primd - a Perl Remote Invocation of Methods inetd service finder
Send the following on standard in from the command line, or to port 5368 if primd is properly registered (smallclient does the later):
<?xml version='1.0' ?><prim><lookup name='$name'/></prim>
You will receive a prim packet in return. It will be either:
<?xml version='1.0' ?><prim><error>Message</error></prim>
<?xml version="1.0" ?><prim><host></host><port>32415</port></prim>
Currently primd always returns for the host name. The caller should know what host they contacted and use that host. This should be fixed at some point.
Bind primd to port 5368 with inetd (or its moral equivalent). Currently, clients who supply your host name or ip will contact your primd asking for service ports.
To install primd, make an entry in /etc/services called prim with tcp port 5368. Do whatever else your inetd requires (make an entry in /etc/inetd.conf or a file in /etc/xinetd.d etc). Copy the file sample_primd.access to /etc/primd.access Edit the access file to allow the hosts you like to have access. If you're feeling brave, uncomment the line that reads # ALL allow If you don't have an /etc/primd.access no one will receive primd replies.
primd logs every access attempt, what happened to the client, and why in /tmp/primd.log
Phil Crow,