTIONS( ["NAME LIKE 'RS%'"] );

or pass a list of hash refs like so: $it->OPTIONS( [ { TEXT => "NAME LIKE 'RS%'" } ] );

$rfc->callrfc( $it );

print "NO. PROGS: ".$it->tab('DATA')->rowCount()." \n"; print join("\n",( $it->DATA ));



The best way to describe this package is to give a brief over view, and
then launch into several examples.
The SAP::Rfc package works in concert with several other packages that
also come with same distribution, these are SAP::Iface, SAP::Parm,
SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc.  These come
together to give you an object oriented programming interface to
performing RFC function calls to SAP from a UNIX based platform with
your favourite programming language - Perl.
A SAP::Rfc object holds together one ( and only one ) connection to an
SAP system at a time.  The SAP::Rfc object can hold one or many SAP::Iface
objects, each of which equate to the definition of an RFC Function in
SAP ( trans SE37 ). Each SAP::Iface object holds one or many
SAP::Parm, and/or SAP::Tab objects, corresponding to
the RFC Interface definition in SAP ( SE37 ).
For all SAP::Tab objects, and for complex SAP::Parm objects,
 a SAP::Struc object can be defined.  This equates to a
structure definition in the data dictionary ( SE11 ).
Because the manual definition of interfaces and structures is a boring
and tiresome exercise, there are specific methods provided to 
automatically discover, and add the appropriate interface definitions
for an RFC Function module to the SAP::Rfc object ( see methods
discover, and structure of SAP::Rfc ).


$rfc->PARM_NAME( 'a value ') The parameter or tables can be accessed through autoloaded method calls - this can be useful for setting or getting the parameter values.

discover $iface = $rfc->discover('RFC_READ_REPORT'); Discover an RFC interface definition, and automaticlly add it to an SAP::Rfc object. This will also define all associated SAP::Parm, SAP::Tab, and SAP::Struc objects.

structure $str = $rfc->structure('QTAB'); Discover and return the definition of a valid data dictionary structure. This could be subsequently used with an SAP::Parm, or SAP::Tab object.

is_connected if ($rfc->is_connected()) { } else { }; Test that the SAP::Rfc object is connected to the SAP system.

sapinfo %info = $rfc->sapinfo(); map { print "key: $_ = ", $info{$_}, "\n" } sort keys %info; Return a hash of the values supplied by the RFC_SYSTEM_INFO function module. This function is only properly called once, and the data is cached until the RFC connection is closed - then it will be reset next call.

callrfc $rfc->callrfc('RFC_READ_TABLE'); Do the actual RFC call - this installs all the Export, Import, and Table Parameters in the actual C library of the XS extension, does the RFC call, Retrieves the table contents, and import parameter contents, and then cleans the libraries storage space again.

close $rfc->close(); Close the current open RFC connection to an SAP system, and then reset cached sapinfo data.


Piers Harding,

But Credit must go to all those that have helped.


perl(1), SAP::Iface(3).