Bigtop::Docs::Modules - An annotated list of modules in the Bigtop distribution
This document goes into some depth on each piece of of the Bigtop distribution. Some of the details are left for the POD of the pieces themselves.
If you want to know exactly what's legal in a bigtop file, look in Bigtop::Docs::Syntax or the more concise (and less complete) Bigtop::Docs::Keywords. is primarily a documentation module. It does provide two useful functions for backend authors. One writes files on the disk the other makes directory paths. See its docs for details.
This is the real workhorse of Bigtop. It is a grammar driven parser for Bigtop files. Interactions with this parser are usually indirect. End users use the bigtop script which in turn uses the parser to first build an abstract syntax tree (AST) and then to generate output by passing the AST to the backends. Developers should write backends which receive the AST in methods named for what they should produce.
Parsing Bigtop specifications
If you have a file on the disk and want to parse it into an abstract syntax tree (AST), call Bigtop::Parser->parse_file( $file_name ). This returns the AST.
The bigtop script is quite simple (I can almost see it as a bash script). It handles command line options, then directly passes the rest of its command line arguments to gen_from_file in Bigtop::Parser. gen_from_file reads the file into memory and passes it and the other command line arguments to gen_from_string.
gen_from_string first parses the config section of the Bigtop file to find the backends. It requires each of those (using its own import method), then calls gen_YourType on each one that is not marked no_gen.
The backend's gen_YourType is called as a class method. It receives the base directory of the build (where the user wants files to end up) and the AST.
Once you have an AST, you can call methods on it. Most of these will return lists (whose element are most often strings).
The most useful method provided is walk_postorder. It takes care of walking the tree. For each element, it calls walk_postorder for all of the children, pushing their output lists into a meta-list. Then it passes that result to the action in the current class. This is a depth first traversal. (If there is no action for the current class, walk_postorder returns the collection of child output unmodified; except that if the array of such output is empty, it returns undef and not an empty array.)
You can pass a single item of data to walk_postorder. That item (which is usually a hash or object) is in turn passed to all walk_postorder methods in the descendents as they are called. All of the walk_postorder methods pass this item on to the action methods when they call them.
To make this concrete, consider what the Bigtop::Control::Gantry does in its gen_Control method:
my $sub_modules = $wadl_tree->walk_postorder(
module_dir => $module_dir,
app_name => $app_name,
lookup => $wadl_tree->{application}{lookup}
This specifies the callback action as output_controller. Each output_controller has a definition like this:
sub output_controller {
my $self = shift;
my $child_output = shift;
my $data = shift;
# ...
Where $self is the current tree element, $child_output is the result returned from all of this element's children (as an array reference), and the data hash originally passed to walk_postorder (the one that contains module_dir, app_name, and lookup).
These output_controller methods live in packages named for rules in the grammar. See directly below for the package names and how to implement them.
The AST lives in a hash. This section explains the anatomy of that hash. It is presented as a nested list so you can see the tree structure by indentation. The top level element is blessed into the bigtop_file package.
It responds to these methods: get_config (returns the config subtree) and get_appname.
It has two children. The first is configuration (available through get_config) which is a hash reference representing the config section of the Bigtop file. The configuration child is not part of the AST you walk when generating output, but its info can be essential to your backend.
The tree continues with the other child:
- application
Responds to this method: get_name.
Has these children:
- __NAME__
A string with the app name in it. This is available through get_appname on the whole tree or through get_name on the app subtree.
- app_body
Created by Parse::RecDescent's autotree scheme. Has one child:
- block(s?)
This child is list of objects, each blessed into the block class. Since autotree builds this for us, there is some litter. We are only concerned with children whose package names end with _block or _statement. These children are:
- literal_block
This is a leaf node. It responds to one highly useful method: make_output. Backends call it on the current subtree (which is a leaf) passing in their backend type. If the current literal block has the same type, the text of the backquoted string in the Bigtop file is returned. (A trailing new line is added to the user's input unless that input already had trailing whitespace.) If the current node is of a different type, undef is returned.
There is an optional additional parameter: want_hash. Pass a true value if you need the output as
[ { $backend_type => $output } ]
instead of the default:
[ $output ]
This is useful if your backend handles multiple literal blocks in different ways. For example, PerlTop and PerlBlock literals are both handled by Bigtop::Gantry::HttpdConf. It needs the hash form to know where to put the literal output.
literal_blocks have two attributes:
- controller_block
Responds to get_name which returns the name of the controller.
Has these children:
- __NAME__
The name of the controller relative to the app name, available through get_name.
- __TYPE__
Controllers are specified as:
controller Name is type {...}
This attribute is the controller's type.
- controller_body
An autotree supplied package with one useful child:
- controller_statement(s?)
This is an array of nodes blessed into the controller_statement class. Controller statements come in several types (some of which are really blocks):
- controller_method
Represents a method. Responds to get_name which returns the method's name. Has these children:
- __NAME__
A string attribute. The name of the method available through get_name.
- __TYPE__
A string attribute. As with controllers, methods have types:
method name is type { ... }
This is the type name. There should probably be an accessor for this.
- __BODY__ (blessed into method_body)
The body of the method, including all of its statements. Responds to these methods: get_method_name, get_controller_name, and get_table_name (which works if the controller has a controls_table statement).
Has only one child:
- controller_config_block
A leaf with two attributes:
- controller_literal_block
This is really a statement, not a block (the name stuck before I decided statements would be easier to work with).
Responds to make_output which is similar to the method of that name in the literal_block package. The key difference is that this one does not handle multiple backend types gracefully. If the backend type you ask for matches, you get the output. No hash keyed by backend type is available. (Trailing new lines are supplied exactly as for make_output in the literal_block package.)
A leaf with two attributes:
The backend which the user wants to handle the literal.
- __BODY__
A string to put literally in the __BACKEND__'s output.
It's easier to call make_output than to fish in these manually.
- controller_statement
These are the simple statements in the controller block (like controls_table). They have two keys:
- sql_block
Responds to get_name which returns the name of whatever the block makes (a table or a sequence). These can be of two varieties. They have the same attributes:
- __NAME__
The name of the constructed sequence or table.
- __TYPE__
As string, either sequences or tables.
- __BODY__
The body of the block. These come in two types:
- sequence_body
Has one child:
- table_body
Has one useful child:
- table_element_blocks(s)
An array of objects blessed into the table_element_block class. These come in two types, governed by their __TYPE__ attribute:
- app_config_block
Represents an app level config block. Has one child:
- app_statement
Represents a simple statement at the app level. Has two keys:
In addtion to those packages, there is one which is a frequent leaf:
- arg_list
An arg_list is an array whose elements are either single strings or pairs. There is no help in Bigtop::Parser for these. They look like this:
[ 'value1', { key => 'value2' }, 'value3', ]
None of the items in arg_lists are blessed, hence the absence of help from above.
To see what the current backends do, consult Bigtop::Docs::Syntax. To write your own, keep reading.
Each backend should have a generation method called gen_BackendType (where BackendType is part of the package name: Bigtop::Backend::BackendType::Backend). These are called as class methods with the build directory, the AST generated in Bigtop::Parser, and the source file name (if one is available).
In addition to the generation methods, if your backend wants to work with the TentMaker, you must also implement what_do_you_make and backend_block_keywords. See the example below for what these should do.
The gen_* methods produce output on the disk. For testing, you can call the methods that the gen_* methods call. Usually these are prefixed with output_, but that is not enforced. Or you can call the gen_* method and test the generated files (say with Test::Files).
To know what a particular backend will do, see Bigtop::Docs::Keywords or Bigtop::Docs::Syntax. That is also where you will see a list of the keywords they understand and what values those keywords take.
To write a backend, you need to write the gen_* method and have one package for each AST element type you care about. It is easiset to see this by example. A good example is Bigtop::Backend::SQL::Postgres. I'll show it here so you can see how it goes with commentary interspersed amongst the code. To see the whole of it, look for lib/Bigtop/Backend/SQL/ in the Bigtop distribution. (Note that I have removed some details to make this presentation easier, and the real version may have been updated more recently than this discussion.)
There is nothing really fancy about the start of a backend:
package Bigtop::Backend::SQL::Postgres;
use strict; use warnings;
use Bigtop::Backend::SQL;
use Inline;
I use Bigtop::Backend::SQL, which registers the SQL keywords with the Bigtop parser. In all of my backends I use Inline::TT to aid in generating the output. It needs Inline loaded. (See setup_template to see how templates are installed for use.)
TentMaker requirements
sub what_do_you_make {
return [
[ 'docs/schema.postgres' => 'Postgres database schema' ],
what_do_you_make should return an array reference describing the things your backend writes on the disk. Each array element is also an array reference with two entries. First is the name of something made by the module, second is a brief description of what that piece has in it. These appear as documentation in the tentmaker application.
sub backend_block_keywords {
return [
{ keyword => 'no_gen',
label => 'No Gen',
descr => 'Skip everything for this backend',
type => 'boolean' },
backend_block_keywords is similar to what_do_you_make. It lists all the valid keywords which can go in the backend's block in the config section at the top of the bigtop file. These appear in order in the far right column of the Backends tab. The above keys are required, if you need a default use the default key. If the type is boolean, spell out true or false as the default value. If you don't specify a default, you get false (unchecked) for booleans and blank for strings.
The generating sub
sub gen_SQL {
my $base_dir = shift;
my $tree = shift;
The bigtop script will call gen_SQL (via gen_from_file) when the user has this backend in their config section and invokes bigtop with SQL or all in the list of build items.
The class name is not needed, so I shifted it into the ether.
The $base_dir is where the output goes.
The $tree is the full AST (see above for details).
# walk tree generating sql
my $lookup = $tree->{application}{lookup};
my $sql = $tree->walk_postorder( 'output_sql', $lookup );
my $sql_output = join '', @{ $sql };
The lookup subtree of the application subtree provides easier access to the data in the tree (though it doesn't have all the connectors the AST has for parsing use, in particular it uses hashes exclusively, so it never intentionally preserves order).
I let Bigtop::Parser's walk_postorder do the visiting of tree nodes for me. It will call 'output_sql' on each of them. I implement that on the packages my SQL generator cares about below. I pass the lookup has to walk_postorder so it will be available to the callbacks.
The output of walk_postorder is always an array reference. I join it together and store it in $sql_output.
# write the schema.postgres
my $docs_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $base_dir, 'docs' );
mkdir $docs_dir;
By the convention of our shop, the schema.postgres file lives in the docs directory of the generated distribution. Here, I make that directory (if that fails we'll hear loud screaming shortly).
All that remains is to put the output into the file:
my $sql_file = File::Spec->catfile( $docs_dir, 'schema.postgres' );
open my $SQL, '>', $sql_file or die "Couldn't write $sql_file: $!\n";
print $SQL $sql_output;
close $SQL or die "Couldn't close $sql_file: $!\n";
So, the whole generation method is only 22 lines. Of course, there is still a lot left for me to do.
Output appearance control
Like most backends, this one uses Inline::TT to control the appearance of the output. If users don't like the appearance, they have only to copy the template into another file, edit it to suit them, and tell the module by including a template statement in the config block for the backend:
config {
SQL Postgres { template ``; }
# ...
Here is my default template:
our $template_is_setup = 0;
our $default_template_text = <<'EO_TT_blocks';
[% BLOCK sql_block %]
CREATE [% keyword %] [% name %][% child_output %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK table_body %]
[% FOREACH child_element IN child_output %]
[% child_element +%][% UNLESS loop.last %],[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK table_element_block %] [% name %] [% child_output %][% END %]
[% BLOCK field_statement %]
[% keywords.join( ' ' ) %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK insert_statement %]
INSERT INTO [% table %] ( [% columns.join( ', ' ) %] )
VALUES ( [% values.join( ', ' ) %] );
[% END %]
There are five blocks, each of which may be used repeatedly while generating output:
- sql_block
Wraps the body of an SQL CREATE statement with 'CREATE name'.
- table_body
Wraps all of the column definitions in each CREATE TABLE statement with parentheses.
- table_element_block
Makes the column definition statements for CREATE TABLE bodies.
- field_statement
Concatenates the individual definition clauses for a column definition statement.
- insert_statement
Makes the INSERT statements which correspond to data statements in the Bigtop file.
To make the template operative, requires implementing setup_template:
sub setup_template {
my $class = shift;
my $template_text = shift || $default_template_text;
return if ( $template_is_setup );
TT => $template_text,
$template_is_setup = 1;
The parser calls this (if the package can respond to it) prior to calling gen_SQL. If the user has supplied an alernate template, it is passed to setup_template.
To avoid bad template binding, $template_is_setup keeps track of whether we've been here before.
Inline's bind method creates subs in the current name space for callbacks to use. Note that if $template_text is a file name, that file will be bound correctly.
I've tried to abstract out this code so all backends can share it, but the nature of Inline bindings makes that difficult, so I gave up.
Real work
All that remains is the real work. We need to implement output_sql in about half a dozen packages.
sub output_sql {
my $self = shift;
my $child_output = shift;
my $child_out_str = join "\n", @{ $child_output };
my $output = Bigtop::SQL::Postgres::sql_block(
keyword => $self->get_create_keyword(),
child_output => $child_out_str,
name => $self->get_name(),
return [ $output ];
As all callbacks do, this one receives the current tree node as its invocant and the output of its children as parameters. (It also receives the data passed to walk_postorder, but this method doesn't need it.)
The child output is an array reference of strings which I join with newlines. Then I call the sql_block template BLOCK. I've used the get_name provided by the sql_block package in Bigtop::Parser. The get_create_keyword sub is below.
Note that I am careful to give my output back in an array, even though I have only one item. This is required by all walk_postorder visitors.
sub get_create_keyword {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__BODY__}->create_keyword();
As you can see in the Bigtop::Parser section above, sql_block objects have a __BODY__ key. In this module, their packages implement create_keyword (see below). It returns 'SEQUENCE' or 'TABLE' as appropriate.
Here is the whole sequence_body pacakge:
package sequence_body;
use strict; use warnings;
sub create_keyword { return 'SEQUENCE' }
sub output_sql {
# XXX for now, just end the line.
# Watch this space for something more interesting.
return [ ';' ];
It implements create_keyword as required by sql_block's get_create_keyword shown above.
It also implements output_sql, which returns a mere semi-colon. I have yet to implement min, max, or any of the other sequence control SQL statements. So that is all I can do.
The table_body package is only slightly more interesting:
package table_body;
use strict; use warnings;
sub create_keyword { return 'TABLE' }
sub output_sql {
my $self = shift;
my $child_output = shift;
my %output;
foreach my $statement ( @{ $child_output } ) {
my ( $type, $output ) = @{ $statement };
push @{ $output{ $type } }, $output;
my $output = Bigtop::SQL::Postgres::table_body(
{ child_output => $output{table_body} }
if ( defined $output{insert_statements} ) {
$output .= "\n" . join "\n", @{ $output{insert_statements} };
return [ $output ]
Here we see one example of why children report arrays for output instead of simple strings. The children of table_body return hashes keyed by type. There are two types: table_body (for column definitions) and insert_statements (which must come after the table's CREATE statement).
So, the loop at the top walks through the child output separating the different types into two arrays. The body statements are sent to the table_body TT block. The insert statements are ready for immediate use, after the table_body.
package table_element_block;
use strict; use warnings;
sub output_sql {
my $self = shift;
my $child_output = shift;
if ( defined $child_output) {
my $child_out_str = join "\n", @{ $child_output };
my $output = Bigtop::SQL::Postgres::table_element_block(
{ name => $self->get_name(), child_output => $child_out_str }
return [ [ table_body => $output ] ];
There are two kinds of children for the table_element_block: fields (which are themselves blocks) and statements (where are leaves in the AST). So, if there is child output, we can safely assume that this node is a field block. In which case, we join the child output, send it to the table_element_block TT BLOCK and return the output, being careful to note that it belongs in the table_body.
Note that even if we want to return a hash, we must return an array of strings. All the walk_postorder methods must return only arrays or arrays of arrays. This is because the walk_postorder method is neutral (or ignorant if you prefer) regarding what will happen to the output.
else {
return unless ( $self->{__TYPE__} eq 'data' );
my @columns;
my @values;
foreach my $insertion ( @{ $self->{__VALUE__} } ) {
my ( $column, $value ) = %{ $insertion };
$value = "'$value'" unless $value =~ /^\d+$/;
push @columns, $column;
push @values, $value;
my $output = Bigtop::SQL::Postgres::insert_statement(
table => $self->get_table_name,
columns => \@columns,
values => \@values,
return [ [ insert_statements => $output ] ];
If there is no child output, we must be working on a statement. But, in this backend, the only statements I care about are data statements. So, I return unless this is one of those, which I know by checking the __TYPE__ key of the node's hash.
Recall that data statements look like this:
data f_name => Phil, l_name => Crow;
The __VALUE__ of the node is an arg_list (which is a blessed array). The foreach walks that array hashifying each entry, since the user provided these as pairs. The value is quoted to keep SQL happy, unless it is an integer. Both key and value are pushed into arrays for easy use by the insert_statement TT BLOCK. The result is returned with a note that the output is for the insert_statements list.
Now we are arriving at the most intricate piece. It handles the only statement in the field block we care about: is.
package field_statement;
use strict; use warnings;
my %code_for = (
primary_key => sub { 'PRIMARY KEY' },
assign_by_sequence => \&gen_seq_text,
auto => \&gen_seq_text,
sub output_sql {
my $self = shift;
shift; # discard child output (there isn't any)
my $lookup = shift;
return unless $self->get_name() eq 'is';
my @keywords;
foreach my $arg ( @{ $self->{__DEF__}{__ARGS__} } ) {
my $code = $code_for{$arg};
if ( defined $code ) {
push @keywords, $code->( $self, $lookup );
else {
push @keywords, $arg;
my $output = Bigtop::SQL::Postgres::field_statement(
{ keywords => \@keywords }
return [ $output ];
Now we see $lookup coming into the sub. I gave it to the original call to walk_postorder, which has been dutifully passing it to all the output_sql subs it calls. It's finally come to the place that needs it (see below).
If the statement's keyword is not 'is', output_sql returns undef.
For 'is' statements, it loops through the __DEF__ __ARGS__. Each of those is one of the comma separated clauses or clause abbreviations in the 'is' statement. For example:
is int4, primary_key, auto;
has three items in its list: int4, primary_key, and auto.
For each of those, output_sql looks in the code_for hash to see if there is a sub it should call to convert the text into something else. If it finds a sub, it calls it and uses the result. Otherwise, it merely uses the arg directly. The input order is preserved in the output. When calling the converter, it passes the current AST node and $lookup.
Once the proper clauses have all been pushed into the keywords array, it is passed to the field_statement TT BLOCK.
Note that assign_by_sequence can be abbreviated as auto. Both of these point to the gen_seq_text sub:
sub gen_seq_text {
my $self = shift;
my $lookup = shift;
my $table = $self->get_table_name();
my $sequence = $lookup->{tables}{$table}{sequence}{__ARGS__}[0];
unless ( defined $sequence ) {
die "I can't assign_by_sequence for table $table.\n"
. "You didn't define a sequence for it.\n";
return "DEFAULT NEXTVAL( '$sequence' )";
The field_statement package in Bigtop::Parser supplied get_table_name which (not surprisingly) returns the name of the table in which this field will have its column. I use that name to fish the table's sequence name from the lookup hash. There is a section below, "The lookup hash" which has details on what goes into this hash.
One of the top level keys in the lookup hash is 'tables'. The value there is a hash keyed by table name. The values are hashes. If the table has a sequence defined, that hash will include a sequence key. The __ARGS__ of that key is really a single element array holding the sequence name.
Using the lookup hash is much easier than walking the AST to find things. But it doesn't have everything. In particular, it is all hashes, so it never preserves order.
If there is no sequence, the user receives an error message. Note that die is used with trailing newlines, since the bigtop invoker never wants to hear about line numbers in the bigtop script or in any of the Bigtop modules.
To allow you to put additional SQL statements into the schema.* file, Bigtop provides the literal SQL statement. This package handles it:
package literal_block;
use strict; use warnings;
sub output_sql {
my $self = shift;
return $self->make_output( 'SQL' );
Bigtop::Parser provides make_output in its literal_block package to facilitate literal statements of all sorts. Simply tell it what sort you are interested in. If the node you're working on is of that type, it makes meaningful output (giving back an array reference with one element containing the full literal string from the user's statement). Otherwise, it returns undef which is discarded by the proper walk_postorder method.
The lookup hash
The lookup hash is stored inside the AST. You can get it out like so:
my $lookup = $tree->{application}{lookup};
as shown in the gen_SQL method of Bigtop::SQL::Postgres shown above.
The keys in the lookup hash are (these are optional, so only some of them might appear in your hash):
- app_statements
This subhash represents all the simple statements at the app level. Its keys are the statement keywords. The values are arg_lists of the values for the statement. arg_lists are the only arrays in the lookup hash.
- controllers
This subhash represents all the controllers in the Bigtop app section. Its keys are the controller names. Each value is a hash with these keys (some of which are optional):
- methods
This subhash represents all the methods defined for the controller. It is keyed by method name. The value is a hash with two keys:
- statements
Just like the app_statements subhash at the top level.
- type
(Always present and defined.)
A string with the type supplied in the Bigtop file.
- configs
Just like the configs subhash at the top level (see below).
- statements
Just like the app_statements subhash at the top level. These are the simple statements of the controller.
- type
(Always present, but could be undef.)
This is the controller's type. It will be a string storing the type from the Bigtop file for this controller or undef if no type was given by the user.
- configs
The keys are config names. The values are arg_lists with a single element. If the config is marked no_accessor, that element will be a hash keyed by the value storing no_accessor. Otherwise, that element will be a simple string.
- tables
This subhash represents all the tables in the Bigtop file. It is keyed by table name and has these subkeys (which are optional):
- data
This has a single key __ARGS__ which stores the arg_list for the last data statement in the table.
- fields
This is a subhash keyed by the name of the field storing subhashes of simple statements keyed by the statement keyword and storing a hash with a single key 'args' whose value is an arg_list.
- foreign_display
This has a single key __ARGS__ which is an arg_list whose single element is the text of the foreign_display template for this table.
- sequence
This has a single key __ARGS__ which is an arg_list whose single element is the sequence name for this table.
Note that I said that the lookup hash is easier to use than direct AST walking. But I never said it was trivial or even well designed. It was easy to build.
Phil Crow <>