Declare::Constraints::Simple - Declarative Validation of Data Structures
use Declare::Constraints::Simple-All;
my $profile = IsHashRef(
-keys => HasLength,
-values => IsArrayRef( IsObject ));
my $result1 = $profile->(undef);
print $result1->message, "\n"; # 'Not a HashRef'
my $result2 = $profile->({foo => [23]});
print $result2->message, "\n"; # 'Not an Object'
print $result2->path, "\n";
# 'IsHashRef[val foo].IsArrayRef[0].IsObject'
The main purpose of this module is to provide an easy way to build a profile to validate a data structure. It does this by giving you a set of declarative keywords in the importing namespace.
This is just a brief intro. For details read the documents mentioned in "SEE ALSO".
Constraint Import
use Declare::Constraints::Simple-All;
The above command imports all constraint generators in the library into the current namespace. If you want only a selection, use only
use Declare::Constraints::Simple
Only => qw(IsInt Matches And);
You can find all constraints (and constraint-like generators, like operators. In fact, And
above is an operator. They're both implemented equally, so the distinction is a merely philosophical one) documented in the Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library pod. In that document you will also find the exact parameters for their usage, so this here is just a brief Intro and not a coverage of all possibilities.
Building a Profile
You can use these constraints by building a tree that describes what data structure you expect. Every constraint can be used as sub-constraint, as parent, if it accepts other constraints, or stand-alone. If you'd just say
my $check = IsInt;
print "yes!\n" if $check->(23);
it will work too. This also allows predefining tree segments, and nesting them:
my $id_to_objects = IsArrayRef(IsObject);
Here $id_to_objects
would give it's OK on an array reference containing a list of objects. But what if we now decide that we actually want a hashref containing two lists of objects? Behold:
my $object_lists =
IsHashRef( HasAllKeys( qw(good bad) ),
OnHashKeys( good => $id_to_objects,
bad => $id_to_objects ));
As you can see, constraints like IsArrayRef
and IsHashRef
allow you to apply constraints to their keys and values. With this, you can step down in the data structure.
Applying a Profile to a Data Structure
Constraints return just code references that can be applied to one value (and only one value) like this:
my $result = $object_lists->($value);
After this call $result
contains a Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result object. The first think one wants to know is if the validation succeeded:
if ($result->is_valid) { ... }
This is pretty straight forward. To shorten things the result object also overloads it's bool
ean context. This means you can alternatively just say
if ($result) { ... }
However, if the result indicates a invalid data structure, we have a few options to find out what went wrong. There's a human parsable message in the message
accessor. You can override these by forcing it to a message in a subtree with the Message
declaration. The stack
contains the name of the chain of constraints up to the point of failure.
You can use the path
accessor for a joined string path representing the stack.
Creating your own Libraries
You can declare a package as a library with
use Declare::Constraints::Simple-Library;
which will install the base class and helper methods to define constraints. For a complete list read the documentation in Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library::Base. You can use other libraries as base classes to include their constraints in your export possibilities. This means that with a package setup like
package MyLibrary;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Declare::Constraints::Simple-Library;
use base 'Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library';
constraint 'MyConstraint',
sub { return _result(($_[0] >= 12), 'Value too small') };
you can do
use MyLibrary-All;
and have all constraints, from the default library and yours from above, installed into your requesting namespace. You can override a constraint just by redeclaring it in a subclass.
Sometimes you want to validate parts of a data structure depending on another part of it. As of version 2.0 you can declare scopes and store results in them. Here is a complete example:
my $constraint =
HasAllKeys( qw(cmd data) ),
cmd => Or( SetResult('foo', 'cmd_a',
SetResult('foo', 'cmd_b',
IsEq('FOO_B')) ),
data => Or( And( IsValid('foo', 'cmd_a'),
IsArrayRef( IsInt )),
And( IsValid('foo', 'cmd_b'),
IsRegex )) )));
This profile would accept a hash references with the keys cmd
and data
. If cmd
is set to FOO_A
, then data
has to be an array ref of integers. But if cmd
is set to FOO_B
, a regular expression is expected.
Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library, Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result, Declare::Constraints::Simple::Base, Module::Install
Carp::Clan, aliased, Class::Inspector, Scalar::Util, overload and Test::More (for build).
More tests of course!
constraint. LikeOnHashKeys
but for array references.Examples.
A list of questions that might come up, together with their answers.
constraint that takes a code reference.Create stack objects that stringify to the current form, but can hold more data.
Give the
constraint the ability to get the generated constraint inserted in the message. A possibility would be to replace __Value__ and __Message__. It might also accept code references, which return strings.Allow the
constraint to accept further constraints. One might like to check, for example, the refaddr of a closure.A
constraint that takes a regex and can apply other constraints to the matches.???
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
For details read Module::Install.
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek <>
This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.