Win32::FindWindow - find windows on Win32 systems
use Win32::FindWindow;
# find a window with the class name.
my $window = find_window( classname => 'ExploreWClass' );
# basename, filename, windowtext, and classname can be specified.
my $window = find_window( basename => 'Explorer.EXE'
, filename => 'C:\\WINDOWS\\Explorer.EXE'
, windowtext => 'C:\\'
, classname => 'ExploreWClass' );
# hwnd and pid can be specified, too.
# hwnd defaults to the retval of GetDesktopWindow().
# pid is not effective until specifying it.
# find with regexp:
# it must set the value by qr// style.
my $window = find_window( classname => qr/^ExploreWClass$/
, filename => qr/^C:\\WINDOWS\\.*/
, basename => qr/^Explorer.EXE$/
, windowtext => qr/^C:\\$/ );
# the retval is an object.
# the read-only accessor are as follows:
# call find_windows() to return multiple values.
my @windows = find_windows( classname => 'MSPaintApp'
, filename => 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mspaint.exe'
, basename => 'mspaint.exe'
, windowtext => qr/^.+$/ );
# set $Win32::FindWindow::ENCODING with wide characters search
# ex. Japanese UTF-8
use utf8;
use encoding 'utf8', STDOUT => 'cp932';
$Win32::FindWindow::ENCODING = 'cp932';
my @windows = find_windows( classname => qr/スタート/ );
This module provides routines for finding windows on Win32 systems.
read-only accessors
Michiya Honda <>
This library is free software, licensed under the same terms with Perl. See perlartistic.