
Bigtop::Docs::Keywords - a bigtop keyword quick reference in monospace font

The Keywords in Bigtop

For those who like compact quick references with too much information crammed on them (designed to print on a couple of pages, if you cut everthing above):

config {}
   base_dir        - in create mode, the directory under which all things live
   app_dir         - in create mode, the subdirectory of base_dir where
                     Build.PL and company reside
   engine          - mod_perl or cgi choose from MP13, MP20, or CGI
   template_engine - the templating system to use choose from TT or TT.

   Init      Std           {}
       Makes: Build.PL, Changes, README, lib/, t/, docs/file.bigtop
   Conf      General
       Makes: docs/AppName.conf a Config::General formatted conf file
              for use with Gantry::Conf
   Control   Gantry        {}
       Makes: modules in lib (including GEN modules, but not models)
       full_use - defaults to true, make it false to to get just use Gantry;
   CGI       Gantry        {}
       Makes: ./app.cgi and possibly ./app.server
       instance    - set this to your Gantry::Conf instance name
                     the CGI script's config will have only GantryConfInstance
                     in its config hash (see Conf General)
       with_server - makes app.server a stand alone server for the app
       server_port - if with_server is set, this controls its binding port
   HttpdConf Gantry        {}
       Makes: docs/httpd.conf
       full_use - defaults to false, make it true to get a full use Gantry...
                  with TemplateEngine, Engine, and Conf.
       skip_config   - make this true to omit PerlSetVar statments
   Model     GantryCDBI    {}
       Makes: lib/Model modules (including GEN modules)
   SQL       Postgres      {}
       Makes: docs/schema.postgres
   SiteLook  GantryDefault {}
       Makes: html/wrapper.html
       gantry_wrapper - file name of gantry's

   [Note: All config backend blocks can have a no_gen statement, which if true
   will cause the parser to skip the whole backend.]

app name {}
   authors          - comma separated list of authors
   email            - one author's address
   copyright_holder - defaults to first author
   license_text     - defaults to text from h2xs for Perl 5.8.0
   location         - root Apache Location for the app
   uses             - comma separated list of modules the base modules uses

   config {}
       any_keyword its_value;    - creates:
           (1) a PerlSetVar at the base location in httpd.conf,
               or its moral equivalent
           (2) a statement to retrieve the set var in the base init method,
           (3) an accessor in the base module
       key value => no_accessor; - same as above, but makes no accessor

   literal Location `...`; - a literal string to include in the base
                             Location directive for the app

   literal SQL `...`;      - a literal string to include in schema.*

   literal PerlTop `...`;  - a literal string to include immediately
                             after the shebang line in the <Perl> block
                             of httpd.conf (for backends of type HttpdConf)
                             or in the CGI dispatching script (for backends
                             type CGI)

   literal PerlBlock `...`;- a literal string to include in the <Perl> block
                             of httpd.conf (appears in the order it appears
                             in the bigtop file relative to controllers)

   literal HttpdConf `...`;- a literal string to include between location
                             directives in httpd.conf.

   sequence name {}
       (none of these work yet:)

   table name {}
       field name {}
           is        - valid sql modifiers like int4, primary key, etc.
           label     - what the user will see when this field appears on
                       screen or in reports
           refers_to - table to which this field points as a foreign key
               _type         - text, textarea, select
               _optional     - unvalidated during form submission, if true
               _rows         - how long a textarea appears
               _cols         - how wide a textarea appears
               _display_size - how wide a text field appears
               _options      - comma separated list of option hashes for
                               select lists (don't use this if field is
                               a foreign key)
               _constraint   - backquoted perl code which returns a regex
                               which must match this field's value
           non_essential - excludes field from greedy retrieval, if true

       data      - a comma separated list of key value pairs which become
                   a literal INSERT INTO for this table

       sequence  - what sequence the table will use (must refer to a
                   sequence defined by an earlier sequence block)

       not_for   - tells a back end to skip this table valid choices:
                   SQL or Model or both (separate with commas)

       model_base_class - allows you to change the base class for this
                          table's model, for instance if you need to
                          use Gantry::Utils::AuthCDBI instead of plain CDBI.

       foreign_display  - how other table see rows from this one.  Example:
                          foreign_display `%last, $first`;

   controller name is type {}
       [ is type is optional an defaults to is stub,
         see below for valid types ]
       controls_table  - name of one table which this controller works on
       location        - absolute Apache Location
       rel_location    - location relative to the site's base location
       text_description- used only by AutoCRUD to fill in Delete this ___?
       uses            - places use statement(s) at the top of the stub
                         and gen modules
       page_link_label - Indicates that this controller should be in the
                         site's nav menu.  The value is the text to use
                         for the nav link.
       config {}
           name value - works like app level config, but at the controller's
       literal Location `...` - copied directly into Apache Location
                                for this controller

       There are two types with meaning (saying 'is stub' does nothing):
           AutoCRUD - adds Gantry::Plugins::AutoCRUD to your uses list (even
                      if you don't have one)
           CRUD     - adds Gantry::Plugins::CRUD to your uses list (even if
                      you don't have one) and generates various helper code
                      for using CRUD.

       method name is type {}
       All types use:
           extra_args - a comma separated list of literal perl variables
                        (complete with sigils) to add at the end of this
                        methods arg list.  Example: extra_args `$id`, `@junk`;
           stub         - empty except for arg capture
           main_listing - call this do_main
               cols       - list of columns for the main listing table
               col_labels - list of columns labels (optional). By
                            default the label is taken from the field in
                            its table or from its name there if no label was
                            given (the later results in a warning).
                            Items in this list can be label => href pairs.
                            Then, the href must be valid Perl
                            code which will be executed to obtain the href
                            of the link.
               header_options - These appear in the order given as links
                                at the right side of the label bar over the
                                table.  Use either strings or text => link
               html_template  - a template to use for output display
               row_options    - Like header_options, but appear at the end
                                of each row.  If you specify text => link
                                pairs, remember to include $id.
               title          - browser window title for page made by do_main
           AutoCRUD_form - call this _form, for use with Gantry AutoCRUD
               fields         - which fields to include on the form
               all_fields_but - which fields to exclude, all others appear in
                                the order they appear in their table's
               form_name      - (not xhtml compliant) the name of the form
                                element (needed for calendar popups)
               extra_keys     - Things to include in generated method's
                                returned hash.  These are taken literally.
           CRUD_form - Just like AutoCRUD_form, but result works with
                       Gantry::Plugins::CRUD instead.


Phil Crow, <>

Copyright and License

Copyright (C) 2005-6, Phil Crow

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.