Changes for version 0.19 - 2006-11-08
- Highlights:
- table names can now have schema prefixes: sch.tbl
- t/10_run.t is now gen output (not a stub any more)
- tables can have 0, 1, or more primary key columns
- support for improved Gantry::Conf
- all init files except MANIFEST are now stubs
- main listings can now be paged (instead of showing all rows)
- one controller can be of type base controller to control
- tentmaker has a stop server button, use it an never be fooled by javascript into thinking the server is up when its not
- Added support for table names with schema prefixes and schema blocks (but only Postgres really has these).
- Removed Model Gantry backend. It (and the models themselves) are not really maintained and it was starting to show.
- Changed Gantry Control backend so it updates t/10_run.t instead of considering it a stub (it now agrees with various docs).
- Added skip_test controller statement, use it to opt out of t/10_run.t.
- Attempted to add support for tables with no primary key and tables with multi-column primary keys. The SQL works, but I haven't tried an app with these features.
- Converted to new Gantry::Conf style. Choose the Conf Gantry backend, supply your instance there, then check Use Gantry::Conf in CGI Gantry or HttpdConf Gantry.
- Added support for Gantry's new html_form_type display and its cousin html_form_foreign. display fields are shown on the input form as plain text (not in input elements).
- Cosmetic improvements to generated Changes and README files.
- All the plain files Init Std generates are now stubs except MANIFEST. no_gens for each file are now unneeded except for MANIFEST.
- Added a stop server button to tentmaker. If you shut down that way, the browser will prevent you from trying to use the deceased server.
- Stopped generating use_clean_dates for CRUD object constructors since it is superceeded by default cleaning of params. (Use turn_off_clean_params => 1 and use_clean_dates => 1 for the old way.)
- Suppressed javascript errors in tentmaker when changes could have cascaded but didn't.
- Added paging to main listings upon request. Use rows or paged_conf method statements to enable it.
- There is now a: controller is base_controller { ... } block so you can put methods into the base module. There are two method types specially designed for it: base_links (a do_main with nav links to other pages) and links (a site_links method other controllers, or their templates, use to generate nav links). But, you can use these for one table/one controller apps.
- tentmaker now only displays input boxes for controller and method statements if the type of method or controller understands the statement. TODO: Changing types requires a manual refresh.
- Corrected a critical and long standing bug with the urgency color of tentmaker created join tables. Everyone will be happy to know that both table boxes are now red.
- Added gen_uses and stub_uses statements for controllers. You can still use uses to put the use statement in both. None of these alter an existing stub.
the parser/generater for the bigtop langauge
browser based bigtop file editor
A web application data language processor
defines the legal keywords for cgi backends
A generated server for the [% app_name %] app
defines the legal keywords for conf backends
makes Config::Gantry conf files
makes Config::General conf files
defines legal keywords in control blocks
controller generator for the Gantry framework
defines the legal keywords for httpd conf backends
httpd.conf generator for the Gantry framework
Bigtop backend which works sort of like h2xs
defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
defines legal keywords in table and field blocks
backend to generate sql for MySQL database creation
backend to generate sql for Postgres database creation
backend to generate sql for SQLite database creation
Bigtop to generate site appearance files
given an AST, makes a corresponding bigtop source file
A document explaining Bigtop's features and history
Bigtop syntax by example
a bigtop keyword quick reference in monospace font
An annotated list of modules in the Bigtop distribution
a quick reference guide to bigtop syntax
A (mostly) complete Bigtop syntax description
Table of Contents for Bigtop::Docs::* documentation modules
tentmaker reference (best viewed in html)
tentmaker tutorial (best viewed in html)
a simple case study of building a web app with bigtop
How to get vim syntax things for Bigtop files
generated by Parse::RecDescent from bigtop.grammar
A central place to describe all bigtop keywords
the Parse::RecDescent grammar driven parser for bigtop files
A helper modules for command line utilities
A Gantry App to Help You Code Bigtop Files
in lib/Bigtop/Backend/Model/
in lib/Bigtop/Backend/Model/
in lib/Bigtop/
- examples/Billing-Finished/Build.PL
- examples/Billing-Finished/Changes
- examples/Billing-Finished/MANIFEST
- examples/Billing-Finished/MANIFEST.SKIP
- examples/Billing-Finished/README
- examples/Billing-Finished/app.cgi
- examples/Billing-Finished/app.server
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/billing.bigtop
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.mysql
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.postgres
- examples/Billing-Finished/docs/schema.sqlite
- examples/Billing-Finished/html/
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/01_use.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/02_pod.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/03_podcover.t
- examples/Billing-Finished/t/10_run.t
- examples/address.bigtop
- examples/address2.bigtop
- examples/billing.bigtop
- examples/billing_model.png
- examples/checking.bigtop
- examples/phonelist.bigtop