
Bigtop::Docs::Tutorial - a simple case study of building a web app with bigtop

Note on What to Read

This document explains how to build an app of moderate complexity by typing in a bigtop file. Since it was written, tentmaker has come along. It is a browser delivered editor for bigtop files, see Bigtop::Docs::TentMaker for details.

If you need a simpler example than the one shown here, consider the one table address book example in Gantry::Docs::Tutorial.

Driving Idea

Many (not all) applications are mostly data managers. That is, they are really intermediaries between users and various tables in a database. A bigtop file is meant to be a single place to describe all (or practically all) facits of the data in an application. This includes at least:

  • The name and special features of each controller.

  • The name of each table in the database.

  • A description of each column (field) in each table in the database. This includes at least:

    • its name and SQL type

    • the label the user sees for it when it appears on the screen

    • what type of html form element the user uses to enter or update it

    • how the data is validated and filtered on its way into and out of the database (filtering yet supported)

    • which table the field refers to if it is a foreign key

    • etc.

All of these things, and more, are described in a Bigtop file. That file can be given to bigtop to build the application. Once it is built, it can be safely rebuilt so that only the generated bits are changed (this is accomplished by maintaining a clean separation between generated and hand edited files, and by config options in the bigtop file).

Notice that nothing in the above has committed you or me to any particular web application framework, data modeling scheme, templating system, or web server. Bigtop is neutral (think big tent), at least for Perl apps delivered via the web.

A Working Example

Here I will present a small, but useable application. It's purpose is to teach you the syntax of the bigtop.

The Assumptions I'm About to Make

In order to explain the bigtop syntax, I'm going to exhibit a particular example. It will use the following:

  • the Apache web server running mod_perl 1.3

  • the Postgres database

  • the Class::DBI::Sweet data modeler

  • the Template Toolkit templating system

  • the Gantry web application framework

Partly, I made these choices because they are the ones we use in my shop. But, truth be told, they were all that Bigtop supported when I wrote this. It already supports CGI and Gantry's hand written data modeler. Eventually, I hope to make the scheme work with other choices like DBIx::NameAModule, Catalyst, Mason, etc. Whether that happens or not depends on my spare time or (more likely) on people interested in using Bigtop with those modules.

The Example

Just to have an example, suppose you've taken up free-lancing (consulting, writing, etc.). You've chosen to represent yourself under a business name or two. The customers are lining up for your services, so its time to tame your billing process.

In what follows, I will present a bigtop file a few lines at a time with comments interspersed. The full file is examples/billing.bigtop in the Bigtop distribution. Please consult it when you need to see how all the pieces look together.

Warning: I made some of design decisions for this app just to showcase Bigtop and how it interacts with Gantry. But, a colleague actually uses a very similar app for his side consulting business. Reality is just around the corner.

The Data Model

There are five tables in my version of the billing app:


people paying me


the names I use when doing business


bills I email to the customers


the tasks that are listed on the invoices


a code for whether the invoice is under construction, mailed, or payed

There is a nice picture of the data model in billing_model.png in the distribution's examples directory.

We've actually done the hardest part by constructing the data model. The rest is really just typing it in.

Initial Creation

When starting an app from scratch one might use a tool like h2xs to build diretory structures and standard files (like Changes). This is a good idea with bigtop too. Simply type:

bigtop --new Apps::Billing

This will make the Apps-Billing subdirectory of the current directory. In it you will find Build.PL, Changes, MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP, README and directories docs, lib, and t. Only the docs directory will have anything in it. It will contain apps-billing.bigtop.

You can edit that file to match the discussion that follows. When you run bigtop, you should be in the directory where the Changes file lives. (If you aren't it will not build for you without strong insistence.)

The generated Bigtop file has the structure of all Bigtop files.

config {
    Init Std { no_gen 1; }
app Apps::Billing {

Note that there are two top level blocks: config and app. Let's consider these in separate sections.


At the top of each bigtop file is a config section. In it, we list a few properties of the app and what pieces bigtop should generate for us.

The stub made with the --new option to bigtop has one block in it:

config {
    Init Std { no_gen 1; }

This specifies that the Bigtop::Init::Std module should be loaded whenever bigtop runs. But, the no_gen statement tells it not to do anything. Since Init builds Changes, README, etc. from useless stubs, you don't want it to make them again. Every backend can be turned off in this way.

Init Std is still listed for two reasons. First, it shows people which module did the Init building. Second, it allows Bigtop::Init::Std to register any keywords it understands. This keeps you from having parse errors for statements that Init Std would have understood, but the other modules don't use. All of this is more important for the other backends.

In addition to Init, we want a file of sql statements ready for Postgres, an httpd.conf suitable for use with Gantry in mod_perl mode, a set of gantry controllers, a set of gantry style Class::DBI::Sweet subclasses, and a Template Toolkit wrapper for site navigation. Let's add these:

config {
    Init            Std           { no_gen 1; }
    SQL             Postgres      {}
    HttpdConf       Gantry        {}
    Control         Gantry        {}
    Model           GantryCDBI    {}
    SiteLook        GantryDefault {
        gantry_wrapper `/home/pcrow/srcgantry/root/`;

The name of the backend has a type and an implementation name. These can be anything, so long as there is a Bigtop::Type::ImplName in the @INC path. So, we have asked for Bigtop::Init::Std, Bigtop::SQL::Postgres, etc.

The last backend, Bigtop::SiteLook::GantryDefault, needs a statement in its block to specify the location of the that came with Gantry. Some of the other backends have statements they understand. If so, their documentation will have details.

Running bigtop at this point would make some additional files, but they wouldn't really do anything. Let's wait.

We should also include statements in the config block. Statements in Bigtop are a keyword and its value, separated by some whitespace. The value for any config keyword is either a valid Perl identifier or a literal string surrounded by backquotes (the ones usually found on the tilde key). Using backquotes for Bigtop leaves the other quotes available for literal use in raw Perl values.

config {
    engine          MP13;
    template_engine TT;
    #... as before

In our config block there are two statements.


Our engine is mod_perl 1.3.x. I picked this because we had not yet upgraded our productions servers at work when I wrote this.

Other reasonable choices include CGI and MP20 for mod_perl 2.0.


Our template engine is the Template Toolkit. The only other choice at present is Default which sends back content of type text/plain.

Order is (somewhat) important

Note that generation usually happens in the order listed. So, if you type:

bigtop apps-billing.bigtop all

The generation order will be Init, SQL, ...

This seldom matters much, except that Init has to come first during creation, since it builds the directories.

This principle is true for the other sections of the bigtop file. So, if order is important in the output, use that order in the bigtop file.

p.s. If you typed bigtop apps-billing.bigtop all, you need to remove the lib/Apps subdiretory for the rest of the tutorial to go well. Bigtop does not overwrite files it thinks you will modify.

app section

The app section has this form:

app Apps::Billing {

Everything shown below goes inside the app block. The name is the package name of the base controller and is also a prefix for all other modules. To keep your sanity, this should be the same name you used with the --new flag to bigtop.

Our app section begins with simple statements and a config block (note that the order probably doesn't matter).

location `/billing`;
authors `Phil Crow`;

The location is the base Apache Location for the application (or its moral equivalent for cgi/fast cgi).

Authors is a comma separated list of people who should be blamed for the app in its docs. Note that Module::Build will not build an app with no authors, so include at least one.

By default the first person in the authors list is the copyright holder listed in the README and in all the module POD sections which have a notice. If it should be someone else, include a copyright_holder statement with the proper name. Use backquotes around it, if it contains spaces or anything else that couldn't be in a Perl variable name.

config {
    dbconn           `dbi:Pg:dbname=billing`   => no_accessor;
    dbuser           apache;
    template_wrapper ``              => no_accessor;

                                               => no_accessor;
    css_root  `/home/pcrow/srcgantry/root/css` => no_accessor;
    css_rootp `/css`                           => no_accessor;
    app_rootp `/billing`                       => no_accessor;

You can include any PerlSetVars you like here. They will be copied into the root location for the app in the Apache conf (or into the config hash of the cgi dispatch script). Normally, an accessor will be generated for each one in the base controller module. But, if you mark them no_accessor, as I have above, that accessor will not be generated. Presumbably your framework will provide accessors for them in that case, as gantry does for the ones shown.

My config variables are of two types: database and app navigation.

Within Gantry, database connection is handled with dbconn, dbuser, and dbpass. dbconn is a full DBI connection string. (I omitted dbpass on purpose.) Note that if dbuser or dbpass include any characters Perl wouldn't like in a variable name, you must backquote the string, as in:

dbpass `s!m0n`;

The other set vars are file system paths or http locations. Generally, we use a suffix of p to indicate a location path and omit p for disk paths. Of course, both of them are paths, but our location paths get the p. Again, these paths are meaningful to gantry.

Encoding the data model

After the environmental setup is described, there are two remaining pieces: the data model and the controllers which manage it.

We'll start with the data model.

There are two basic blocks that describe that model: sequence and table. sequence defines a sequence and must come before the table that uses it (since the generated SQL is in the same order as the blocks in the bigtop file).

Currently, sequence blocks must be empty. Some day you may be able to control max and min values, etc. with statements in the blocks.

sequence mycomp_seq        {}

Table blocks take this form:

table name { ... }

Inside the braces, you can include either statements or field blocks.

table mycompanies {
    sequence        mycomp_seq;
    foreign_display `%name`;

There are three legal statements. We see two of them in the my_companies table (we'll see the third in the status table below). They are sequence and foreign_display.

sequence associates a table with a sequence. (We could just make the type of the id serial, but using a sequence increases flexibility. For example, you could share a sequence between tables.)

foreign_display controls how data from rows in the table will be abbreviated when they are shown by controllers of other tables. The syntax is simple. Inside backquotes, put a string of whatever literals you like, combined with %column_names of your choice. For example, if a table should show full name based on last_name and first_name columns, you could say:

foreign_display `%last_name, %first_name`;

Which would generate names like

Wonka, Willy

None of the foreign_display values in this app are that intersting.

Like other blocks, field blocks have this form:

field name { ... }

Inside, it is a list of statements. Some of those shown below are specific to Gantry, in particular, many depend on its default templates.

field id { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }

All fields must have an is statement. This fully specifies their SQL properties. Mostly, you want to list a valid SQL type (where valid means your database understands it). You can provide a single keyword, a list of keywords, a backquoted string, or a comma separated combination of those. Back quoted strings are taken literally.

You should use the bare primary_key as one attribute of the id column. This not only generates 'PRIMARY KEY' in the SQL output, but marks the column as primary for the Class::DBI model, etc.

There is a special keyword you may use to fill in the sequence default: assign_by_sequence, which you may abbreviate as auto. So the above is equivalent to:

field id { is int4, primary_key, `DEFAULT NEXTVAL( 'mycomp_seq' )`; }

Both of them generate this SQL:

id int4 PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT NEXTVAL( 'mycomp_seq' ),

and they both mark id as the primary key for data modelers like Class::DBI.

Note that primary_key, assign_by_key, and auto must be bare (not inside quotes). Remember: backquoted strings are taken literally.

Since ids rarely appear on screen, they usually only have an is statement. Other fields are shown to the user and thus have other statements.

    field name {
        is             varchar;
        label          Name;
        html_form_type text;
    field address {
        is             varchar;
        label          Address;
        html_form_type text;
    field city {
        is             varchar;
        label          City;
        html_form_type text;
    field state {
        is             varchar;
        label          State;
        html_form_type text;
    field zip {
        is             varchar;
        label          Zip;
        html_form_type text;
    field descr {
        is                 varchar;
        label              Description;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field contact_name  {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Name`;
        html_form_type     text;
    field contact_email {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Email`;
        html_form_type     text;
    field contact_phone {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Phone`;
        html_form_type     text;

While there are many other statements you could use, the three shown here are the most common.


what the user sees on the screen as the column label in html tables where the field appears and next to the entry elements where values for it are entered.


the input type for this field when it appears in an html_form. Current Gantry templates only understand select, text, and textarea.


the field is not required even when it appears on a user input/update form. This is not the same as non_essential 1; which indicates that the data modeler should not retrieve the value until you call an accessor for the field.

The other tables are similar.

sequence customers_seq     {}
table    customers         {
    sequence invoices_seq;
    foreign_display `%name`;

    field id { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }
    field name {
        is             varchar;
        label          Name;
        html_form_type text;
    field address {
        is             varchar;
        label          Address;
        html_form_type text;
    field city {
        is             varchar;
        label          City;
        html_form_type text;
    field state {
        is             varchar;
        label          State;
        html_form_type text;
    field zip {
        is             varchar;
        label          Zip;
        html_form_type text;
    field descr {
        is                 varchar;
        label              Description;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field contact_name  {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Name`;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field contact_email {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Email`;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field contact_phone {
        is                 varchar;
        label              `Contact Phone`;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;

Easy date handling is a key feature of Bigtop and Gantry. The line item table has a due date for the task it describes:

sequence line_items_seq    {}
table    line_items        {
    sequence line_items_seq;
    foreign_display `%name`;

    field id { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }
    field due_date {
        is               date;
        label            `Due Date`;
        date_select_text Select;
        html_form_type   text;

The date_select_text will appear as an html href link next to the entry field for the date. If the user clicks the link, a popup will display an intuitive calendar. If the user clicks a date on the popup calendar, the text input box will be populated with that date.

Of course, this behavior is driven by the controller. For example, see the LineItem controller below.

field name {
    is               varchar;
    label            Name;
    html_form_type   text;
field company_id {
    is                 int;
    label              `My Company`;
    refers_to          my_companies;
    html_form_type     select;

If a column is a foreign key, use the refers_to statement to say which table it points to. Note that it must point to the primary key of the other table and we generally assume that the key will be the unique id column. Bigtop::SQL::Postgres does not currently (nor is it ever likely to) generate genuine SQL foreign keys. If you want foreign keys, and your database supports them, consider implementing your own SQL backend to generate the SQL code for them.

The Gantry html_form_type for foreign key columns is select which allows the user to pick one item from a pull down list.

field customer_id {
    is                 int;
    label              Customer;
    refers_to          customers;
    html_form_type     select;
field invoice_id {
    is                 int;
    label              `Invoice Number`;
    refers_to          invoices;
    html_form_type     select;
field hours {
    is                 int;
    label              Hours;
    html_form_type     text;
field charge_per_hour {
    is                 int;
    label              Rate;
    html_form_type     text;
field notes {
    is                 text;
    label              `Notes to Customer`;
    html_form_type     textarea;
    html_form_optional 1;
    html_form_rows     4;
    html_form_cols     50;

You can affect the eventual appearance of the field on html forms with various statements. Here are two that affect textareas: html_form_rows and html_form_cols; take a wild guess at what they do. There is one gotcha for text input boxes. Since Template Toolkit uses a lot of magic while dereferencing, to set the size of a text input box use html_form_display_size.

    field descr {
        is                 text;
        label              `Notes to Self`;
        html_form_type     textarea;
        html_form_optional 1;
        html_form_rows     4;
        html_form_cols     50;
sequence invoices_seq      {}
table    invoices          {
    sequence invoices_seq;
    foreign_display `%number`;

    field id { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }
    field number {
        is                 int;
        label              Number;
        html_form_type     text;
    field status_id {
        is                 int;
        label              Status;
        refers_to          status;
        html_form_type     select;
    field sent {
        is                 date;
        label              `Sent On`;
        date_select_text   `Popup Calendar`;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field paid {
        is                 date;
        label              `Paid On`;
        date_select_text   `Popup Calendar`;
        html_form_type     text;
        html_form_optional 1;
    field company_id {
        is                 int;
        label              `My Company`;
        refers_to          my_companies;
        html_form_type     select;
    field customer_id {
        is                 int;
        label              Customer;
        refers_to          customers;
        html_form_type     select;
    field notes {
        is                 text;
        label              `Notes to Customer`;
        html_form_type     textarea;
        html_form_optional 1;
        html_form_rows     4;
        html_form_cols     50;
    field descr {
        is                 text;
        label              `Notes to Self`;
        html_form_type     textarea;
        html_form_optional 1;
        html_form_rows     4;
        html_form_cols     50;
sequence status_seq        {}
table    status            {
    sequence status_seq;
    foreign_display `%name: %descr`;

    field id { is int4, primary_key, assign_by_sequence; }
    field name {
        is             varchar;
        label          Name;
        html_form_type text;
    field descr {
        is             varchar;
        label          Description;
        html_form_type text;

    data name => `Working`, descr => `Work is in Progress, not billed`;
    data name => `Sent`,    descr => `Mailed to Customer`;
    data name => `Paid`,    descr => `Payment Received`;

Here we see the final legal simple statement in a table block: data. Use it as many times as you need to make rows in the table. In this case, we want statuses which the user could edit. But, we want some good initial values.

Each data statement will translate directly to an INSERT INTO statement for the table. This allows you to populate static tables whenever you build a new version of the database from the generated SQL. So, you shouldn't directly set the id, if your table has a sequence. Other than that, you can pick any columns you want. Only the ones you list will be included in the insertion.

The Controllers

Now that we have seen the data model and how to tell bigtop about it, we are ready for the controllers.

As with tables, controllers are defined with a block:

controller Name { ... }

There is usually a controller for each table and that is the case in this sample. The order is not usually important. If you have a url heirarchy under mod_perl, it will matter, since the httpd.conf must list higher elements first.

controller Status {
    controls_table   status;
    rel_location     status;
    uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD;
    text_description status;
    page_link_label  Status;

Here are some of the simple statements you can use in a controller block:


This makes the fundamental association between the controller module and the table it manages. The value must be a table defined somewhere in the bigtop file.


This will be the Apache Location (relative to the app level location) for this controller. (You could also specify the location absolutely by replacing rel_location with location.)


This is a comma separated list of modules which should be used by the generated module. Basically, this amounts to adding the following to the module's .pm file:

use Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD;

[ except that there are two generated modules and both will list all of the default exports explicitly. ]


This is the phrase which will appear in questions like, 'Should I really delete this status?'

This is the text of any href link which points to this page in site navigation.

Some of these could be assumed, but they are not. One of our principles is explicit is better than implicit.

The real joy of using bigtop is the ease of generating running code that you might never have to manually edit. This is the result of each method block in the controller block. They take this form:

controller Name {
    method name is type { ... }

The name can be anything, but for gantry handlers, it must start with do_. The type is governed by the backend. Bigtop::Control::Gantry recognizes four types: main_listing, AutoCRUD_form, CRUD_form, and stub.

controller Status {
    method do_main is main_listing {
        title            `Status`;
        cols             name;
        header_options   Add;
        row_options      Edit, Delete;

A main listing is an html table listing all the rows in the underlying table sorted by the columns that appear in the foreign_display. This is not suitable for complex controllers. But, for all the tables in this app, it is good enough (at least until there are too many rows in the table).

The simple statements in a main_listing method block are:


what appears in the browser window title bar.


which columns to show in the output.


links which appear at the far right of the title bar. Here we allow the user to add new statuses.


links which appear at the far right of each row in the table. Here we allow users to edit the row and to delete it.

    method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
        form_name        status;
        fields           name, descr;
            legend => `$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit'
                                                   : 'Add'`;

One of my favorite features of gantry (probably because I wrote it) is its automated Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete. All you have to do to get it is use Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD and implement a method called _form, which returns a specially crafted hash describing the the appearance of the input form along with populating its fields as appropriate. Bigtop::Control::Gantry can generate the proper _form method as show here.

There are three statements in an AutoCRUD_form method block:


the name of the html form element. This doesn't usually matter. It does matter when you use the date popups (see later tables that have dates). Note that XHTML does not allow form elements to have names, but until we fix our date scheme, we'll have to be in violation.


a comma separated list of fields that should be included on the form.


any extra keys that should be included in the hash _form returns and their values. The values will not be modified in any way, simply include valid Perl code in backquotes. Gantry's surrounds the entry elements with a fieldset. The legend shown here is the legend of that fieldset.

controller Company {
    controls_table   my_companies;
    rel_location     company;
    uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD;
    text_description company;
    page_link_label  Companies;
    method do_main is main_listing {
        title            `My Companies`;
        cols             name, contact_phone;
        header_options   Add;
        row_options      Edit, Delete;
    method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
        form_name        company;
        all_fields_but   id;
            legend     => `$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`;

While we can list the fields we want in an AutoCRUD_form, we can also use all_fields_but and list the fields we don't want.

controller Customer {
    controls_table   customers;
    rel_location     customer;
    uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD;
    text_description customer;
    page_link_label  Customers;
    method do_main is main_listing {
        title            `Customers`;
        cols             name, contact_name, contact_phone;
        header_options   Add;
        row_options      Edit, Delete;
    method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
        form_name        customer;
        all_fields_but   id;
            legend     => `$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`;
controller LineItem {
    controls_table   line_items;
    rel_location     lineitem;
    uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD, Gantry::Plugins::Calendar;
    text_description `line item`;
    page_link_label  `Line Items`;
    method do_main is main_listing {
        title            `Line Items`;
        cols             name, due_date, customer_id;
        header_options   Add;
        row_options      Edit, Delete;
    method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
        form_name        line_item;
        all_fields_but   id;
            legend     => `$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`,
            javascript => `$self->calendar_month_js( 'line_item' )`;

When we discussed the line_items table, I explained breifly how the user may chose dates. There are really three steps in the process:

  1. Add a date_select_text statement to the field's block in the table. The text can be anything (but remember to use backquotes if you want spaces, or other funny characters, in it). The user will see it as the html href link text.

  2. Add Gantry::Plugins::Calendar to the uses list for the controller.

  3. Include javascript in extra_keys in the AutoCRUD_form method block. Use the value as shown here, but change line_item to match your form_name.

controller Invoice {
    controls_table   invoices;
    rel_location     invoice;
    uses             Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD, Gantry::Plugins::Calendar;
    text_description invoice;
    page_link_label  Invoices;
    method do_tasks is stub {
        extra_args   `$id`;
    method do_pdf   is stub {
        extra_args   `$id`;
    method do_main is main_listing {
        title            `Invoices`;
        cols             number, status_id;
        header_options   Add;
        row_options      Tasks, PDF, Edit, Delete;

Row options can be anything. Usually they are Edit and Delete. Here we add Tasks and PDF. While Add, Edit, and Delete are supported by Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD, any others you name will require code you hand write.

Here we want to be able to view the tasks associated with an invoice and to generate a PDF of the invoice which we can email to the client.

Bigtop can help you by generating stubs for these methods. Simply include method blocks of type stub. For gantry dispatching, the name of the method must be do_ followed by the lowercase name of the row option. In order for the methods to operate properly, they must know the id of the row they will work on. Include this in an extra_args statement.

       method _form is AutoCRUD_form {
           form_name        invoice;
           all_fields_but   id;
               legend     => `$self->path_info =~ /edit/i ? 'Edit' : 'Add'`,
               javascript => `$self->calendar_month_js( 'invoice' )`;

This concludes our walk through the bigtop description of the billing application. Now it's time to build it.

Generation and Installation

Once you have a bigtop description of your application, you are ready to build it.

If you began following along by using

bigtop --new Apps::Billing

You can just move into the Apps-Billing directory and type

bigtop docs/app-billing.bigtop all

Otherwise, if you typed in the file (or are using billing.bigtop from the examples directory of the bigtop distribution) do this instead:

bigtop --create billing.bigtop all

After a few seconds (ok, so bigtop is not speedy), all the files needed for your app will be built in the app_dir. In my case that is /home/pcrow/Apps-Billing. Running ls on that directory shows:

Build.PL  Changes  docs  html  lib  MANIFEST  MANIFEST.SKIP  README  t

Of course, the README is meaningless and must be changed. As should the pod sections of the generated code in lib. Further, the tests are only for whether the modules compile (think use_ok).

But here is what you do get. In docs there is a file schema.postgres, which defines your database. To build the clean database do this (remember: we are using postgres and you will have to supply passwords and change user names as needed):

createdb billing -U postgres
psql billing -U apache < docs/schema.postgres

This builds the database, including populating the status table.

Also in docs is httpd.conf. Depending on your setup, you may be able to simply add

    use Apache::DBI;

    use lib '/home/pcrow/Apps-Billing/lib';
Include /home/pcrow/Apps-Billing/docs/httpd.conf

to your system httpd.conf. For our development systems we create virtual hosts for each app so our modification to the system conf looks more like this:

    DocumentRoot  /path/to/gantry/template/root
    CustomLog     /home/pcrow/logs/combined.log combined
    ErrorLog      /home/pcrow/logs/billing.err

         use Apache::DBI;  # must be at the top of the first
                           # perl block in httpd.conf

         use lib '/home/pcrow/Apps-Billing/lib';

    Include       /home/pcrow/Apps-Billing/docs/httpd.conf

Make sure that gantry is installed on your system and that its root directory (which is the root of its templates) is the DocumentRoot of your virtual host (or copy the files from its root dir to the docoument root, if you copy be sure to include the css directory). Gantry's ./Build install will take of this for you in most cases.

Then, restart Apache and point your browser to:

The app is useable at this point, but it doesn't generate pdf.

What Was Generated

The above section listed the files in the app directory and showed how to use the docs directory files to install the app. Here, we'll see all the other pieces that were made by bigtop.

Templates and Styling

In the html subdirectory, lives This is the skin of your application. The default includes a pleasant style sheet and navigation links for all your controllers. If everything is installed correctly, and your config root variable includes the html directory in its path, your app will be styled. If not, you will have to adjust PerlSetVars and file locations until Apache can find these things:

include a path to its directory in your root config variable

gantry's templates

include a path to their directory in your root config variable

css directory

include a path to this in your css_root config variable

css location

the config variable should be /css

Finally css/default.css must live in the document root for the server.


In the lib subdirectory is Apps/Billing where the code for the app was built. There you will find: and

controllers for their tables. These are only stubs. They have no code except uses and two generic methods: get_model_name and text_descr. The later should probably have been called get_text_descr.

controller for invoice table. Stubs only, like the other controllers, but including stubs for do_tasks and do_pdf. You have to fill those in to finish the app.


a subdirectory which includes a mate for each of the above controllers. Each mate has the code for do_main and _form. This allows you to work on the actual controller and still regenerate the mate should the data model change. GEN includes,,,, and


a subdirectory with a module for each table:






Note that the names of these modules exactly match their table names. Each one exports a scalar containing its fully qualified package name as the table name in all caps. For example exports:

$CUSTOMERS = 'Apps::Billing::Model::customers';

Controllers import this and use it to save reading and typing.

Each one of these modules inherits from Gantry::Utils::CDBI, which is a Class::DBI::Sweet subclass. It correctly handles database connections in a mod_perl environment for them (provided you use Apache::DBI at the TOP of your first <Perl> block, as shown in the confs above).

This concludes the tutorial. Feel free to add the pdf and task management pieces to the app.

Further Reading

If you long to learn more, try these:


a brief litany of features plus some history of the project


a short description of most of Bigtop syntax


an even shorter description of Bigtop syntax in an html table format


a fairly complete picture of bigtop syntax


examples of what to type and what you get as a result


Phil Crow, <>

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2005-6, Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.