Revision history for Perl extension Apache::Peek.

- Fixed uninitialized errors in CPAN installs. [Philip M. Gollucci <>]

- Fixed perl 5.8.8+ builds on unix. [Philip M. Gollucci <>]

1.05 - Tues Aug 9 03:13:57 EST 2005

- Add to Manifest so that make dist will actually distrubute it. [Philip M. Gollucci <>]

1.04 - Tues Jul 26 02:50:00 EST 2005

- Distrubute placeholder to appease the PAUSE indexer per Andreas J. Koenig <> [Philip M. Gollucci <>]

1.03 - Mon July 9 20:00:00 EST 2005

- Adapt to the new mp2 API RC5+ - Take Maintainership [Philip M. Gollucci <>]

1.02 - Mon Jan 3 13:33:22 EST 2005

- adjust XS to use the latest mod_perl 2.0 API (require 1.99_15 for mp2 builds)

- require Apache::Test 1.10 -ipv6 fixes

1.01 - May 1, 2003

- initial port to 5.8 and mod_perl 2.0 (adding ppport.h, ithreads support and using perlio layers where possible to talk to mp2)

now supporting:
5.005_0x                 all
5.6.x                    only Dump()
5.8.x (w/  -Duseperlio)  all
5.8.x (w/o -Duseperlio)  none

- added a test suite based on Apache::Test

- taking over the maintenance of Apache::Peek

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 6:

Unknown directive: =head